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Messages - alrelax

Quote from: Blue_Angel on June 01, 2018, 04:57:43 PM

By whom you had complaints?
A true man must keep his word, support it with actions and speak directly straightforward rather than hiding behind others and creating gossips and rumors.

The only thing worth answering, IMO--is the statement you made:  "By whom you had complaints?
A true man must keep his word, support it with actions and speak directly straightforward rather than hiding behind others and creating gossips and rumors"
, as I want the record straight here.

Yes, I did receive several complaints and statements as to why active posters that were extremely well liked and thought of, IMO and the opinion of many others here-was you and a few others in your responses and constant degradation and belittling and everything else about others opinions/findings and statements, etc., cause them frustration and aggravation of sorts--so that is why they cease post any longer or cut down about 99% of what they used to.  I forwarded these in part, after getting permission from the original PM'er to myself as the privacy act and protocol that goes with PM's that you guys do not think exist, and Vic has some of them. 

Vic, care to comment??  Did I or did I not send you several/numerous complaints, concerns and reason why many members here stop posting and became extremely less active over the past year or longer??  Vic, confirm or deny, for the benefit of the record please. 

That is all I have to say about this subject matter.  My decision to cut way down and/or not post regarding the way I used to was based upon the people I named, as well as the lack of response/interaction and concern.  Why waste my time?  Same as my little 5 year old, if I do not sit down and color with him, play with his matchbox and hot wheels, ride bikes with him, swim with him, watch TV with him, play with play-dough with him, etc., etc., he will not either.  He might as well stand in the corner after school until bed time.  Since I have other things to do, I will do those things instead of spending time on the board.  I gave my reasoning and it is the 100% truth, reality and factual thought process, but a few select guys here turn it around as to the made up fragile ego and other untrue and assumed BullS**t you and Xander and another one or two will state. 

For the record, the brutal and honest truth.  Forward now with positive and board concerns and my visions as approved, endorsed and desired by Vic, etc.  News Desk, Live Skype or similar, practice tables, competition, studio type broadcast (not defined yet), maybe even an elite group of professional full time baccarat gamblers and charge them $1.49 monthly subscription fee just to say it is a premium exclusive club or something like that, LOL. Whatever. 
From Gizmo:  "They all want a simple, step by step, set of rules that will make gambling like taking money out of an ATM machine. If it takes work and a lot of experience then they don't want it. Who's fault is that?"

Ref Hard Work, Etc.:

You know, I came in at 4:15AM this morning to catch up on all my company invoicing and clear up a huge problem with a national department store closing 130 or so of its mall based department stores with auto centers.  We are doing about 2 dozen of the auto centers, their environmental waste and handling of the products, lift oil draining and battery shelf acid and clean up, etc.  Their disposal bills are astronomical and the corporate big-wigs had a complete fit yesterday.  Over $200,000.00 for less than 15 stores I am handling, just the disposal fees, not our fees which are equal or greater than those fees.  Thank the EPA for the disposal fees and the left-side the past few years on that one.  Anyway, I got side tracked with your post but it was a good time to set straight everything anyway.

My primary (unofficial field manager) guy walks in this morning at 6:30AM.  He is supposed to be hear at 7AM.  I knew something was brewing on that one.  Employees don't come early around here any longer.  His paycheck last week for right at $3,800.00.  40 hours at $42.00 hour, raised from $35.00 last year and that was raised from $28.50 the year before I think it was and I think 25 hours overtime at double time.  Anyway, he gets a tons of benefits from a small company such as ours.  Health policy that was co-paid at 50% up to last year and he demanded full 100% company paid health which my partner gave him 6 months ago, and matching 401K contributions, etc.  This morning he says, "Listen, I want a company Apple phone at no charge as well as a company car and I will put my own gas in it or I will resign".  I said, I will call and recommend to my partner, but up to him, I turned in my resignation my partner already but he did not accept yet and I am finishing up my jobs and the summer. 

