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Messages - alrelax

Okay so in layman terms please.

Do we still go to:  WWW.Betselection.CC for the forum as we do now??

Where will my Blog/Alrelx's space and Book Reviews be?  In the same set-up as now or elsewhere?

If we go tot he forum do we still see the 'rooms' with my space, Gizmo's and the other ones--as we do now, or each one will be contained under a special log in, as you said and as I understand, Alrelaxs.betweb.cc, etc.????

I answer Gizmo's response to my Expectations & Reality thread this morning, I will save the rest I had to post when you come back up. 

Let me know as I said in layman terms.  Thanks, glen.
Quote from: DoctorSudoku on November 07, 2017, 04:03:56 PM

You are very wrong in thinking that people can make (possibly consistent) profits from playing BJ under current conditions.

By current conditions, I am referring to 8-deck shoes and 70% (maximum) shoe penetration --  applying basic strategy (which was originally developed for one or two deck shoes) is not going to pay dividends with the above-mentioned two conditions which are common in most casinos nowadays.

Plenty of high limit 2 deck games in casinos, on the main floor--no, but the main floor in most places is for recreational and tourists anyways, seriously.  Anyone saying otherwise--is fooling themselves.
Someone PM'd last night and asked, "Why in the world would you stop playing if you were winning"?

Well, I thought about that and here are the 4 things that influenced me to stop , other then what I wrote in the thread, "Topic: Bankroll/Buy-In & Psych Equals Your Decision".

1)  Other players and their actions;

2)  Failure to do what I planned each time I saw and identified shoe presentments;

3)  Frustration was setting in and effecting my play, I felt it;

4)  Failure to implement and try my '1 + 4 Side Parlay' wager even though I thought about it several times.

I felt it best to stop before getting 'sucked in' and falling in that proverbial horrible, 'rut'.
General Discussion / Re: Sponsorship and Christmas time
November 06, 2017, 09:35:38 PM
You are very welcome and thanks for what you do and all the drama mixed with 'brew-haha', you put up with and attempt to cure!

Let's play a game,  see attached.

I went through my finances this morning and how i did everything on Friday and fine tuned my 'expenses'.

You have my left over 'unaccounted' misc., for another donation for Christmas, a bit smaller than the one on the weekend, but something anyways. 

How about the next time I go to the casino I place the $40.00 shown here out of my buy-in of $500.00 for you.  I will wager it 3 times in a 3 parlay.  If I win, I deduct out $120.00 for my little boy's additional Christmas presents I still need to get him--which I would have won by flat betting 3 times anyway with the $40.00.  You get $200.00??? 

I wrote it out wrong, mine is $460.00, but whatever.  Early Monday morning!

Why is it upside down?  In my downloads I rotated it prior to uploading it??

Or do you want the $40.00 straight up??  You a gambling man or not?  LOL.

Conclusion of the above post:

So, could have I ran out and purchased those things with my own funds from my company, my paycheck and other moneys I have coming in.  Sure.  But, better to have them purchased from my play at the casino, add to my bank roll and other money as well as reserve my risk capital for yet another chance.  Do I lose my risk capital?  Yes, at times.  But my profits and my wins far outnumber my losses since I changed my visions, wants, desires, and I accept each and every attempt as what the karma truly is.  I can and do walk away without that dreadful feeling of misery and gut wrenching desire to buy back in and get whole again.  I truly have overcome that stupid, moronic, financial wreaking havoc of gambling. 

I had a 9 time buy-in profit plus on Friday night.  Could it have been a 20 time one?  Could it have been a 50 time one?  Maybe.  Sure, anything is possible.  However, there was particular problems that limited me on Friday and I knew what they were and I factored them in my stopping while winning, instead of giving back 'XYZ' and then stopping.  And that is critical here as well.

