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Messages - alrelax

I know and I thought I was too hard on Him and that everyone else picked up and I went back and deleted some of my stuff and apologized and told everybody to give him some space but it is what it is. if you're in it for a strictly a commercial Venture and you don't have the experience especially the experience you think you have what you claim to have it is a whole other ballgame kind of like going from the minor leagues or let's say the Little League to the National leagues
                The Way We Think (Especially at the Baccarat Table!)

"It will happen"--"It has to happen".  Those are two of the most frequent sayings a player will here.  And at times, yes they both do and yet at other times, never.  Some might not say, never.  They explain it as, "then you are grasping, no evidence, just wishful thinking, etc.

Large wins, then nothing.  Like WOW!  Complete fizzle out, then turns into a demand to prove something to no one except myself, that I can win again or more.  Always the same, never changes.  Years and years of playing, different properties, different states and does not matter whether Asian, White or Latino, same same, does not change.

Here is another one, "Monkey See Monkey Do", the list can go on and on and on.  Okay, let us get going on the purpose of writing this now. 

I was coming into work this morning.  I was exiting a gas station/c-store parking lot onto a side street.  I wanted to make a quick left and go about 40 feet to a main east-west through-fare and hang a right turn.  However, this guy has to come up and literally block my exit and he had to wait for the car in front of him to get a break in traffic to turn left.  Of course he could not have left me room to go across and out, he had to block the way and stop smack in front of me instead of 15 or 20 feet before creeping up to the car stopped in front of him anyway.  What was he thinking, what was his perception, closer to the other car waiting and he would go faster?  Too much trouble to stop, let me out and then creep up to just wait anyway?  There had to be a logical explanation rather than, "I am just a jerk and I shall block the drive so this guy cannot get out and has to wait because I have to wait"?  Maybe, but I do doubt it.  I think it had to do more with perception, initial thought, etc., than the latter. 

One more, 'My Cousin Vinny', yes the movie, I love it.  Anyway, remember towards the beginning when Vinny was in court at the arraignment of the two kids and he did not understand the procedure for saying Guilty or Not Guilty?  Well, here is what happened:

Judge Chamberlain Haller: Mr. Gambini, the next words out of your mouth better be "guilty" or "not guilty." I don't want to hear commentary, argument, or opinion. I don't want to hear any facts or evidence. If I hear anything other than "guilty" or "not guilty", you'll be in contempt. I don't even want to hear you clear your throat to speak. Now, how do your clients plead?

Vinny Gambini: [intimidated, but the words go right past him] I think I get the point.

Judge Chamberlain Haller: No, I don't think you do. Now you're officially in contempt of court! Would you like to say something else and go for two counts of contempt of court?

Vinny Gambini: Not guilty.

Judge Chamberlain Haller: Thank you. Not guilty plea has been entered for the record. Probable cause hearing will begin tomorrow at noon. Bail for both defendants will be set at $200,000. Oh and bailiff, take Mr. Gambini into custody with them... and set his bail at $200 for one count of contempt of court.

Okay, Vinny had a different perception of what me and possibly you heard the judge say.  That is exactly what I am referring to, each one of our thought process, interpretations and perceptions might not be the same.  Well, the same thing happens at the baccarat table based upon each one of our past experiences, plateaus and other factors that are different for you, me and others. 


Experience, Perceptions and Thought Processes.  A lot in those three words, believe me!  Perception is probably the largest and the most confusing to each of us at the baccarat tables.  In fact, huge in baccarat as players tend to place wagers on what they think that they interpret will be coming up for one reason or another.  How the player thinks and reacts will equal, interpretation of the information the player observed.  As well, the past experiences, good or bad of that player.  Past runs witnessed, quantities of runs, infrequency of runs or chop-chop/alternating lengths, 1's-2's and 3's, 1's and 3's, doubles, balanced shoes, imbalanced shoes and lots more.  Lots and lots more.  If the player has not experienced certain things, then he does not know what might come out and when he starts, he will certainly be in the dark as to its formation reality and what could happen.  Please, do not misunderstand the aforesaid sentence for prediction or anything of the like.  With a reasonable player, with common sense and a player's mind, that is conscious of reality rather than wishful thinking and dreaming, prediction is not relied upon in the typical sense.