He is worth it, he has a clean CDL license, he drug and alcohol test free every time, he is certified in large excavators/track hoes, skid steers, side dumps and dump trucks, vac trucks and he can do soil and water testing for the laboratory procedures we do.  He has shoring and trenching certification and Haz-whopper also, etc.  The guy is pulling down with benefits about $250k a year, he did not grad college.  He is smart, works hard and never complains at a job site, even 20 hours straight out there on the interstate, he gets the job done, when the others are crying and threatening to quit.  It would take 3 regular employees to replace him alone and he knows it. 

There are not many of these types going around, he out works most small business owners I see every day.  The guy lives in a neighborhood with doctors and lawyers and business owners and he works for us operating heavy equipment and driving a truck.

The kicker is, all his peers, co workers here and everywhere else, has about 20%, of what this guy has and makes, if that! 
Quote from: Gizmotron on June 01, 2018, 03:54:18 PM

That is why I started this thread. Jimske asked if I was getting tired of these same old arguments. So I found a way to take it to the next level. Why is there an assumption that you must have an edge in order to win? Who is feeding these facts to the world? Are they right?

To answer your question, I have no edge over the casino that I can identify, likewise the casino has a 'mountain' (rather than an edge)  over myself, a real player with real cash.  That mountain that they have is 'Time' and 'Unlimited Chip Inventory' as well as the emotional and psychological problems/confusion and slip from reality that I inflict upon myself at certain times while gambling. 

However, I found a way to turn the tables slightly on the casinos and it has nothing to do with systems and math and statistical results in the classical sense, etc.
Quote from: Jimske on June 01, 2018, 02:53:51 PM
LMAO.  You really expected him to just moderate?

Glen has finally wiggled his way into being the decider, ruler of the roost, king of the castle, . . . Very "Trumpian."  Notice how EVERY post must be about him in some way - even in his reply to the above!!!!!  So now we have a moderator who is a control freak, narcissistic bully.

At the same time Glen has no problem making condescending and/or sarcastic remarks about how others perceive and play the game.


I used to watch the Apprentice with endorsement of Donald!  The show was not about him, was it?

Actually my cousin worked for Donald for 20 years at the Taj or so and when he cleaned out his desk a little bit ago (a couple of years back now) he gave me the original and one of 3 copies of the book that built the Taj.  I also have a Silver & Gold belt buckle Donald gave me by in the early 90's at a baccarat tournament (those great old bac tournaments in AC and Vegas that went by the way side). 

It is not about me!  It is about sharing, something you seem to forget about also.

Here, I will share:  https://betselection.cc/alrelax's-blog/trump-taj-atlantic-city-and-donald-trump/msg57352/#msg57352

What's wrong with Trump? 
Quote from: Blue_Angel on June 01, 2018, 01:42:16 PM

I thought you left forum for good, how come still here?

Why do you twist the words around?  What is your problem?

I am involved with the Admin as well as the ownership.

By the way, this is not democracy here, it is a forum with ownership and rules and regulations. 

If you do not like that, sorry, leave.  If you do, stay and enjoy.  Lots of good stuff to come.

I made a statement about writing regarding B&M results and baccarat, etc.

There seems to be no real interest and interaction except for drama like you are bringing about, chastising and humiliation or belittling regarding beliefs. I specifically said: "After numerous sessions the past few months and actual data and results from H-Money, etc., my close friend and someone that lost close to $100,000.00 attempting to make money at Bac, being lambasted and chastised for my postings (all with no concern or care whatsoever from H-Money as he watched me post) as well as my own plays with the pictures of the results the best I could take at the casinos as well as the profit of the plays with detailed descriptions of my MMS, emotional-psych-frame of mind and all the other necessities I found positive that has allowed me to transform my game to a very profitable game the clearest and highest majority of the times, coupled with my buy-in and bank roll beliefs, I will refrain from posting pretty muchSince there is none or hardly any support, interest and interaction with my casino results from you guys, I will save you the hassle of your 'forced readership' and 'negative continued commenting' as to what I found that has been so good for my game and actual real results!

