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Messages - alrelax

General Discussion / Re: Function of a Roulette Forum
November 07, 2018, 04:16:26 PM
It is not just gambling/casino, IMO.  It is many things in life, many, countless.

I have posted pictures and a few stories about my business I am currently in, the hazardous material clean up emergency response business that is.  You know, i read your post(s), I think back and I compare, and compare, and compare, and compare. 

I deal with state police officers, county sheriff's, sometimes city police officers, private business owners of properties where a truck spilled something at, etc., etc.  The higher the person's apparent intelligence, education, standing, etc., and all that--generally the more of a challenge I have when I first roll up on the scene. 

Now, the state, the department of transportation, the fire departments, etc., do not clean up hazardous, toxic or spilled property from trucks and trains, they might mitigate a bit or more often than not, just stand by and offer defense and protection in case of fire and/or disaster.  Okay with that said, like I said, more often than not, the higher the education and intelligence level of a person at the site, the tougher my job becomes. 

I simply love it when it goes the way it is supposed to go, "Okay Glen is here, you need anything Glen?, if not you got the scene and I am out of here, thanks bye".  It always comes to that anyway, seriously, but it is the drama and the chest pumps and the crotch grabbing that is so damn ugly and so common, more and more so these days than ever before. 

Can you relate all that to the casino and to the new versus the experienced players?  As well, to the forum members????  I certainly can!

General Discussion / Re: Function of a Roulette Forum
November 07, 2018, 02:17:48 PM
BlueANgel, you are 99% to 101% correct in everything you said.

How about, if you want to be here and participate, engage and expand and put some effort, time and thought into it all with real honest and goodness intentions, do it and make it a better/best message board forum around?

You know I did allow Mark/Gizmo to at least present his school/teaching/tutoring, etc., I did not endorse it or disallow it.  I allowed it because he was a known member here for some time and I respected him as that, not as a teacher or profit maker. 

I respect you, Jimske, Vic, esoito, Asymbac, Ted009, Lungyeh, Kimo, 8or9, many many others and there is a handful that I despise--as you and many know.  The handful I despise are those that engage in repetitive one-liners, drama only, berating and humiliating known or unknown members and attempting to control and take charge of the website and its aura and personalty turning it into their own playground.  Etc., etc. 

I have lots of special and unique things and along with Vic's help and cooperation, they might come to fruition.  I personally do not see a site that has a monthly membership for the sole reason to have iron gates around it and the premise, if you pay to join you will share among all of the smartest and most successful gamblers in the world, etc., etc. etc., or anything along those lines.  Although, that is very attractive as a simple sales tool but will only work with the newest of the new gamblers and the same types of people that walk into a casino with limited experience, win the first night and their eyes become twice as large and the saliva is dripping down their chin from their insane luck they are experiencing with no background or knowledge as to what will soon happen. 

If someone wants to hang on the corner with a group of the so called, "cool kids" like we all used to know in grade school, you know those kids with the t shirts with the rolled up sleeves, smoking cigarettes, drinking a coke, talking about all the girls they had sex with that they never really did, etc., and then they wait for the teacher's pet, that one really smart kid that puts his heart and soul into his school work and his family life to come walking down the street so they can pick on him, throw things at him and tease him..............................okay you get the picture what I am trying to say.  The same things kind of happens on the internet within the message boards.  Maybe a way to view BetSelection is that we are mostly the teacher's pets and really trying to excel, share, learn and extend friendship and the others are well, part of those elite little circle of friends that live for drama without meaning? 
General Discussion / Re: Function of a Roulette Forum
November 06, 2018, 11:42:49 PM
Actually you can do something about that theory of passing away.

My 6 year old said a few months, "We are no longer celebrating your birthday any longer".  I said, "Okay, why is that"?  He said, "Because I figured out, that if we stop having birthdays for you than you will never pass away, and I don't want you to leave me".