If the player has past experience then the player has good perception as to what very well could come about.  So, I am not saying old-timers that played this game for 30-40 or 50 years have a better shot at it then a fresh newbie does without deducing down how much experience, perception and thought process is used in a skillful way, rather than prediction wishful thinking and dreaming, based upon a written advisement someone created and sold on the internet entitled something like, "how to win at baccarat".

I am saying experience is huge along with an open frame-of-mind, the ability to interpret your perceptions within a clear thought process and the ability to pounce-on-it or stop playing and book a win.  That is why so many newbies seem to be the real deal and then a ? or ? shoe later are fizzling out with giving back all the win money followed by an aggressive attempt to recapture the win just lost, they have no ideas whatsoever how they won what they just lost in the first place.

3 Kinds of Perceptions will generally make-up the players thought process based upon his experience.

False Perception.  An erroneous perception of reality in baccarat.  Just a self-inflicted vision of concept and belief by the player.  The player will convince himself and thus be completely deceived by a false perception and subscription to his current wagering selections based solely on his past experiences or what others are mumbling and telling him to do.  The player will always rationalize out what seems to be fantastic and successful but the false perception will soon surface and cost him lots of money.  When he wins using this, it just fuels the soon to erupt fire that much greater.

Temporary Perception.  The player is attempting to calm his lust to win, usually after a period of false perceptions, just fizzled out and cost him a large amount of his win or buy-in capital he had.  Since perception is extremely hard to actually define and harder to actually understand by most people, the temporary perception is more of a fleeting, some right and almost on track type of result for the player which could send the player into larger wins or aggressive losses.  REALIZE WHAT THE DIFFERENCE IS AND HOW IT HAPPENS!

Self-Correcting Perception.  The hardest to explain but here goes.  Almost elementary psych but one can very well relate to, self-correcting perception to learning.  How the younger school kids, say elementary school aged and how they are easier to convince and change their mind set then middle school aged and how middle school aged kids are easier to convince and change their minds than high school kids and/or adults would be.  But self-correcting perception, within baccarat is the player catching himself following others especially when they are wrong in their bet placement processes.  The player realizes he was drifting and not paying attention or at least he blames that as his excuse for following others and not paying attention, etc.  It would also cover the player's ability to correct himself with reverting himself back to the basics such as, remaining conscious of his plateaus, past experiences, capital, bet selection methods, duration of playing time, variances and win holding, etc., etc. 

In closing, if you think everything is 'cut and dried' with a simple bet selection/bet placement method and what you will walk away with or place as a stop-loss, it is not that simple.  Although it might be for those that have a one-side one-vision playing style, but for those players that are more successful, they realize that there is no easy definitive 'cut and dried' protocol of wagering, stop loss and win stop amounts. The latter has absolutely found the positive and tangible effects of being conscious and employing other factors and events into their basics of wagering, cashing out and playing time.     
[For those of you that, wholeheartedly believe you can pick a bet-placement/bet-selection method, sit down at a Bac table, win a certain amount and then leave, DO NOT read the following, it will be a complete waste of your valuable time and will not apply.]

If you truly get into the game and take it seriously, you will find that you must have additional knowledge about other things that highly effect your winning, losing, playing, decisions, etc., other than your actual bet-placement/bet-selection process.  If you DO NOT, you will either do one of two things:

1)    Win and give it all back and then attempt to recoup and win again while losing your funds;


2)    Lose and keep losing in the attempt to win.

