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Messages - alrelax

Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
April 05, 2018, 12:13:46 PM
You know, I was thinking when someone called me up and talked about meeting somewhere for something in a business partnership.  The conversation goes on about flying or driving, etc.

We started in about airlines, security, etc.  We started talking about the flight itself and years ago how we used to get a full meal in-flight and all that.  Then we talked about the pilot and his announcements.

Why is it they always tell us what altitude we will be flying at?  "We will be climbing to and maintaining 37,500 feet".  Why are they telling us?  Shouldn't the pilots be telling the air control towers?  All i do is sit there and divide 5,280 feet into whatever number he gave us and clalcuate how many miles the fall will be from!

Instead of all that banter about how many feet, what about telling us that you double and triple checked the fuel tanks and they were filled prior to take off?  How about telling us you double checked all the safety stuff and the engines, etc.?

Another thing.  Why does the pilot always say, "This is Captain Joe from the cockpit".  Well, I sure hope you are in the cockpit and not the bathroom or the luggage storage area under the plane!  Why always...."From the cockpit"?

The only other thing about flying and all the worthless announcements, why is it that one side of the plane always gets all the good stuff to look at, "And for those of you on the right side of the plane, we have a fantastic view of ........." etc.,  it always seems the other side has all the noticeable and cool stuff to look at.  Why?
Well, here is the continuation from Saturday AM texts with H-money.  Not pretty, be warned.  If you are convinced you can win in the casino and nothing will harm you or cause you to lose and you do not want to face reality---skip this thread! 

And by the way, H-money read a lot of the trash and garbage on the internet prior to even playing bac.  All about wager banker when not sure what to bet and all the published stats and data about outcomes, etc.  All of it.

H-Money is down over $50,000.00 of his own money.  Blood money, not win money.  He keeps playing and playing and playing, dead-set of the mind set he can get all his lost monies back and is not following anything I tell him once he starts to win again--when i am not there.  He can get it back, but not the way he is doing it--not at all.  Just like Friday night when I had to head out to the interstate.  I would have paid him about $1,000.00 to help me over night, but instead he lost $15,400.00.  He actually did win about 5k, but then he goes crazy like 99% + of all players do at the bac table.  Experienced or not, they do.

Here are the texts from H-Money to me while I was out on the interstate blocking off a lane for the heavy equipment, part of my business we do along with the environmental work, etc.  But it was a complicated lane closure on a holiday weekend where the state police are attitude filled, so I had to go and handle that all night.

(When I left to go to the interstate, he called and we talked about the 11th hand being the first F-7.  How the one dealer always gives them to me almost every time and how he can never win with this dealer, etc.  Lately he is starting to blame certain dealers)


(He did win $5K plus, but he won't stop playing and call it a session, reset and refresh the way I tell him or do any money management, etc., when I am not there)



(He is just hung up on certain dealers beating him and blames the dealers now.  But he keeps playing and playing and playing and won't stop for 15 or 20 min's.  He is convinced he can win continuously)




Quote from: alrelax on March 31, 2018, 03:25:03 PM
We went last night and started playing.  Got about 15 mins into it and my night dispatcher calls me for a semi truck roll over on the interstate. 

I played the first 10 hands of the shoe we started.  I felt fortune 7 and played it 8 times out of the past 10 hands.  I tell h-money I have to go and asked him to come help me.  He said he wanted to gamble.  As I was walking away the next hand was a fortune 7!  I can't believe it!!

I been out on the interstate all night.  H-money kept texting how he was losing and of course blamed it on the dealers, lol.

No matter what, my business comes first.  I have witnessed so many players over the many years I have played, especially in the larger gaming jurisdictions, ruin their businesses over gambling and vices that winning at gambling bring to so many that fall prey to them as well. 

I literally got ten or 15 min's into the shoe we all started and then the call came in to handle what is shown below.  I always go for the F-7 in the first 10 hands or so and yes, as I said--as soon as I got up and walk to the cashier, literally the very next hand was an F-7.  I believe it was the 11th. 

The state police had no extra manpower due to the holiday weekend and as well, the semi tractor trailer was already off the roadway, so we had to do all the traffic control and clean-up, etc.  H-money called me how great the shoe was when I left and all the F-7's but the following ones sucked and how everyone was just playing the 'cut' or following repeats and not playing for the 'cut' when it was making only chops.  That is what the game is, what wins one time around, is what losses when it comes around again, or possible not.  LOL.  But like I said, he started to win, stayed too long, had visions of getting all his money back and then lost another $15k. 