So hey esoito, no more birthdays for you either, Vic too. 
General Discussion / Re: Function of a Roulette Forum
November 06, 2018, 09:36:59 PM
You belong where you truly want to be and share, discuss, post, engage and talk with those that you enjoy doing same with.

This is a base, use it the way you see fit.  If you are really what you believe you are about, people like you will make or break this place into better or worse. 

Positive, constructive, non tormenting, nurturing and offering assistance to those that might be around and seeking same is the ultimate and best type of forum, IMO. 

If you truly have something, put extra cherries and some other tastes in that pie, offer some napkins and let's go.  If not, try Gamblersforum or BTC or one of the many others.   
General Discussion / Re: Function of a Roulette Forum
November 06, 2018, 08:51:40 PM
You are correct again in many points.  You should join and continue at BTC or the likes of that forum.  You are above the level of all here and you will not share, yes I understand. 
General Discussion / Re: Function of a Roulette Forum
November 06, 2018, 08:14:36 PM
You are correct to a certain point.  Yes. 

However, there are various kinds of forums on today's internet.

1) A for pay only entrance type of site, meaning a closed and private site that 'is what it is' in the realism of those words.  BTC would be an example of that;

2) Then there are the very large free for all with 30 to 50 active rooms/departments going on in all directions, such as: VMB and WOV as well as numerous other ones of smaller membership.  Bear in mind, most all the content is consumerish (IMO and reality) of course others might and will challenge that last statement I am sure;

3)  Then there are a few small specialized ones, such as our here, BetSelection.  The theory was no advertising, members police themselves, more technical and BLOGS from its members and a few other casino related rooms/areas. 

For sake of space and clarity, I will limited by outline to those 3 areas above.  Myself, I have been around casinos and gambling for 35 years or so and have countless family members employed within the casino industry in Atlantic City, Las Vegas and the Midwest Region of the USA. 

I don't know everything about gaming, but I will boast and I will state I know a heck of a lot, let's just say more than many and not as much as everyone.  I found a home here on BetSelection and have left a couple of times, caused problems to defend my point/feelings, etc.  I was on VMB and WOV for a few years a while back, but nothing except drama, consumerish stuff and lots of sheer ego and chest pumping with whom is best liked or most hated, IMO and in 90%-98% reality. 

As far as the small town relation you outlined, I live in the Midwest at the moment and in an extremely small town and I have spent decades in New York City/Metro New Jersey before.  Both have pros and cons as far as sharing, advantages and different societal communities.  Some find New York City friendlier and more quaint then a rural Midwest town of say 1,000 people with all those little business in its downtown section.  Some would say just the opposite as well.  IMO, there is no winner, it is just preference.

As far as the board here, IMO once again, I believe we have a great board with the premises, smaller is better without all the gibberish and drama and worthless advertising.  We had lots more traffic but it was among about 5 or 6 people with an exclusive circle of about 10 or so members that attempted to rule, over take and control the board with one-liners, strong handed acceptance tactics, double talk and if it is not my way I will tell everyone to leave, etc., type of postings.  If you want those people, to the best of my knowledge they are all over at a forum called Gamblersforum, the small group was banned from here but recently almost all of them were allowed back, some post and some do not. 

I believe I attempted to really accomplish what you might have in mind regarding roulette play at B&M casinos, but for the game of baccarat.

Myself, I truly do welcome all types form all walks of life.  But I subscribe to that Barnes and Noble Bookstore mentality for the shopper.  Which is, browse, read and enjoy.  But, if you don't like something, set it down, move on and as you would in Barnes and Noble, no need to write, post and bother that author relentlessly and make your point over his, as no one made you pick up and read his book, waste your time and waste your money.  Same here.  Just other places that last scenario is what they really live each day to do, enter the ring, chastise, humiliate, call names and attempt to keep the circle of friends tight and the outsiders wishing to get in.   