Amounts of wins and losses do not generally enter the picture.  Naturally you would think that, say a person with $500.00 buy-in wins about $1,500.00 would stop, cash out and leave.  Or a person that buys in with $500.00 loses, he would also stop and leave calling it a good try.  (Amounts stated are just for example purposes only.)  But, more times than others, that will not happen, not by far!  The person that won the money will have a complete change of mind frame and became convinced as to how easy and how profitable the game is to play.  "Hell, I worked all week over 40 hours for $ XYZ and now I just received double that for 20 minuets of my time".  BINGO!  That person will continue and continue until the variance and house retracts their money as well as the player's buy-in and most likely subsequent and repeated buy-ins that usually will happen.  As well, the person that lost will also continue to buy-in and attempt to win either because of his past wins or what he has witnessed while playing or watching the game.  Although their mind frames might be perfectly working, most players for quite some time---just do not have the proper mind-set and conscious knowledge of what the volatility of the game actually can produce as well as their own agenda and protocols that can hurt any chance they have for positive sessions.  The reason being, the #1 reason is the player's 'plateau' and what the player has or has not experienced in his/her past.  Once you can figure that out, you have just added a ton of ammunition to your arsenal labeled, willpower-patience-knowledge-short term plan-control and player's advantage.

Once you have played a while (more for some and less for others) you will 100% relate to those two scenarios I named above, and by the way, those are the only two things that will generally happen at the baccarat tables the highest majority of the time.  I stress--the 'highest majority' of the time.   

Another reason, right after the failure to recognize and be 100% conscious of your 'plateau'.  Is the player having one set of beliefs when they sit down at the table, and another when they are not at the table?  By that I mean, a player is looking north only, one way.  That translates to say a player that believes and will wager only when one or even a certain number of things will happen.  As well as that player's belief in obtaining a certain amount of wins, or having a certain stop loss, or playing a certain amount of time.  Sure, certain things or events do happen and happen either more frequently or less frequently than others, but the sad part is those times cannot always be identified by the player.  However, things change---and for all kinds of reasons the players have absolutely no control over and never will.  Some recognize the change as it is happening and so many do not.  And therein lies the majority of the problem.  So, what is a player to do?  A player should have a lot more than his one-sided belief for all the numerous things and events that can and do effect the game of baccarat as well as himself while playing the game.  The more 'well-rounded' player will believe in; north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west and northwest, all with equal possibilities of any path being the one to take.

There are too many variabilities, beliefs and attitudes to properly define what each of us should or should not do in the many variable situations the game presents throughout and the player faces.  And, those that will tell you to do 'so and so' after 'such and such' are normally selling a system or a pre-set course of play that will never ever prevail with any kind of consistency.  I will not venture to discuss the pros and cons for all those numerous types of systems or recommendations for probability.  They will only cost the highest majority of the players trying them, all kinds of money.  Worse yet, when someone wins with one of them, they become totally addicted to that system or style, and the damage will add up fiercely, quickly and with great damage. 

So, if you think a bet-placement/bet-selection system is all that is required to profit from this game, as well as set, 'one-sided beliefs', you are only fooling yourself.   
Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
June 11, 2017, 08:18:22 PM
Last night a typical Saturday night at the casino!  LOL, to the max!

Started the shoe with a casino buddy of mine.  By hand 20 the table is now full.  Wasn't bad, probably up a few thousand.   Almost thought about leaving and booking the profit, but something told me to stay.  Weather was outside anyways.  Not much else to do and getting late.  So just decided that I would stay a play a couple more shoes.  By the end of the shoe, the excitement started. 

Some lady comes prancing up and starts screaming at the top of her lungs at one of the players.  Pushing his shoulders and yelling, 'so I am here--who is that b*tch with you'?  Everyone looks at each other and breaks out laughing, seriously---loud and blatantly.  The lady got super p*ssed at that point and the guy her husband evidently, just ignored her.  In fact he motioned to the floor manager/pit boss to get rid of her.  The floor picks up the phone and dialed.  A min mater security is there and the one waits a few feet away, another comes and another comes.  There is about 4 of them now.  We are still playing on, hand after hand.  She is still yelling and screaming.  Not much different then other tables yelling and screaming when they are winning anyways.  She really don't do anything wrong yet.  Not yet.