I was out on the highway all night and 1/2 the next day.  Did I want to go, no.  But, if I did not, my mind, frame-of-mind--would have been jeopardized by not going and sending one of my guys to do the task that I really needed to handle in the first place.  Gambling is more than just sitting there attempting to make the correct wagering decisions.  You can say otherwise, but IMO--it is a complex myriad of many things.  You can read on numerous message boards on the internet, how players built up their bankrolls, turned pro baccarat player and are making lavish livings gambling with huge success everyday.  Be careful, I wish everyone could and I hope you most certainly can.  I do rather well most times gambling and losses are far less than my wins--because  I learned what works for me and how I am governed (most times) inside the casino at the baccarat tables.   




Quote from: Lugi on April 02, 2018, 12:21:28 PM
Think about you wrote,  "upping their levels of play", major failure!

You misunderstand what my point was,

And yes i govern my play and replace my bankroll when i win,  i have explained in detail in my blog.

I only up my levels of play when i win.  Othefs do when they lose and chase.

I don't have any reason to build a larger bankroll. 
If I have to, I will get H-money to self-ban himself from the two local casinos in our 100 mile radius here.  I have ways to get him to do it and might have to resort to those to get him to take the time to regroup.  I don't want to do it but i am running out of options.  I will talk to him this week about it.  He tells me one thing on the phone or even in person, then his demaons take over.  He reminds me of people I knew with their cocaine habits back in the 80's and the 90's in the northeast before I moved to the Midwest, that lost their multi million dollar businesses.
Quote from: Lugi on March 31, 2018, 02:19:00 PM
I reckon it is harder to win after suffering any major loss, basically not only are you are chasing, you are under tremendous pressure to break the current losing streak, it adds to the mental pressure.

What you friend needs to do, is figure out his game plan in advance, MM and bet selection, then set himself a goal target, either a 3rd or 4th of his last loss.  Attempt to recover that slowly,, take a break for a few days, and then attach the loss prior to this.  Easier said than done, but doable with the right frame of mind, adequate BR, MM, mindset and game plan.

If the pressure of prior losses are too great, and he lacks discipline, then he has no chance.

Welcome to the forum.  You sound like you have some experience at Bac.  We need some new faces and input here!

I hear what you are saying!  I have about 35 years or so playing, never was a full time gambler that forced himself to make a living off gambling.  However, I won and lost larger sums of money at times.  The past 15 years or so I realized the correct way for myself to play Bac and be able to make some side money from it.  I do win and I win conserdable amount more than I lose.  I handle my win money the way that works for myself and it pays for plenty in my life. 

Unfortuently most other players only add to their bank rolls and wind up losing the win money and their monies chasing back their wins.  I wrote some pieces about 'resetting and refreshing' and my 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd MM System that wokrs for myself. 

H-money will not stop, refresh or reset himself in any way.  So many on the internet talk about wins and building larger and larger bank rolls and upping their levels of play,etc.  IMO, all fallacy and saounds good, but almost impossible.  All good if they do it, I just have too much expereince and exposure to the casino to know what can and can not be realistically accomplished on a regualr basis of play.

It is extremely easy to write about it and plan, but when you are in a casino--it is another world by far!  For everyone.

I have pictures to post in reference to my last couple of posts but cannot from where I am at get them online.  When I am back in my office on Tuesday I will, thanks, Glen.
H-Money can't stay away from the casino.  I told him, pleaded with him and even attempted to take his debit cards and bankroll away.  I screamed and yelled at him and talked until I was blue in the face, I leterally turned red screaming at him the other day.

Before I started including our results from the casino play with H-money and my other occasional NYC retirn cop friend here in the midwest, H-money was a sporadic, go and win or lose and able to 'reset and refresh' type of player.  I say occasional, meaning once or twice a week, and minding his full time career/small business, etc.  But after that one plunge with losing over $10k of 'non-win' money, he went overboard. 

I seen it alot, just not real close to all the others or many years ago, the others had huge bankrolls and large bsuinesses where $25-$75K losses meant bascially nothing.  However, they were able to regroup, forget, set-aside their losses and continue playing with clear and fresh vision and minds.

H-moeny is close to me in all other aspects of life outside the casino and he is not a long term expereinced bac player.  That is the huge problem here.  He is lucky his kids are grown and has no little kids like I do and week-to-week dependant things that he needs to attend to.  I know that is vague but I have huge responsibility outside the casino and to myself, employees--a bsuienss to open by 7am, clients, etc., and all of an emergency nature due to my business. 

I had a huge job on the interstate yesterday and we were all at the casino Friday night after an okay samll win on Thursday night.  I played the first 10 hands or so and had to run to handle an all night job on the highway worth $50k.  H-money was dead-set to stay and win money at the casino.  He actaully won around $5k or so and then lost $15k all hyped up and chasing his lost win money and all the other money he is stressing over.  Please learn from this because  it is so typcial IMO, not fun and not very nice is every way. 