However, if you do have a great cherry pie and are looking to share it, maybe you would like to get some of a super fantastic peach pie or a KimChi-Bulgogi knock your socks off pizza or perhaps a mouth watering special PHO soup with some killer meatball stuffed fresh spring rolls???
I understand and have read the comments by the so-called 'experts' and 'experienced' players on this board and some of the other boards, that I go into too much detail.  Then they comment on how through they are themselves, how dedicated they are and yet, they openly express, time after time, how they each do not have the time to read what I write or others write that are more than a few short sentences.  How much can one actually contradict themselves?  Seriously?

Please read the following, it is obviously shortened up a bit:

"Others will not understand the difference, which the long term players have experienced, are willing to actually share, educate and give them huge advantages to avoid suffering.  Why?  I don't know.  I can only imagine when most try to figure out why someone like me, would spend the time and all the trouble to type out long and detailed articles about casino gambling and baccarat, it is all made up fallacy and I have nothing better to do.  They compare mine to the scammers, the salesman, the shysters, the know it all that don't actually play, the paid for mentors and many other types of people that actually make their living (or extra cash) by selling hype and fallacy. 

I guess the drama, humor, trickery, one liners, attempting to control websites, small groups of players claiming high and elite gambling success status, etc., use various message boards for the spread of false beliefs they preach as real, for entertainment purposes I can only imagine.  And the sad part of it all is, the innocent and inexperienced that fall prey to those types."

When I think back on almost any subject, business, technique worth anything, etc., there was always quite a bit of research, reading, finding subject and content, etc., if it was actually worth anything to myself.  Not just gambling, but almost anything else.  I have not had the extreme privilege, that those boasting on here as well as the other message boards on the internet cite, "I want to read a few sentences and learn, when someone writes and writes and writes I cannot follow or actually learn anything".  I read that from one of the so called expert players that boast about keeping message board posts short, to the point and real. 

Seriously, what am I missing?
Back to the Bottom Line..........

Sitting there at the bac table, really thinking........thinking from the aspect of player with my money at risk........coupled with the message boarder in me and the moderator of BetSelection......coupled with the all familiar aspect of 'experience' on top of it all.

Some of the most important things that easily get overlooked, forgotten, left out, worked before therefore I know it can't work every time, etc., etc., and so on.  In other words, self-satisfying excuses to allow me to sit there, not think so hard and just gamble.  Yeah, right, nice try.  The brain was and is always in gear at the semi circled bac table!

1)    Works for a small section, say 3 or 4 sections of the card/game. Players try everything, as far as amounts, dealers, other player's suggestions, etc.  They really need to concentrate and always remember, as rule number 1, small sections, say splitting the horizontal "big-road" up into 3 or 4 sections.  Sections tend to follow within, at a much higher and greater consistency by far, than anything else.  Problem occurs when the player wants to carry it all over the whole card and even to subsequent shoes of play. 

2)   We see, we read, we look, etc., and so on.  We are all susceptible to influence.  Be careful, no need to be real cold to others, just be 100% conscious of what you are believing and getting sucked into.  If it works within a section, great, by al means profit from it, when it stops, you stop.  Forget it, move on to something else.  What the heck?  Doesn't really matter how you made the money, you made it, hold it and turn it into more.  Do not, I repeat, do not count on what just worked to keep working, it will not, no way.  And if it does, you tend to mess up your thought train even worse because you backed off.  Figure it out, adjust and work it.

3)   Some of it vital and other parts of what we take in, need to be understood as being dangerous, extremely volatile and as well, exploitable and vital at times.  Again, be careful, do not get sucked in where you begin to believe you found the holy grail, there is none.  Maybe there is in the extreme short run, but after a while, you will finally realize, there is none. 