Then she takes off her ring and throws it on the bac table in front of her husband.  Security goes to restrain her and she gets wild.  BIA Police are now running down the aisle as well.  She grabs the girlfriends hair and yanks her to the ground as the security is bringing the wife to the ground.  Now there is a pile of the following on the ground.  The wife, the girl friend and 2 security officers. 

The general manager of the casino is now running down the aisle and a bunch of suits.  We just had a huge hand, everyone on the banker side and the players side, no one on it, returned an 8.  The guy peeling the cards is saying he had a three side and a one line card.  We are really trying our best to play, seriously trying to ignore all the football tackling action.  We all had pretty good sized bets out.  All the other tables around us, had their players removed and their chips covered.  All of them, the two on each side of us and the three or so directly behind us.  But not the bac table where the guy was at.  We need to play!  LOL. The guy peeling the cards flops a 6 and says he has a 2 or a 3 and we are all standing now and dinging and pinging to add the dot.  Now there is like 3 or more floor managers and a security around our dealer and all the security and BIA Police behind us are trying to keep us separate from the rumbling going on behind us with the wife and the girl friend. 

We played another couple of hands and they get the handcuffs on both the women and everyone removed and they all leave.  The bac game never really interrupted.  The casino manager comes over and tell the guy, that his wife wants her ring back and can she have it.  The guy gives it to him and asks about his girlfriend.  Wanted to know if she was going to be arrested for slapping or punching his wife in self defensive.  The casino manager said, no she would not.  The guy said, cool.  The game went on. 
+20 WINS for me with something I would have wagered and if I controlled myself and not wagered anything else than what I probably would have-as I marked it up, +20 hand win for me in those 3 shoes.  I have no idea how he only won the +9, but I would have prevailed with 20 wins and whatever amount of units I was wagering!

The guy said he has all the money he needs and he is compelled to help others. You do not have to read his material and you don't have to like it but how about letting the guy have his space and help others as he said, if they want it??  Why so derogatory? Thanks AL-RELAX
Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
June 10, 2017, 06:12:22 PM
Well, its been a little while but I will add on to 'The Blog' here with some things that happened last night at the casino.

The single most important thing, is to clear your mind, most players cannot not figure out or understand.  However, some players will actually realize, why and how they lost for certain events and times. 

The score, the board, are like radio spots.  You will hear and hear radio ads and then hopefully one day when you need that service or product—you will call them and they will profit.  Same in baccarat, players tend not to forget but they confuse themselves with all their past hands-happenings-shoes, etc.  You have to recognize what you want and if and how it will be actually exposed when you are playing.  There is always something to say about winning or losing point values.

On players saying this or that after a hand or before a hand.  OMG!  All the time!  Sure I do it once in a while as well.  More so with the players I know than I do not.  Others do it all the time.  Pointing out and showing everyone, why such and such will happen or did just or previously happen.  Of course when something did not happen (that was supposed to happen), there is not much explanation or any recourse, etc.  But the talk never ceases.  Last night at the casino, it was from someone I respect and he does rather well.  For better than half a shoe, a total of a 7 got beat every time by the opposite side with the first 2 cards or the 3rd card draw, as well as the subsequent hand going to the opposite side for the cut.  Then it stops doing that.  The next shoe came along and they were still talking about it and that influenced these people in their wagering when a 7 came out for the following hand.  The most ludicrous thing and in favor of the casino BIG TIME—is the score board and cards!!!!  It makes the average player so conscious of what it should be and why and winning numbers and everything else involved in scoring, he will miss out on the more important aspect of the future hands. The players are actually analyzing the score and not what the shoe is producing!   Two very different things!