I don't chase!  The single biggest, worst, absolute downfall you can engage in while playing baccarat.  Negative progression and chasing, both are almost every gamblers worst nightmares.  Like 99 out of 100 gamblers that lose everything they have, in fact.  Virtually every author and systems inventor includes that within their work, as sort of a guarantee or a promise as a way out, a full backing of how strong their system is and how they never ever lost but just in case, all you have to do is this '-----'......., and then they explain and lay out the negative progression thing, etc.

Every smart, experience dealer I talk with---that truly knows the game of baccarat has wholeheartedly agreed with me about chasing and negative progressions.  It is hard—probably the single biggest obstruction and task in baccarat gambling.  The protocol to adhere to buy-in with 'XYZ' that is a fraction of your bankroll, losing it and walking away for several days or a week, etc.  Everyone says, (and I used to and once in a while still do, and I regret it 90 something times out of 100), "let me get even—I will stop", or "Let me win just a little bit and I will then stop".

And then the gamblers get the casino's money and put it in their chip stacks.  Larger and better and play with much more aggression, average wagers and drive.  Win, win, and win.  But does it always work that way?  All they do is get themselves in an unconscious 'rut' as I have said.  You have to buy-in with a certain disposable amount of money and if you win, reset and refresh, each and every time.  See your gain, realize your reward from your risk.  Physically see it and psychically realize it like I did Friday night.  That is what I have been talking about in many of my threads for the longest time.

Your mind will control you—there is a thought process—which does and always allows you to win—but it can 100% allow you to only lose a small amount and win larger amounts.  And they way to accomplish that is not by a continual gamble with a continual stacking of win chips and increasing your wagering and play time at the table.  You will inevitably every time fall into that horrible 'rut'.

If you apply what you just won to your buy in stack or even put it in your pocket and maintain the thought you will continue to smack the casino—again and again and again, you cannot realize what is going to happen or could happen.  And it will happen each and every time when the cards change and you will be saying, all I have to do is negative progression bet to get whole again. 

I have witnessed it first-hand countless times.  The most recent of a larger nature was someone that won over $60,000.00 on about a $5,000.00 buy-in at the very most.  Gave it all back and lost at least another $20,000.00 attempting to chase it and recover their 'mini treasure' they just gave back.

Your mind, your buy-in---they need to work together and realize and realize everything going on and how to proceed with the instant events as they unfold.  Not easy for most, but this is the key.  You also have to place an extreme value on win $$$.  Not just chips from the casino to replace your lost ones that same session or prior sessions, etc.   Like I keep saying, 'reset' and 'refresh'.  Each and every shoe or session.  Nothing else can be factored into the play, if you do—all you are doing is clouded and discounting any value you will place on win money coming in.

That win money has to be paramount to you and your structuring of your play.  It is to me and since I realized and discovered all this, my play has been virtually turned around and extremely profitable and powerful. 

So, now back to Friday night and Saturday morning.  So, I ran out as I said to Wal Mart and a shopping center to purchase those things.  When I went back, my casino buddies were down, this is about 3 hours later.  Almost all of them, gave back their win money and a few were buy-in once again.  Sad, but just a regular happening.  I reset and refreshed.  I bought in with only $300.00 out of the $500.00 I originally did.  The shoe was bad.  I waited until it was about hand 65 or so.  I started to play small.  I won a few hands and threw in $150.00 wager and won.  I doubled my buy-in.  I played another 20 hands into the next shoe.  About ¾ of the way through the shoe, I was up to about $2,300.00-$2,400.00.  After a bit I was down to about $1,700.00.  I made a $400.00 wager on what I figured was going to win.  I lost.  I said to myself, "I am not having fun, I am struggling, and everyone else lost their $5,000.00 to $10,000 win monies and were into their 3rd and 4th buy-ins.  I had another $1,000.00 and my $300.00 sitting in front of me.  I called it a night.  I woke up in the morning, went to the restaurant and ordered that steak and eggs and figured out what I had to do later in the day.  I called it quits.