4)   Small grind will never work past a session or maybe, a few sessions during a few days.  Because the losses will come that will simply wipe you out of that profit quickly.  Those that talk about winning one or two or three units, consistently, every day, day in and day out, are IMO, completely fraudulent in their truthfulness on the message board thing.  Sorry, I have been around far too long at the gaming tables and seen far too many people, in fact, everyone that every tried to continuously earn just a little bit every day, go bust.  Every single one of them.  Then the rut (losses) start and set in.  Besides the immediate losses, the losses will always climb as your thinking process gets all kinds of ideas as to coming out of the losses back to even or profitable.  The losses will grow and grow and you will make riskier and riskier wagers, with a few of them winning, but the majority of them losing.  It is a cycle you need to avoid. 

5)   Human Nature.  A super important topic that most players have no clue about.  They do not factor it in, they do not think about it, they do not read about it, they chose to ignore it as it has nothing to really do with math, statistics or the game.  At least in the classical sense anyways.  But it really does and your nature will govern you in more ways than one.  Learn about it, read and explore.  Be conscious of it. 
General Discussion / Re: FORUMS R.I.P.
October 29, 2018, 05:46:55 PM
[OP's outline I copied and answered] As Follows: My answers/comments are in Blue.  Thanks, Alrelax.

1.How possible is an, approximately, 80% of all forums' members to have a long term winning strategy such as yours?

(IMO, no way to weigh the numbers, a total number as well as background on the majority of the members is actually unknown to me and everyone else.  There is greater self-hibernation from and caused by members, than that of exposure in reality).

2.Would not that be highly unlikely?

Now this question is not entirely hypothetical but based on my personal observation over the course of years;

(No way to answer)

3. There are not as many members as they used to be:

(Yes, I agree.  Lots went by the way side.  There was a couple years of aggressive membership, response and participation.  However, the repeated "bad" staff at WOV and VMB as well as the key members, all blasted everyone that did not conform to a very trivial and extremely little agenda.  As well, the focus has been greater on non-gaming agenda by far with almost all message boards rather than the other way around.)

4. From the fewer members there is significant less interest in participating on topics regarding strategies and in general about how to win on long term basis than what it used to be on the past.

(See my answer to number #3 above.  Similar by all means.  Members are down out tired of being repeatedly blasted by the continuous and repetitive one-liners, "you are wrong" and that is that, type of blasting, etc.  I have numerous emails, PM's, etc., that I have shared with Vic from previous very active members due to the aggressive circle of 4-5-6 or 7 members that made it their daily routine to blast, degrade, humiliate those that really did contribute to the board.  Sad but 100% true!)

5. People prefer to discuss more about unrelated subjects rather than contributing all as a team to a mutual and beneficial cause/goal.

(I see nothing wrong at all with "extra" talk, discussion, stories, whether about food, cites, Vegas or Atlantic City or other gambling destination, hobbies or sports.  Just take it to another part of the board and off the topic if the topic is a technical one.  What is wrong with that??)

6. More minds are able to achieve easier and better than a single alone.

(I agree, not one doubt about it.)

7. Even if you would share a long term winning method, do you think that all gamblers worldwide would read your topic? 

(Simply no.)

8. Do you think that from those who would read it all of them would use it, let alone to the letter??

(Simply and most definitely no.)

9. Do you think that casinos would close, stop roulette game, or even change its rules, which have never changed since 1 and a half century ago???

(Absolutely not.)

10. What is the real reason behind this behavior?

(People will not admit their short comings.  Stubborn beyond belief.  They choose to avoid being shamed, especially when it comes to losing money or failing to win it.  The more intelligent one person is, the harder it is for him to listen, research openly, apply what he learns, etc.  It is the psych of the older male, unlike a young pre-teen or a teenager.  We doom ourselves.  We each have to be the hero.  Plain and simple!!!!!)

11. Don't you think that forums are a great mean to connect people worldwide under a common cause/goal?

(Of course they are, but many do not wish to participate because of all the berating, humiliation and chastising.  I have that in writing from so many members that have stopped posting or will not post.)