I had to cut out yesterday afternoon when I completed my 20 plus job on the highway.  I even called H-money and told him I would pay him triple time at a $20/hour base rate to dispatch today, Easter until Monday.  He said he didn't feel like it.  I have to spend Easter with my little boy, Easter egg hunts, movies, game arcade and all his stuff he loves that his mom will not do for him, as she is too busy with her new restuarant, etc.  We have another large railroad accident job going on and I have to have someone in the office to dispatch and run the place with my equipment, log books, contractor updates and updating the client which entails receiving pictures by cell phone, resizing them, putting them into our formats and sending to the client, etc.  But rather than make himself comfortable in my offices and make $60/hour, he rather sit home, dwell over his losses and cry.  His kids are grown like I said, his business is zip on holidays and weekends.  He simply became dangerous.  It hurts but I can't be with him 24/7.

Real ugly what happened last night when i left the casino to work on the highway!  Real ugly.
We went last night and started playing.  Got about 15 mins into it and my night dispatcher calls me for a semi truck roll over on the interstate. 

I played the first 10 hands of the shoe we started.  I felt fortune 7 and played it 8 times out of the past 10 hands.  I tell h-money I have to go and asked him to come help me.  He said he wanted to gamble.  As I was walking away the next hand was a fortune 7!  I can't believe it!!

I been out on the interstate all night.  H-money kept texting how he was losing and of course blamed it on the dealers, lol. 

You know H-Money calls me up a few min's ago.  He says, "I don't understand it--you make money and I don't, why?"  I told him simply--you win and keep playing harder and harder and faster and faster and you don't build up or reduce your buy-in stack.  All you do is win and keep compounding the win into your buy-in chips and you have no MM System whatsoever.  And, I went over MM Systems with him a thousand times.  He gets into the casino and wins make him crazy, all he sees is a green light on every win and gets all hyped to continue and go larger.  Then he never works his buy-in stack like I do. 

As soon as I win, I live to put my buy-in back in my pocket and then keep working the stack trying to double my buy-in and put it away before I really go to my 1/3rd MM System. 

Not win $300 and then parlay it and win $600 and then keep betting it and when lose it, get mad and chase it back with my own funds, etc. 

Actually, his selection decisions are pretty good for either side.  However, he is totally stubborn, lost and hard headed about MM Systems, putting money away and locking it up, and his repetitive buy-ins thinking he can always come back and recoup his lost money right away.
Well, I had to go over and get something hot to eat at the truck stop restaurant place near my place of business for lunch.  I bought a scratch off tix which I only do sporadically, like the Mega Millions Tix I got last week and this week.  Since I won at the casino last night I figured why not.  Wasn't a big lottery win, but it will more then enough pay for the gas and my snacks on the way there and back late tonight! $30.00 profit, LOL.

Gizmotron / Re: Practice Sessions
March 30, 2018, 04:31:10 PM
Quote from: Ted009 on March 30, 2018, 04:22:31 PM
My rule is never wager against the streak. No freaking way-- either I stay out or follow the streak.

Mr. Gizmo has interesting chart and his way of tracking is unique. Although I don't understand his system 100%, but I will study it and try to learn it. Of course baccarat is my game but I want to pursue roulette especially Gizmo's.....


You are 110% correct! 

I sat it out last night, I wagered the 3rd player and felt the streak/run/new event/repeating, etc. coming up based upon several factors, the equaling out of the score, the 'strongness' of both sides, the bouncing back and forth prior, half way through the shoe, etc.  I would say there was a 75 to 90% chance of what dis happen, to happen. 

If I was not with H-money and my buddy being there, I would have stacked it up on the Player and then just rode the streak and pull down the win each time without pressing.  If the whole table got together and was in full camaraderie---that was the time, happens frequently--just not many these days believe you can catch it or they just love to win 11 and lose 8 or 10 when their 1's,'s and 3's happen and then equally don't happen, etc.  That is what I refer to as 'overpowering' the shoe. 

Like there was one of the guys playing every 2nd one.  There was a block of about 9-10 or 11 times it made 2's or better and he only wagered $500.00 each time for the 2nd repeat.  But when you add up how many, he lost just about everything he won.  It will grind you down.  Same as playing only 3 or 4 and 'cut', same thing.  Problem being--the people only focus on the section of the card/board when it made those doubles or the triple and then cut, etc.  They don't look at the other sections where it did not make 15 of the 2nd repeaters, just the section where it made 9 out of 12, LOL. 