Sure I wanted to play later in the day, last night.  But, I know the odds and my win came too quick anyway.  I would have been in the wrong mind frame with a bunch of players returning to the casino later in the evening with new money to chase their lost money from the night before.  Aggression, impatience, winning and then losing---it is not good at all to thinking clearly.  Sorry, for the risk of sounding conceited and obnoxious, I just have too much experience around baccarat tables.

And then I read about all the other players with the mentality of the following:  "I can make 10 units at one table, go to another table make another 5 units and then keep doing that for hours.  Make $100 and call it a day.  Double the bankroll every month or so and leading me to full time income."  Etc., etc., and so on.  I say, yeah right, try it.  You already did.  Every time you build up and build up, you just wager bigger and harder and you fall that much deeper and harder each and every single time.  Nothing changes.  Then you say, "As an example, if someone has $20,000.00 as a bankroll, then I would just focus on making 1 or 2 % per day, doubling that bankroll within so many months, etc.  After a full year I will be earning a great income."  And, so many other things all similar to what that member said there. 

I have figured it out and it works for me, and I did it Friday night, a pretty average night, and just a little bigger win, with no regrets of stopping before I got sucked in and could not.  I said, I have flaws also and I make mistakes as well.  I have had bigger wins, much larger.  In Vegas with my wife, played a couple shoes as soon as we got into Vegas to Caesar's Palace and won well over $100,000.00 and gave back a little.  We ran out and bought a brand new Cadillac Escalade for right at $80,000.00.  Got rid of most of the win money and rest and refreshed.  And, we are not going into it, I have experience in Connecticut with a couple hundred thousand dollar wins and giving it all back, every bit of it and chasing and chasing and chasing. 






To me, gambling, winning, losing, etc., is all part of the same game.  You have to figure it out and do not let everything alter your mind, your decisions, your desires, your actions, your thoughts, etc.  Because almost all the time—players do!  It's the same all over, here, there, where you are—everywhere.  Stop thinking you are invincible and you know everything.  You do not.  Your mind will have false desires and false thoughts induced to it---when the wins and the losses come.  And they both will. 

And next time I go to the casino, say I lose my $500.00 or my $1,000.00 buy-in.  I will not get up and go to my car and sit there thinking something along the lines of, "I won $4,600.00 last time and I increased my bank roll by $2,000.00—I just lost $500.00 so why not try again tonight with another $500.00 and if I lose I will still have $1,000.00 from that money and all my other money still there."  NO!  It does not work, because I know 1,000% that when I lose I generally continue to lose that night, session, trip, etc.  True sometime I can get it back, but I would say out of roughly 100 I try to recover and get whole after losing, I probably only successfully accomplished the recover 10 to 20 times.  The 80 or 90 times of ADDITIONAL LOSSES far outweigh the recoveries.  That is my facts and everyone that I talk with that is honest with me, tells me something along the same exact lines.  As far as my own profitability and continual efforts, I know 100% by my bankroll and my physical possession/bills/pre-paid debit cards, etc., etc., that I am far (and I mean far) ahead of the game!  I do not keep a record book, no need to.  Just confusing, pressure and I am not a professional full time gambler, earning my living from gambling only. 

So, back to Friday night once again.  I went back to the casino after the shopping, Walmart and errands I took.  A couple of the dealer's say, "Where's all your money"?  When I sat down with only a few hundred buy-in once again.  They say that because they did not see me for a few hours and figure I lost it like most of the other did and do all the time.  That is so much the norm, it is funny—sad, but funny because things almost never change.  Friday night the floor people had to expedite security to get to the baccarat tables with fill chips because everyone was taking them so quick from the rack.  Normally that does not happen and the floor lets the racks run down because they usually get it back before they run out.  Then a couple of hours later, the floor is calling security to get to the other baccarat tables with empty cases to remove the excessive chips they have no room for because each and every player was giving them back to the other tables!  That is why I preach the rest and restart I repeat and repeat all the time.  As well, I don't subscribe to the illusion of grandiose huge wins as almost every player continually does or used to do.  But likewise, I don't exclude myself from having an occasional one and I do that by not setting win-stops or loss-stops.  Period.

