Quote from: AsymBacGuy on September 06, 2018, 02:14:16 AM
You kept stressing about the importance to play wisely and actually and without any doubt this site is the only one to provide meaningful insights about how to reduce the house edge, to say the least.
Thanks, As
I have attempted to keep the this site geared towards productively discussing wagering, the games, casinos and in general gambling. I would like to remain neutral and positive and leave the negativity and the demeaning, chastising and humiliation type of statement out of it all. The continual one liners with drama driven motives to upset and harass anyone on the board. We don;t need it, let them gather at the other more consumerish website and fight, argue and demean each other, like WoV, VMB, GF, etc., etc.
Sometimes it is not the sheer number of members or viewers that add the legitimacy or the real valuable info and data. Same as in other businesses as well.
I do have plans and we are working on them. Interactive games for practice, discussion, competition, etc. Some type of live gaming. Some type of news desk such as the old Johnny Carson or David Letterman style shows. Monologue, interviews, discussion, entertainment of some type and a closing segment. A few other things. Just more interaction and involvement, rather than post, wait and type, defend and eventually the thread dies off.