But yes--I sat it out.  It was not easy to--but I refuse 99.5% of the time to go back in a run/streak/event of any kind mid-way.

Well last night, was okay.  Started out a bit bad.  H-Money gets right into it and loses hand after hand.  My NYC buddy is like, 'this shoe sucks, let's wait for next shoe it is hand 60 something'.  I wagered and lost 4 times.  I was like, 'This is going to be a losing night, no fun--can't win one'.  New shoe came.  But I went down to $175.00 with the $700.00 buy in.  I throw out the F-7 a couple times and no go.  The cards were real weak or real strong, in my own classification of them.

No F-7 in the first ten hands, No ties.  And I always see and say--no or low ties (1-2-3) is prime groundwork for F-7.  But I have also found that hands 16-23 are second prime for the F-7's.  I waited out a few hands.  H-Money is banging it hard, winning large bets and losing large bets.  He is strictly playing for the cut/chop.  I begged him to stop.  Every time something really good me up, he would not bet it.  It was all 1's, 2's and a 3.  Then the player comes out with a 13 player streak and I stopped wagering, no one believed in it and everyone lost huge, I only kept the side wagers while they all self destructed.  I wanted to wager player but I did not want to be the one that really ruined their camaraderie they had going, but it was just the wrong way in reality.

I started wagering $25-$50 on the F7 at hand 16 again.  On hand 23 the F-7 hits, I only had $25 on it but it was my fuel.  I pumped it up to $50 on F-7's and 5 hands later, it hits once again.  I hit two more by hand 55.  Wagering every other or every third one.  I won some larger wagers and lost some also.  I actually got up to $4,500.00 in pink chips and a bunch of green in all win money.  I just started on my 1/3rd system and cashed out and kept the $1k and tried again and straight losses of it all.

I was tired going on 24 hours with no sleep and drove the 90 miles to get there.  I could not think.  I left.  H-money actually lost a total of $900.00, he just will not listen and is too stubborn.  Doesn't know how to sit out any hands was his problem last night.

Oh well, I hit the Wal Mart at 2:30am and finished up the Easter stuff for the kids and bought some breakfast for my guys at my business.  Bagels with cream cheese and salmon lox.  Unlike most others that just put their win money back in their buy-in or bank roll and then lose it, I spend mine.  I also stuck $750.00  my 5 year old's American Express debit card account. Reset and Refresh!  ALWAYS.  Don't run back to the casino and wager larger, harder and longer with your win money.  It will haunt you almost every time.

Number one rule; "Reset and Refresh continually". 
Gizmotron / Re: Practice Sessions
March 30, 2018, 01:15:48 PM
Happened last night, ' super classical' in Baccarat to the max.

I did extremely well on the one side 'cut/chop' bets as well as 4 F-7's for table max each one, in one shoe. 

However, to the point.  There was two mini repeat runs of 5 each in the beginning, then a few 1's and 2's with a player side making a 3.  Then more 1's and 2's.  Then the banker side got real strong with every prevailing banker  either adding a third card to make an 8 or a 9 or a natural.  That last event series is my key trigger that either side is ready to take off.  I have explained this before in better detail.

But the player side came out with 3-naturals and everyone, including my two buddies says--"has to cut back to banker, let's go heavy".  They did and I waited it out and I would not have done it.  Then a 4th and a 5th player happens.  Then the whole table once again is hell bent and all excited to get the last 2 or 3 table max wagers each lost on the banker.  They all are screaming banker.  I seen it, I felt it and I DID NOT wager the players side.  Everything that always happened, happened.  Especially with bouncing back and forth, right at half way around hand 40 or so.  During the last 5 players it just got equal on the score.  But the player was producing heavy and strong prevailing score totals.  Then it ran to 13 players total.  Everyone floored of course.  Everyone except for a player wagering small amounts, lost their continuing wagers.

But the streak came, does not matter really how or what triggers, they do come and people convince themselves continually in baccarat or roulette, the board is showing us 'XYZ' will happen because  it never made more then 2 in a row or 3 in a row or 'so and so' for the last 30 hands or 30 spins. 

It will get you and eat you up.  Runs and streaks and a long continuing pattern or event happens and will produce what it will no matter what happened prior or you believe will or will not happen, simple.  Stop thinking they do not and will not.   
Yes, mistakes happen.  In bac there is no way to be successful without bad and costly mistakes, IMO.

Somthing happened to me on the interstate yesterday while working.  Similar to what happens when you win or lose with the wrong mindset while playing bac.  I will explain it and post pictures when i get into my business in a couple of hours.

When in Rome...Do as the Romans.....remember that saying!!!