I see the same faces on a local scale.  I know their buy in's and I know their average wagers.  I also see what they win or they tell me.  I know when they play bigger, buy in more and wager heavier.  I know the upper 90-% of the times--that is from their previous win money.  All they do is what players do all over the world.  Just give it back and get sucked even deeper and deeper and deeper and play longer and longer and longer without any real reward for their risk. 

There, I think I kind of explained it to you guys??  Maybe some will understand and for the others, just go ahead and continue your chastising and attempt at humiliation.  Cite how much you make and how you never lose, etc.  Cite this or that.  Can I please see your buy-ins, your chips, your cash outs and all that?  Or are you just going to stress how many '+' units you win and what your stop loss is, with all your win money??  Just curious. 

Just like a prostitute that gives the answer, "I never been arrested by the police and I work every night on the street and been doing it for 20 years".  I would have to say, 'show me your RAP sheet, then I will believe you'.  Just like the dog catcher that says he has never been attacked or bitten in 25 years of working for the city animal control.  I would have say, 'show me your medical file that substantiates that'.  The list goes on.  But when money is involved and ego as well--stories and purpose change real quick.  Especially on the internet.  Once again, I am real, I play with real money and I have been doing exactly that for many years. 

Strength and Weakness

Do not let your downfall be your inexperience and your greed.
2 of the most common things, IMO—that would be to blame for the real reason a player had a massive downfall.
Confused with Reality and Strength.  The events at hand and how the player acts and responds.

I know, or at least I suspect I 'pissed' off some of the members here, by my posting the thread 'An Experienced Player's Results November 2017" on this board.  However, I did that because  of all the call-outs by numerous people here that always chastise and humiliate as their norm.  It grows old guys!  I am not a theorist 24/7 and live on and in my computer--dreaming up ways to 'best the casino's variance and advantages'.  I am a 'hard-core' realist.  I have my flaws, I make mistakes, I go against what I say myself at times and those things that I went again--I said to the rest of you, I am not perfect, I made terrible mistakes of all kinds in the past, I continue to make mistakes, etc., etc.  But I strive to do better and correct them and overcome the hidden challenges of baccarat and the casino's numerous advantages, including variances.

And, in my book--you are NOT going to accomplish that by what the highest majority of players say here on this board as well as the other message boards.  No possible physical way!  I have truly been there and done that thousand s and thousands of times.  You know, baccarat is strange--extremely strange because  tonight you can win or lose by doing same exact thing you did last time.  Baccarat is NOT like, cooking--where there is a certain and a proven way to prepare a dish.  It doesn't change--unless you the chef changes it.  you have a perfect recipe and you repeat it, it will come out the exact same every time.  Same thing with, troubleshooting a motor vehicle.  Same equipment, same procedure, same results doing the same thing.  You know, baccarat is more like hunting.  Exactly.  Different course, different outcomes, different chases, different rewards, different amount of success and different amounts of failure.  Same game!  Also, two hunters can start at the same line with the same equipment, and finish with drastically different results at the end of the hunt session.  Just like the game of baccarat.  It is how we, myself and you and them--handle ourselves, our money--our thought process and our visions-desires-wants--our realization and how e each accept the lose or the wins within each shoe and session we play.

I did pretty well Friday night.  Concluded Saturday morning.  Pretty typical, a bit better win and hold.  I had my mind set and I applied myself 90% of the time I gambled, with about 85% of my knowledge and experience applied.  I know I shorted myself, but that is not the topic here-the topic here is what am I about and how do I do what I did on Friday.  Reality versus theory and computers.