I see no clear interest or belief and all I see is the derogatory, the negative and the resentment from members such as Xander, Mike, Blue Angel, etc., of course Green Guy can't say anything as he would lead the pack but he is muted, etc.  I really wanted to throw SoxFan into that group also, just have never really got a handle on his 'real thoughts or plays' as he offers next to nothing in the way of 'real play' except use huge bank rolls and make money everyday type of statements, etc."

Seriously, what is your problem?  You are negative, you belittle, you chastise and humiliate those that do not agree with you and you bring negativity to other sides and real gamblers and players that come on the board to learn, read, research and explore.  In other words, I have had complaints about you and Xander and Mike and another one or two, I brushed them off.  You actually do stop people from posting and it is not right.  You would not last a day or two on most other boards, IMO.  I will not put up with your continued negativity, attempt to control and the aura you present. 

I have done very well gambling at Baccarat and attempted to disclose, discuss and interact with people here.  Worked for the most part, and a few like yourself, repeatedly and continuously throw that unintelligent-butt monkey wrench in the arena every single chance you get.  If you don't agree with me, skip anything and everything I write or block me, my God! 

I have proof as to what I've done gambling and I have found many ways to improve my game of baccarat that allows myself to win numerous times far in excess of my buy-in's, consistently and repetitively by large and far.  Sorry you do not agree.  I will tell you one last time as I have by PM, etc.  Stop your negativity and chastising of other members, every single one, period end of story.  One last final warning, past the previous one. 

You and Xander need to stop twisting and assuming things.  If you don't have real good grasp of the English language take a course at your local secondary school.  Xander claims my ego is hurt and I can't take opposing views, which is totally not why I am cutting down on writing, it is lack of interaction and lack of comments.  Fine, no one wants reality, they want holy-grails and systems that are based on math and stats that will smack the casino with guaranteed winnings on a pre-scheduled thought out protocol that does not and will never exist, I won't comment further---but I wrote about real life USA bac experiences for 35 years or so and countless things that helped me define the game and how to profit and how to handle winning and losing.  As far as my ego goes, I deal with the state police, the department of transportation officials and the US EPA and I have been shoved in a corner, yelled at and screamed at by supervisors and district managers and then complimented and praised by case agents and regional supervisors for the same jobs or similar matters.  Stuff like this no problem, everyone is self serving to a point in life, here is no different, except we have to get along and reside on the same board.  You and Xander and Mike do not make the rules or set the tone or have the right to chastise, belittle, control or humiliate anyone, period.  Never did and never will.  Back to the matter at hand.  I cut down on writing about baccarat, etc., because  I feel it is a waste of my time, self serving (LOL) but when there is no interaction, that convinces myself I am wasting my time writing about actual live baccarat in USA casinos, etc.  There is a lot to learn about casinos and winning and losing, past thinking of applying math or stats at the live table to win money. 

Here it is in plain English.  If you cannot be respectful, non offending, refrain from below the crotch joking and insults (unless it is in a sportsmanship like manner with a buddy/member friend of yours on here, etc.), etc., you will be moderated and eventually banned if you persist.  If you do not agree with someone, me or anyone else, state it respectful and state your case with your technical terms and beliefs and then stop.  Don't chase members around on this board.  Skip their posts or block them, everyone has a right to a neutral, clean and comfortable atmosphere here, everyone.  Again, if you do not agree or can not abide by that, leave.  If you do not like or can not accept what I say, take it up with my partner Vic.  Thank you, stay and enjoy, but be 100% respectful and stop the negativity.

I have played the game of baccarat since you were approx. 1 year old or so.  You know, I have numerous people in the haz-mat spill clean up business as well as the heavy wrecker and recovery industry that I didn't see eye-to-eye with or like the way they looked, their nationalities, their other personal ways, etc., but I sure learned a hell of a lot of great things from them in numerous ways.  Countless times, I was at an industry function, course, seminar,. workshop, trade show, etc., etc., and picked up one or two things from someone on a message board I despised at the times, and when I realized what just happened, I did that '3-Stoogies' slap in my face and wondered why I disliked or despised that guy in the first place.  He was the same as myself expect he didn't use the right deodorant or enough of it, or pull that 'gross and laughable' looking hair growing out of his nose and ears, or he didn't drink the same drink I did or he was not Italian or he was from LaLa Land in Southern California and I was from New York/New Jersey, etc., etc., and so on and so forth, et al.  The End.
Keep t clean and respectful.  Joking is permitted but do it from the stand point of a late night TV monologue of sorts, as Gizmo said--'hold the crotch level jokes and the insults', etc. 