12. Why they are not focused groups of individuals, instead we see too much blah blah speaking about nothing practically, or about promoting products and services to potential customers?

(Because people are too strong headed, know everything and are plain stubborn and will not work together, especially when money is concerned.)

13. Why when there were important efforts a few persons derailed those topics and from the practical considerations we ended up striving to prove a point, defending our positions from the intruding negativity?

(See my answer to #10 above.  Much the exact same!)

14. If some have found something which works AND don't desire to share it then what on earth are they doing here?

(Hard to answer without knowing whom and what it exactly is.  I share almost all, I am usually cut short but that previous circle of aggressive members we had on here.  AT times I just put a lot of work into the board and other come along and trash what I have to say or how I say it all.  I even posted pictures of actually wins and chips, and then I got blasted for so much along with that, it was fake, or I was showing off, or that was only a rarity, etc., etc., etc.)

15. If they want to have a conversation and/or pass time then why they don't do it outside forums, with any other persons and/or activities??

(Again, hard to answer without knowing the people and the exact situation each time.  But in general, it is nice to share certain things each of us would enjoy sharing, whether recipes for cooking, certain events, visiting casino or other properties (AKA; Trip Reports) such as we used to do in great detail on VMB with actually dates, times, details, plenty of pictures, etc., etc., etc.) 

To my great disappointment I came to realize that I'm speaking alone and the forums are not being used the way it's meant to be used!

Other reasons and answers:

Today more than yesterday, members feel as though, "why bear my soul, I don't even know these people"?

Without experience, one cannot or will have a real hard time to actually understand the casino aura and results, no matter what he thinks, he will have a tough psych time to handle wins of any size without staying there and eventually understanding the loss is forthcoming.

When a member or members make perfect sense from experience and reality on the board in technical terms and details, you can bet that there will be several others that will challenge, attack and undermine just that.  It is called drama, provoking, disturbing, and things along those lines.  It is not right or moral or ethical, but they continually do it for the sake of being in the forefront and then cry foul and discrimination when moderated. 

False positives whether lies or twists and turns of something basically accurate or the results of someone's experience, are basically killers.  Offering a false sense of what reality actually is as that same reality is changed, twisted and turned by the naysayers, the trouble makers, the aggressive group of members, etc., etc. and all of the results of same--hurts the serious members that want to engage, discuss, detail out and share the gaming experience they had or planning, etc. 

General Discussion / Re: FORUMS R.I.P.
October 25, 2018, 06:12:22 PM
Excellent post when I get time I'd like to give my two cents, I have some insight to some of the questions from a players perspective that is.
General Discussion / Re: COINCIDENCE, the theory.
October 24, 2018, 05:18:07 PM
What so many (countless) players do not even consider is, "The event I am wagering for or told to wager, does it even actually exist or just occasionally happen"? 

IMO and experience playing in B&M's, that is the number one thing that fuels with extreme emotional and overpowering 'false positives' the player that is actually playing live and gambling. 

Regarding the Crickets if I may.

In my opinion they are all out there, they read,  they watch,  they don't say anything, they look, they Wonder, they go do their thing, it fails,  they come back, they still see the Crickets but they don't see anything else.
Excellent!  Reference the O.P., IMO.

I hope you will stick around! 

Thanks for coming back, Glen. :thumbsup:
Quote from: VLS on October 18, 2018, 11:17:26 AM
The site was under Glen's domain account for a while (i.e. full ownership), then it was returned to mine.

No big conspiracy or anything.

This is what happened.

Thanks Vic, and this should put the entire subject to rest.

BTW, I am dissolving my partnership in my Haz-Mat Environmental business and I made the career decision to go into the restaurant and bar business. If everything goes right I will have a state gaming license and the ability to put in some video gaming machines along with some poker tables, etc.  THe place will be a restaurant, bar and entertainment type of place. 

Thanks, Glen.