I have a buy-in and I have a bank roll.  I have a separate one for the local places I play at as well as a totally different one for Vegas, AC, and other gambling multi day destinations I go to sporadically to gamble 'Macau' style, big table style of a larger and more serious nature.  2 Different animals if you want my opinion.  Anyway, I have written about all this so I won't repeat why I view things the way I do, but there is a huge reason and that reason is, PSYCH!  And that plays a huge mind altering factor with the baccarat player.  Seriously!

I won about $3,600.00 the first round I played in about a shoe and a half and then I won another $1,000.00 in my second round.  I removed my $500.00 buy-in and put right a $2,000.00 into my bank roll.  I ran out and spent $2,616.00 or so.  I this for numerous reasons and I have also explained all this in other writings, I think lots of your guys laugh at, say it doesn't matter and I bring up stuff that is irrelevant and has nothing to do with gambling.  But that is all not true, not one bit!  I believe the mind is my biggest enemy or friend in gambling.  Control is a huge issue as well as realization of what, how and the possibility of further wins and losses as we play.  Let me repeat that.  What we are doing there and why.  How we are playing and is r play worth it.  Meaning, risk versus rewards.  And the possibility.  What is the possibility of winnings continuing and what is the possibility of giving it all back and falling into that 'rut' that sucks and is horrible---I don't have to explain it, you guys are experienced and lived that may times, no??

To sit there and win and continue to play and play and play and stack it up---is a sure way to lose and blow all your money you won as well a bought in with and bankroll in chasing it.  Again, I have written extensively about this and my way versus the ways of most others that do not work and do not prevail.  The purpose of this thread is to coexistent with the other one about Friday night and explain why I do the things I do and why I believe in the things I believe in.  There is most certainly a point and many purposes.  Please, read on.

So, after the first win I had, I take a break.  I jump in my car and run down to a Wal Mart.  You see, here is where myself and almost all other gamblers differ!  100% without a doubt.  My other gambling buddies stayed at the table and gambled and gambled and stacked their chips and had their erections grow in their pants while I was down at the low-life Wal Mart in a boring shopping center without any action.  They were at the casino winning, and winning and winning.  Here is what I did.  (I will tell you about them later on in the post) 

I told you guys I was going to post my buy-in's, the chips, the winnings, the cash outs and I did!  Here, here are my receipts, the ones I saved, some I left at my house (I am in my office) in the bags.  But here are most.I figured since Christmas is coming up, let me get the chores done real quick.  I have a 5 yr old little boy and a 10 and 11 year old boy and girl.  Instead of waiting until mid December and scrambling, let  put a dent in it now.  I also have 3 debit prepaid cards for the kids and their allowances and things they continually want.  So I loaded money on their cards as you will see in the receipts.  $740.00 worth for the 3 of them I believe it was. I also bought my daughter a beautiful Coach purse and a Coach wallet that was not at Walmart for about $400.00+ with a pretty leather 2018 day planner. I paid right at $900.00 of bills for all my cell phones I have, my cable TV, my internet, my vehicle insurance policy's and our Bet-Selection board owner, Vic--as well.  I bought all the gift wrap, Christmas cards, gift bags and misc.  I spent exactly $80.00 out of the money last night at the market on the way home.  And, I spent $382.00 on my little boy's stuff, some now boots, other boots, shirts, hats, gloves, Poke Mon bed set, Leap Frog book reader sets with numerous books and accessories and also grabbed a whole bunch toiletries for the home bathroom and office bathroom as well. 