In other words, don't trash the board or any of its members (a joke between member-friends or Q&A type of back and forth is another story) you guys know what that all means.

Go for it. 
General Discussion / Re: The "No System" System
May 31, 2018, 01:24:13 PM
Quote from: greenguy on May 31, 2018, 08:29:38 AM
Sometimes lots of things work really well, and then sometimes they don't. The opposite is also true.

Gizmotron seems to focus and engage his free spirited play on this premise. I really don't see why that's so hard for people to accept.

Whoever else has an interest in playing the game this way might very well pay for some form of tuition to do so.

I'm fine with that, why aren't you?

Gizmo, when you opened your school, how much money in total did you earn from your students?

Let me put forward some perspective before you answer. A little while back I bought ten toy marbles form an auction house for $40. That's right, ten. I sold those ten toy marbles on ebay for $12,000.

What's my point? Give me a break, who should really care if some of us guys make a bit of dough from our expertise, whatever that may be?

Somebody, quite a few somebodies really wanted my marbles, so they paid the price.

Absolutely spot-on, IMO.  Thanks for the great comment!  Seriously, Glen.
Favorable opportunities, the key in all business and gambling endeavors, IMO and I believe that of all expereinced players, no matter if they admit it or not.  If not, why risk the capital?? 

Variance acts in short term seem rare--might be--yes, but they will be there in one form--fashion--or another.  They have to.  It is just not the prespective of most gamblers I believe.  Sure, a 45 hand or so first half of a shoe without ties and F-7's and P-8's seems great, will 4 or 5 F-7's and 4 P-8's and 10 ties come within the next 20 hands??  We all know how most shoes finish.  The problem is being within those shoes and comparing all losses and wins to previous events and experiences and then you convince yourself, it is just not going to happen.  Then when you do stop attempting---then they come out.  Then it is too late and you are ultra frustrated and emotionally off balance. 

Once you are 'off-balance' it is not easy to play the right way with clear vision and complete neutrality. 

And also, resetting and refreshing has a lot more to do than just charting, when I say resetting and refreshing, it is meant to mean an entire neutral and clear vision, nothing to do with charting and starting over, etc., or anythign along those lines.  Clearly a huge game changer as I proved, but misunderstood by most all.  Re-charting has no control or balance in your play except for controlling a possible loss.

And also those that really think M.M.S. are flat betting with a pull here and there, etc., are not really into M.M.S. at all.  I say risk the buy-in and get some win.  Then your M.M.S. has to govern your play and if you can win, your M.M.S. will allow you to continue and when you lose it will run you out of money after (and only after) you already got your buy-in back and a win.  There is a huge difference about what someone is saying here with a simple MMS.  When I properly employ my MMS I am able to have the power and the funds to risk, but the best part of it is that I already recouped my buy-in and have a 2 or 3 time buy-in capital risk profit.  I guess I just go for the bigger and the clusters rather than the few units here and there.  Why?  because  of the fact of being 'grinded down'.  Once I found the proper buy-in risk amount and had a mind set that, that was pure risk with no stop loss or win stop and then employed the MMS, it was like day and night. 

The whole key to it is the multiples of what I win, when I win and the ability to continually reset and refresh without preference or consious, etc. 
Quote from: AsymBacGuy on May 26, 2018, 11:34:41 PM
He is absolutely right thanks to long term baccarat findings:

1- differently to roulette outcomes, itlr baccarat results will produce a far less amount of long streaks than singles or doubles or triples.