Then a new shoe after that one.  There was right at 20 hands out.  Never past a 3, a 3 repeat of bankers or players and then a 'cut'.  I think there was 5 of them.  I wagered only those.  Won everyone.  The other people except my buddy, were all wagering heavy on the 3rd one after a successful win and even heavier for the 4th one that never came.  Then a dealer switch on a 2nd banker.  I did not wager, although I wanted to wager for the 3rd banker, I also wanted the 'cut'.  But I choose to stay out because everyone was very heavy on the 3rd banker and I mean everyone, between $800 and $2,000 and it was a $2k table max.  I did not wager and I really had great profitable games with the new dealer in the past and he was one of my favorite dealers there,  that just came in.  He was ready to deal and a couple of the players told him to stop.  They begged me to wager with them and rather than kill the building camaraderie happening, I threw in one quarter on the banker.  Their faces were frowns and laughter.  I was urged to wager larger.  I did not want to and I felt it was the end of the section.  I have talked about and wrote about sections here and I truly believe in them and they truly exist in every shoe, at least if it is not a super rare non-deviation banker and player results like every single hand a chop-chop or a doubles the whole entire shoe.  I stood fast at the quarter for the sake of support.  Boom, natural 9 for the players and a losing hand for the bankers.  No, I am not physic or a magician, just time to change up and I was right, could have been wrong.  Just the reasoning was strictly based on it made 5 times triples in the past and it will do it again.  Now, I would agree more about the 2nd line for the 2nd repeating one that just occurred but not the 3rd.  If it made the 3rd and the 4th I would have to stay on it for the remaining and only losing the last one at that point.  But the talk and the reason is all wrong when you are talking about outside the section or past a shoe divided up into 3 or 4 section for every 20 -25 hands or so.  Can it continue, sure.  But I see less and less continue with the pattern/trend/winning hand production from each shoe outside of the section.  Looking at the first section and being in the last section of the shoe is what I am referring to as well.  Or the previous shoes.   

It changes, and changes throughout the shoe.  At time I am only wagering on the banker or player to continue and at times I am wagering for the cut and yet, at other times I am wagering for win after another wager until it hits with doubling and tripling and quadrupling, etc., on one side until I win my one unit (a negative progression). 

A good player plays with it or possible the player plays against it—stays at and no set protocol.  Has a habit of saying the cards he doesn't wait for—the 3rd ones for the players and the bankers if the rules demand those to be pulled.  Doesn't matter, cannot change it, and not in any way whatsoever — others at the table are getting mad at him.  Clearly—the majority of the times a person calling for a card won't care.  OMG, one of the regulars I gamble with all the time.  Last night he would comment after the first four cards were drawn.  If it needs a 3rd card for the players and/or the bankers-he would normally call out for a winning card for the opposite side than what he did actually wager.  Why??  Because he cannot change it no matter what he says or does not say!  Clearly the majority of the times a person calling for a card for that 3rd card is going to be wrong anyways.  It is a frustrating and a freakish type of situation, IMO. 

Some people will continually flat bet.  Some will wager the opposite side when it gets to a repeated 3rd or 4th min streak.  Most of them are basing their wagering decisions on a majority and collective experiences from their past—not the instant shoe.  Can in reality go either way of course.  Just take a period of 10 times within 1 shoe that the board made 3 and 4 repeating bankers or players.  A player might have wagered everyone at that time for the opposite side to come out.  He might as well have kept wagering through 6 or 8 or 10 times to recoup his losing wagers and make the one unit once the opposite side prevailed.  One time going to say 9 times on a $50.00 wager would be $25,550.00 to make $50.00 and recoup any of the prior loses in so trying.  If the player started at the more intelligible say 4th attempt to have it 'cut', meaning there was 3 previous repeating wins for one side, he wagers $50.00 on the fourth hand to cut to the opposite side.  Then it does not.  He makes a decision to double up until it does cut.  It gets to the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th wager.  He would need a total of $3,150.00 to risk to recoup his losses and make the same $50.00. 