You know, it all has to be bought---and that is my point here!  I love it when I see the reward, the casino bought all my stuff.  That is the reward for the risk of the chance to lose my money.  And, I still I have it  I have my $500.00 buy-in back.  I have $2,000.00 added to my bank roll.  I have $900.00 worth of bills paid.  And I have $1,636.00 worth of goods and money on my kids pre-paid cards that I would have had to pay for anyway.  Now--I reset and refresh.  What so many do not do--and I told you guys, this is what I do.  I do not have or believe in win and stop after a few units or a stop loss of 6 or 10 or 12 units, etc.  I believe in the risk and then sort it all out and do not get influenced or sucked in.  I also written about l this, I am just complementing it here with explanation and pictures of what a typical casino night and day was followed up with.  There is 'rhyme and reason' to this, not center of attention as some say or showing off as others say.  I am explaining what i believe in, what works, what curbs my greed and lust while gambling, how I function.  And, it is all a vital part of success or failure--believe it or not.  Stack your chips and stay at the casino, each and every day, gamble, gamble, gamble.  Let me know how it goes each day.  Post your results, all of them.

General Discussion / Sponsorship and Christmas time
November 05, 2017, 01:52:04 AM
Vic I did the e-card early this  morning so let me know if it is in your email?  Please confirm. Glen.
Roulette Forum / Re: 6 set pure bliss easy money system
November 04, 2017, 11:15:30 PM
Quote from: 8OR9 on November 04, 2017, 01:09:50 PM
OK...so what are you counting with the "Eenie meenie etc etc".....are you counting pockets or something else?

Your looking to stand there and demand casino conformation to your wager?? We play different,  😐
Al's Book Reviews / The War at the Shore (Trump and Wynn)
November 04, 2017, 12:41:36 AM
The War at the Shore
By:  Richard S "Skip" Bronson
Published:  2012

Explains, partly demystify, and adds great factual story and events to the casino industry that happened mostly in Atlantic City, but will give you some knoweldge about Connecticut and Pennsylvania as well.

"Donald Trump's hair is real and Steve Wynn sees better than you think.  Much has been written about these men, but few people know them, personally and professionally, as well as I do.  It's been said, that to truly understand someone,you have to fight them or fight beside them, and I was at the white-hot center of a titanic clash of money and power that transformed Atlantic City from a struggling day-tripper place with buses in and out to a born again destination drawing tourists from New York, Philadelphia, and other major cities along the eastern seaboard."

Explains about Atlantic City against the odds, the fights, the problems, the money, NYC and the problems influenced by Vegas and Connecticut, etc. 

Vegas, Atlantic City and a side show of Reno, NV was about all there really was as far as gambling towns in the USA until the 1990's.  Then Connecticut came about with 2 of the largest casinos in the world being built for billions of dollars.  This book will touch on that as well.  A good basic insight to the casino industry and its special little world full of huge money. 

I do recommend you buy and add this to your collection if you are interested in the casino industry and how the modern day casinos took place within the USA.  A great, factual and intelligent read concerning its topic. 





Roulette Forum / Re: 6 set pure bliss easy money system
November 03, 2017, 08:40:43 PM
That is correct about the number of pockets.  However, I am sorry, and for the risk of sounding, 'crazy' (which I kind of am anyways) you have to factor in phenomenon to this gambling task.

It just will not work for many reasons with the mathematical count, technical guru applying scientific aura to it, etc., etc.  Sorry.

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and reach it."  Michelangelo.

"Vision animates, inspires, transforms purpose into action."  Warren Bennis

"People only see what they are prepared to see."  Ralph Waldo Emerson

"In order to a realist, you must believe in miracles."  David Ben-Gurion

I have written about it much earlier in my Blog here, but back in my Foxwoods, Connecticut days there was this gentlemen named 'Al' and he was a pretty famous restaurateur from New York City.  We used to play quite a bit together at Foxwoods and as well, Mohegan Sun.  Al, is actually the one that introduced me to 'magical dust'.  Please, here me out!  Don't hang up yet.  There is absolute truth to what I am going to tell you as well as the validity of the gist of it. 