2- it's a proven fact that any bac hand will feature a slight propensity to get the opposite hand just occurred (M. Shackleford and some others)

Now, only a fool would think that applying this strategy every shoe will provide profitable situations no matter what.

S.hit happens rarely or in clusters.


ASYM,  strong or weak, Streakinv or Antistreak, whatever you want to call it, either way is a strategy either way is playing to match what the presentments are, it doesn't matter it just depends on your vision, frame of mind,  that's what I've been trying to express in my numerous detailed threads. Some people call it streaks and some people call it anti streaks, it's a description but either way is very viable and either way is very winnable as well it's very losable.

But do one thing all the time and nothing is more guaranteed to lose than just that.
Gizmo, 100%, you know--I really do apologize for some of the mean things I pushed your way in the past! 

The following you just wrote is spot on and exactly my frame-of-mind.  Look at the piece I just wrote at maybe the same exact time you were writing this one??


It's interesting too. If I change numbers to what I think might be the hottest number, or most recent hottest number, I tend to win. If I just select a number randomly and stick with it, I usually get killed. Funny how it represents proof that you can read randomness and do better than if you just use blind statistics to prove ignorance. I guess it's unfortunate that such knowledge exists. Still, I prefer JP's "Up & Pull" MM tactics with just two net wins on even chance bets. Done by a randomness expert that JP method almost never losses. There are so many wins that the occasional losing session is just a small feature that can easily be lived with.
What I was referring to:

I do have a pretty stead fast rule these days that has been working extremely well--that is to risk my buy-in with 100% attempt and diligence to compile a win to have my 1/3rd M.M.S. kick in and take over the governance of my play, time and wagering, etc.  If I lose it--that is it 99.0 % of the time.  The handful of times I have continued to buy-in only 100% of the time reinforced the losing or cot 'take off' and win, each and every time!  The last one being a $15,000.00 mistake on a certain Friday night!  The past few months, right since the Christmas holidays, I lost outright 7 times.  I pushed 6 times or within a $100.00 each way, evens out for gas, snacks, etc.  I won 14 times, meaning a considerable amount of money, not one or two or three units of $75.00 or $150.00, etc.  Something of a win to me is at least double at the very very minimum, that of my buy-in.  The majority of the times my wins would amount to greater than triplicating that of my buy-in.  That is in the past, not quite 5 months since the New Year. 
The above was from the piece I wrote in my thread as follows:


Reply #1.  Thanks.

No arguments, I admit--you win, perfect!  Carry on.  Cheers!  Have a nice day. 
Quote from: Xander on May 22, 2018, 08:19:13 PM
I'm sorry, but this simply is not true.  The house edge doesn't care about your emotions, desires or thoughts.  Like it or not, in the long term you can not win or lose at a rate that exceeds the house edge.

In order to remain a consistent winner over a long period of time, you must have an edge over the game, and unfortunately discipline doesn't provide it.

You talk silly backwards math/stat lingo.  That is a great fit in over at beat the casino guaranteed for only $51.69 a month, etc., etc.  I know people, plenty of them that lost at far greater than the house advantage, like 100% of the time, because  they stay until they lose it all, each and every time.  Smart?  Nope!  Reality?  Yes.  Period.  Done.
Quote from: AsymBacGuy on May 22, 2018, 02:40:28 AM
Itlr, you can't win at a negative edge game no matter what, you can just diliute the inevitable risk of ruin at best.

If someone would think otherwise, he/she could present his/her work to the scientific world, maybe trying to get the Nobel prize worth millions.

The only way to demonstrate that some EV- independent games are beatable is presenting exhaustive studies that in some speicific spots unrandomness prevail to the randomness.


ASYM, you are so very right, players cannot win on a continuous basis and on a repetitive schedule the game of baccarat.  But the real smart ones do quite well at it because  they curtail their emotions, schedules and beliefs. 