I have a way and a system that stops me after 2 negative wagers that is highly successful to me, but that is IMO and protective as to how far I do get into a negative progression.  Yes, eventually it will cut to the opposite side, but if you don't think 7 or 9 or 11 or 13 times happen, sure it is low, but it happens all the time.  It is not the way the greatest amount of players play and the reason being, their bank rolls and buy in's do not permit them to.  If you have the bank roll, you can always make one unit if you stay on the same side you are attempting for (the opposite side as to when you started your wagering) and the table limits allow you to, etc.  It will always switch.  I much rather get on a 7 plus streak with a positive progression in the beginning and only lose the last hand when it eventually will 'cut'.  IMO, it is hard to bounce back and forth with both styles of play, extremely hard.  That is why I have previously wrote about the average and the highest majority of all players thinking and wagering 1-way only!!!  Meaning, it is their way or the highway theory.  They think and predict one way and the shoe has to conform to that 1 way.  I wrote about and mentioned the 4 way or actually 8 way thinking agenda rather than the 1 way. 

1 Way=North.  As long as the shoe conforms to your predictions based on whatever, you are good to go.  If not you lose.  Period.  Instead, open your mind and allow yourself to look at all 8 ways, North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, North West, etc. 

Also, last night once again.  There are two regular players.  One is a lady that is a very good player and her ways of thinking usually attacks all the angles most every wager within each section.  The other is a son of a guy I mention a lot, a casino buddy I know in the casino as well as outside.  His son started playing about a year or so ago, maybe 18 months now.  The female came in a game, me and another guy started up, wow—she was depressed and her face showed it.  Small talk led her to tell us that she won $13k the night before, Thursday evening.  She lost it all late Thursday and earlier before we started las night.  She is a $50 to $250/$350 a hand type of player with a $2,500/$4,000 buy-in, etc.  She told us all the same things I have wrote about, thought she could control the table and the shoe, thought her winning streak would hold out, thought she could continue hitting the F-7's for $25 or $50 at a time, etc.  How one shoe had 5 of them and then none for 2 or 3 shoes, etc., etc.  Then the guy, the son of my buddy, won over $10k also and gave it all back.  Then he started in and would win, $200, press to $400 and win and then to $800 and win and then go to $1,600.  Lose.  Bought in with a few thousand and then a few thousand more.  Lost it all in one and a half shoes.  Great bets, spot on for the first 3 or 4 and then every time he pressed up and up to the 4th or 5th one, he would lose.  Then the clear frustration set in, clearly.  Then all the mistakes.  Like 4 and 5 bankers in a row and his thought was 'cut'.  Buys in with another $1,500 and throws it all up on the players.  Bankers continue.  Both, sad.  All the typical and all the obvious.  These are people that played like I said, 18 months or 2 or 3 years.  They do not know the volatility of the game and also, the way their psych's are effected by winning and losing both. 
I wish you luck with your commercial endeavors.
I did not judge anything, I said great and congratulations.  If you like, I can remove that part?  You didn't even say thanks.  Oh well. 

You are coming on here to promote your book you are making a profit off of.  You should IMO, support this website with Vic, many of us have donated money to him to keep this place going.  You are here for commercial reasons, please support our website and donate at least $100.00 to Vic, many of us have giving $50.00 or so without commercial reasons.  It is only fair and just and shows your good faith to support the site that has the potential to make you money. 

As far as books, I have read many, not all.  I know the triggers, the systems, the tricks and profitable agendas to baccarat.  I have gambled for years, about 37 years or so that is.  At every baccarat and high limit room in Atlantic City, at Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun in CT and Seminole in Florida.  At no less than 25 casino properties in the Midwest as well as Pala, Pechanga, Morongo and Agua Caliente in Southern California.  In Vegas the Mirage, Treasure Island, The Bellagio, Planet Hollywood and before that it at The Aladdin.  At the Wynn and before that at The Desert Inn.  Palace Station, Gold Coast and The Rio.  At Caesar's Palace, MGM, and the Tropicana.  M Bay and others.  Bottom line, a few of us non-published people, might know a few things about baccarat as well. 