Problem is, the highest of the high gurus and casino gamblers cannot or will not confirm stuff like this.  All they will ever say, is something along the lines of, "and a bit a luck was involved, maybe", or something like, "there are other unknown factors I can't go into".  Because they are either too embarrassed or too selfish to open up and admit--something does play a role a bit left of the main path.  Seriously.  Some of us have these things and lots do not.  So, comprehension by all people is beyond a possibility.  I do understand that.  If you cannot believe or explore what I have found to work at times then move on to the pre selected, mechanical scheduling of wagers as suggested by some board member with no proof of working except for hm posting a whole bunch of threads with '+' signs in excess of all the '-' signs he tosses in for the heck of it. 

Here, look at it this way.  You can sit down at the baccarat table and wager every time after 2 repeats followed by the 'cut' to the opposite side and then you are wagering for the next hand to be the same as what those 2 repeats were.  It can work religiously for say 12 times and then stop for the next 6 times, then work for the exact same amount of times.  Then for the life of yourself, you cannot catch that for countless times except once or twice here and there.  You say to yourself, "oh well, that's variance", or something along the lines of, "oh well, that's why they call it gambling", etc. 

So, back to Foxwoods.  Al and myself are at the big baccarat table and the table is packed, all 14 seats taken.  At least 10 Asian talking in Korean, Laos and Viet.  Al gets the shoe and it is his turn to deal the cards.  Al is pretty slick and pretty fast, probably the fastest player-dealer I have ever witnessed.  As Al takes the cards from the shoe and slides them to the Croupier-Dealer standing up, he has a tenacity to peek at the Players cards that he is sliding across the felt.  He usually knows what the Players have prior to the highest wagering player turning the cards over or himself getting them back from the Croupier-Dealer if he was the highest wagering on the players side.  Anyway, i know this and then Al goes into his stint with the magical dust when the Players have a 7 or an 8 and Al is holding a 8 or a 9 with the Bankers.  He never fails, never.  Because he always knows.  Simple.  Explained, no big deal.  Same as a magical trick on stage by a really good magician.  But, hold on a second.  I get the shoe and I seriously do not know what I have with the Bankers cards after the players return say an 8.  Al does not know either.  Numerous times, and not every time hoping for a perfect record or a majority of the times.  Al used to turn to me, grab my arm and tell me to hold on a second.  He puts his hand in his pocket and pulls it out, then makes a big scene and rubs his first 3 fingers together right over the top of the Bankers cards, still face down on the felt.  I look and look at them, flopping over a 9.  Every time he did that and he did not do it every time like I said.  Unexplained. 

There are all kinds of other events that happened to myself while gambling over the years.  Seriously unexplained by mathematical or scientific 'anything'.  Just happens.  The variance or the count or the procedures, untouched.  Same as a neighbor that will never wave, say hi or smile to you or your kids.  Then all of a sudden, the neighbor does one day.  Then the next day back to the same neighbor you always knew for many years.  Same with your wife, she never ever wants to go to the restaurant you ask to go to.  Never.  And she is dead on serious.  Then you are passing that restaurant and she says, 'hey let's get something to eat there'.  And she truly enjoys it, eats and and i mean she finishes it all and actually ate a meal--not sat there while you indulged and pacifying you.  There is a huge difference.  Then a couple months later you guys are passing that same restaurant and you say, 'hey--lets get something to eat there', and she responds, 'no way--I hate that place'. 

So, you can count the pockets-correct and wager.  It will not work.  You have to point, sing the rhyme out loud and play into this.  There is no other way. Period. 

If not, picking numbers based on pure mathematical results at the wheel cannot hit repeatedly as proven by countless gamblers, mathematicians and probably millions and millions of people attempting to do just that.  If you are going to sit here and write on this board like some others :) do and cite numerous roulette systems based on basically nothing, with almost everyone of them being '+', how come they are not wealthy, written books and have successful elaborate schools of gambling with their sure mechanical win theories??  How come they are writing on this board and not showing one bit of proof such as videos, pictures of the score board, themselves with their money and chips, etc., etc.  They will be rolling in the cash beyond their wildest dreams.  Reason being, cause their systems work and don't work with basically no rhyme or reason except that based upon when the shoe or the wheel produces the numbers or hands at they picked to win. 