Opposite prevails at times, following at others.  A combination of everything in between during and after as well!  People perpetrate thousands of misnomers regarding winning at baccarat and it makes good copy most of the time.  People challenge and people agree, people disagree.  Meanings are lost and yet--the game has much better odds than most all others--just people really abuse their 'sections' and fail to recognize what is reasonable and actually as stupid as it sounds, what actually does win and with occasional presentment.  But, they have to and need to turn those infrequent winning presentments into gospel, triggers and math/science.  They all attempt to deduce down everything in baccarat to math and science because they are so smart, intelligent and admit--the rules of the game beating you due to its consistency and not yours--does not apply to them.  LOL, LOL to the MAX!

Hype--emotions and desires set in and take over, plain and simple.  Doom and loss follows, 99.99% of the time.  Except to you that player that knows what wagers will win and why they will win, etc.,--you because  you are exempt due to your intelligence.

What we are told or wind up believing, is what our friends, co-players and teachers tell us about the game.  Those players that learn on their own do get influenced over others, but only the visual aspect of it all--and that is strong.  When you sit there and observe another player turn $500.00 or $1,000.00 into $20,000.00 and he wholeheartedly believes it was math and science combined, and maybe it was that day--unlike the previous 8 or 15 times you did not witness that he wagered the same exact trends/patterns/numbers/results, etc., and totally lost.  Lost $24,000.00 or $34,000.00, to make the $20,000.00 he just won.  He is hyped, excited, in another world, boasting and you are eating it all up, hook-line and sinker as they say.  Earmarked your next 8 to 10 attempts to pretty much copy what that player just 'proved' worked without doubt, after all--you seen it with your own eyes.

The key is a certain amount of win that is multiplied many times from the risk amount of money spent to win.  It might be three wins out of 10 for 3 weeks where the win amount was greater than the risk amount lost at others.  Then 4 wins out of the next 10 the following month.  Then out of the 3rd set of 10, the preceding month, 3 additional wins that totaled far superior to the 7 he lost when added up.  Then back to 2 out of 10 wins.  You can and will stay ahead of the game by far, if only you can truly control, recognize and be fully 100% consciousness of your emotions, desires, visions and thoughts.  For, it is those that change your way of thinking and your actual great beliefs beyond all other things when playing baccarat.  You are not stupid or unintelligent or even have no sign of the game, you just let your mind and feeling walk away and separate themselves from you and your frame-of-mind is all. 

But everything you read on the internet is build, build, build and grow greater bankrolls, wagers and proceed to larger and larger plateaus.  More and more.  Simply setting each up to fail, and that is exactly what happens, time after time, after time after time.  The highest majority of the time, the casino doesn't have anything to actually do with your losing, it is yourself and your frame-of-mind that causes your baccarat loss, continued loss and future losses. 

It is so elementary and so basic, you are missing it.  You concentrate on the game and you each believe you are the country's best gambler, you fail to see the most elementary mistakes you commit and bring on to yourself, time after time. 

Maybe you are admiring the wrong things, the wrong type of people and fallen prey to the aura of the surroundings?  Put extra emphasis into staying completely conscious, maintaining complete reality and experience while leaving all false, all erotic, all taboo, all hype, and all those false positives checked at the door  you enter the casino.  Maybe, just maybe that is what you really need instead of searching for the wager that just won Billy Bob $20k because  he continued to wager for the 2nd hand after the double repeat that fell off after the natural cut to the opposite side, etc.?
Quote from: Mike on May 19, 2018, 08:47:47 AM

You've been posting these absurd ideas for over a decade. It's simple; in order to win consistently you need to overcome the house edge and you can't do it by guessing or "reading randomness", which is an oxymoron.

Learn basic probability, try to understand the logic of why you can't beat negative expectation games by using patterns, trends, or progressions. Break free of the fallacies and start a new life.  :thumbsup:

STOP the degrading and attempt at humiliation! IT IS  UNWARRANTED and needless.  Ref:  "Break free of the fallacies and start a new life."
Math Made Easy:

Hey, it is all in the numbers ?definitive and easy pickings, no?


And then on the other hand we have thinking, which is not always as clear cut as interpretation and perception, but kind of like baccarat, huh?