Great and congratulations!
VRSEDGE / Re: My current online roulette strategy
May 31, 2017, 01:03:40 PM
Me Too!  Absolutely.  Has to win, has to be guaranteed and if I don't win or like it, the money has to be refunded!  LOL, glad I was not drinking coffee when I read that one!

You know, I used to be in Manhattan (New York City) for a long time.  There used to be this restaurant in a very crowed part of 'mid-town' and they had this sign in the window.  "Come on in--eat our food and if you don't truly like it and enjoy it--we will not charge you".  I used to eat there, before the sign was posted.  It was a great place--no doubt.  Then it was conceivable the sign helped attract new customers without a doubt!  Then after a few months the sign came down.  I asked the owner why.  He told me, 'Because so many of the people are liars and cheats, they eat everything on their plates and then they say they did not like it'. 
VRSEDGE / Re: My current online roulette strategy
May 31, 2017, 11:54:19 AM
Posts: 36
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Personal Message (Online)

Re: Over 874 Wins in 271 Shoes!!! The absolute holy-grail! Found Finally!!!!

« Reply #95 on: May 18, 2017, 06:11:43 am »


price system for win bccarat ?

Then it was only 874 wins @271
Now it is currently 3,466 wins @ 304

P.S.  Don't let life pass you by while you are selling hot dogs
from a cart at the corner of, 'Shoulda and Coulda and Didn't' streets.

:)) :nod: :applause: :drunk:
As I mentioned within the thread above, 'Perception'

To me, I know this has a lot to do with wagering and the game itself.

You know perception does effect us in various ways in many things we all do.  The other day I was talking to an employee about my little son.  The little kid love Five Nights at Freddy's and all the characters with Freddy.  When I mention, 'Freddy' to the employee--he says, "OMG, I remember that guy from Nightmare on Elm Street".  Which of course was the 1984 or so movie and Freddy Krueger the brunt killer with the metal claws on his hand, etc. 

But my little boy is involved with Freddy from Five Nights at Freddy's which is a 2014 origination.  Two different characters, two different plots and adventures or whatever they are called.

Same in baccarat.  Mention something and take favoritism to a certain thing, and the next person has a total different perception of it for whatever reason.  Might not even be the same thing. 
Lack Of Visualization--Tangible/Intangible

All of the above interfaces with the baccarat player, realize it, acknowledge it, ignore it, whatever, it is your choice.

Like in most other thinking or labor dependent type of processes where there is a rationalizing/deduction process for what to do or what should be done, all 3 of the areas identified in the title, Lack Of Visualization--Tangible/Intangible  will usually come into play. 

Lack Of:  Just because something is lacking, does not mean, it does not exist.  Does not mean, it will not come around.  Does not mean, it is going to make a huge showing/appearance.  Does not mean, it cannot come appear relatively easy. 

Lack Of
is by far and large the single most ruining factor of the game of baccarat for countless players.  Do not kid yourself, the very opposite, An Abundance of, will also be a ruining factor but in my opinion, not nearly as much as the lack of, infliction.  Players just do not visualize the streaks, runs, large clusters and related winning events that formed sections within the shoe.  The players are basically negative and leery because of their own or their friends losing experiences.  So, their psych convinces them that, because they do not see it up on the board,it is not coming, etc.  Then when it does, they still will not believe it or even recognize it, the typical and proverbial 'double whammy'.  Boom!  They got smacked on the side of their heads.  And that happens, admit it or not, consistently!

Here is a non-baccarat analogy of, Lack Of.  Say you are mowing your lawn and it is thick.  You are happily walking behind your mower, usually never a problem.  However, all of a sudden 'Bang-Clack-Clack-Cling', etc.  Huge noises and all of a sudden your mower cuts out.  You tip the mower to one side and you see some large metal debris pieces of 'whatever'.  You could have walked the yard real quick and looked for such objects but, you reason with yourself and justify your laziness by saying, that never happened before.  Kind of like when you play a baccarat shoe and it was so choppy everyone was losing money by wagering for the repeats that never came.  Then once you started wagering the chop it went to a 14 or 16 run/streak Banker or Player and you missed it all.  You missed it for the same reason, you failed to see it or even believe it could be there and come forward.   