I am not saying I found a holy-grail.  I am saying that what I discovered with the help of an 80 + year old lady at the roulette table, allowed me to win 7 out of 9 attempts and profit by about 1,200 units.  There is more to gambling than picking numbers. 

Thanks, Alrelax!
Roulette Forum / Re: 6 set pure bliss easy money system
November 03, 2017, 04:54:47 AM
7 winning wagers of 6 units each, all the same, paying 35 unit for each one placed.  210 X's 7= 1,470 units, so what??  To me, super reasonable. 

Stay off my threads.  It was better when Vic had the Mod of a thread able to delete the riff raft and trash posted to keep our posts clean.

You ruin threads, stay the hell off my threads from here on out.  I asked you nicely, there.
Roulette Forum / Re: 6 set pure bliss easy money system
November 03, 2017, 04:43:00 AM
I don't see the need for members here to come on a thread, chastise the OP and then vanish--especially with a one liner.  It is immature and foolish banter.  I made no claims as to any longevity, promises or guarantees---NONE WHATSOEVER.  I won well over 1,000 units!!!!, with this 'systematic approach' as mechanical as they come, and I had a blast doing it.  Now, I have a member coming on, chastise by kind of subliminal talk and posting a one-liner verdict about my system. 

Okay, didn't realize I was among psychics and wizards. 
Roulette Forum / Re: 6 set pure bliss easy money system
November 02, 2017, 09:27:22 PM
I won't really get into it--but there was this guy playing at the table and reciting almost everything he was doing.  As I was saying the, "Eenie Meanie Minny Moe" thing out loud, he looks at me, cocks his head and calls me, 'a nut'.  The dealer told the guy, "you should go over to the baccarat table and watch Glen sprinkle magical dust on cards once in awhile, you will really think he is whacked". 

But anyway--the guy wagers on my first bet where the 22 hit, 1st of 12, the 2nd column, for the 17/18/20/21, Odd, and Black.  He wins on the Black and losses a bunch of money.  I told him, 'great-your wager simply smoked the casino bro'.  He says, 'that was only one, i will more than make it up next wager.  So I stand there and get my next 5 numbers and watch the guy lose almost everything he had in front of him.  Then I wager for the second time when the 6 hits.  He wagers, the end for the 7/10/18/11/9/12, the Red, the 2nd column, Even and a large amount on the 2nd of 12.  He says how he is moving and alternating most of the wagers, etc., as compared to the previous one.  He loses everyone except for the Even.  LOL, I pointed it out to him and he goes, ''why don't you do play baccarat and leave'?

LOL, I love happy gamblers!
Roulette Forum / Re: 6 set pure bliss easy money system
November 02, 2017, 08:37:56 PM
Looking at my notes from last night.  If it hit a '0' the number to wager would have been 27.  If it hit a '00' the number to wager would have been 28.

The 1st set of 6, I played was the flowing set:  My six numbers I stood there and watched was  30-22-31-8-33-3.  So the first six numbers in the first set, I counted the proper odd and even for each and then I recite out loud, exactly what I was taught and pointed as well--I am not changing a thing--not with 7 winning hands out of ! 

So my first set on the dealers 7th spin was:  29-21-20-7-22 and 16.  I won with the 22.

My 2nd set of numbers were, dealer hitting 22-6-17-30-21-9.  My second set was:  21-5-31-29-5 and 27.  I won with the 6.

Now you should understand. (?)

Total for the 9 spins, +1,470 units and I lost 282 units.

Also, you cannot wager until the dealer spins for another 5 times after you wager your first set of 6 numbers.  So you first wager will be the dealers 7th spin and your second wager will be the dealer's 13th spin. 

And BTW, roulette--still boring as hell but I played only cause I had to check out all the systems being posted on the board here.  LOL.