Visualization:   The trickiest and the most difficult by far, is the fact that there is the visualization factor at the game of baccarat.  While other card games within the casino might be solely based on numbers and some other technical thought process, baccarat has numerous visual influencing events continuing though out the shoe that effect the highest majority of all players.   

____        ____     C         K

____       ____                      ____   ____   ____    K

What happens if you put the letters SU/FU/CO/DI, etc., in the first 2 spots of the first work where the 'CK' are already inserted?  People visualize but still can be so confusing or leaning towards the non-appropriate and the farthest thing from the truth or what will actually happen, etc.   

As in baccarat and the score board, the score board, etc., it is all resting with the player and his interpretation of what he sees.  Many people will look at the above and immediately say 'Suck or F*ck'.  But the real phase that should appear there would be 'Back to Work'. 

Negative.  Wise.  Derogatory.  Like, a 'WOW' effect was sought, etc.
Enticing.  Bold statement.  While it could have been just that, very possibly it could have been the complete opposite with a subtle and very non-head turning phrase.

Same as when a streak of either B or P is about to happen, not really any different, IMO.

B---P--B--- -B-- P--- - -P--- ---- -- ---P--B---   B
B---P--B-- ---  ---- -- -P--- ---- ----  --- - - B

When you get to the above point, just about all the players would be wagering heavy for the 'cut' and getting deeper into the shoe with negative progression after negative progression after negative progression from the 2nd Banker on.  Unlike the old-school Bac players that would be counting on the streak/run with their reasoning being, the 4th Banker with no previous runs past 3 repeats. 

B--P---B---  -B---P--- ---     -- --P-   ----P---B--- -B
B--P---B--- ----  ---  ---- - ---- ---P---  ---- ----B
                                                                B B B B B B B B T B

The score board has done the very same thing to baccarat!  No difference.  That is why it is there.  It is a complicated thing, you just ca not say I will wager this or that for the obvious reasons.  Then again, on the other hand, you will only hurt yourself when you say, "I will wager this way because the other way is the way the casino is counting on the money wagering".  If you focus on the board it will play games with you.  It will prove to be rationale and then irrational, then predictable and then it will be the total opposite so clear you will actually blame yourself for not following it. 

Tangible/Intangible:  Intangible items effecting your play; Illusions, Perceptions, Influences and Frame-of-Mind.  Tangible items effecting your play; Diminishing Probability, Regression to the Means, Sections, Turning Points, Positive Progressions, Negative Progressions, Plateaus, 1 + 4 Side Wagers, Situation Awareness and Money Management Systems. 

There are plenty of them.  They all in one way or another effect your decision making ability while wagering.  If you do not think so, you better take a second look into them all.  The game of baccarat is much more than merely looking at the score board and figuring 'such and such' will happen because of 'so and so', etc.  And that is how the intangibles will come up and haunt you forcing the majority of the players into 'forced rapid wagering' to recover their funds lost or a clouded and unfocused state of mind causing the player not to make the easiest and most rational decisions. 

As much as some people write about the game of baccarat, is so easily beatable by merely figuring out what is due to come up on the score board and if they fail, they have convinced themselves all they need to do is enter into a negative progression wagering attack and they will recoup all their lost funds plus one unit.  In a perfect world of gambling that is slanted towards the player that, might be possible but it is wishful thinking and one or both will eat you up---the mathematics or the tangible/intangible items that are there whether you like it or not
Quote from: vrsedge on May 19, 2017, 10:26:57 AM
Hello alrelax,
sorry but didn't get your question, please specify your point. Thanks and nice day

Here is the question:

Do you get satisfaction out of helping your fellow man? 

Do you feel compelled to give something back to the community?