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Messages - alrelax

Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
November 20, 2016, 05:37:59 PM
Saturday night 11-19.  Played a shoe that was great.  Started out with the proverbial classic start, Tie-Banker-Player.  One of each! Whatever order of them, it is what I dub the classic start. Then 3 Players, followed by 3 Bankers, followed by 3 Players, followed by 1 Banker, then 3 more Players. Now we go into a few doubles and a single or two. We are sitting at about hand 24-25 or so.  The female I always sit next to was that present last night.  Another gentlemen I have played alongside many many times is down the other end.  He looks at me and points to the Fortune 7.  I will usually be at least a quarter on it, he generally is 2 or 3 nickels on it.  It doesn't come.  I kept up my quarter another couple of times on it.  Then I had 4 nickels and thought to throw it up on the Fortune 7.  Player had returned a 6 and Banker had two monkeys.  We all yelled out for a 7 and sure enough the dealer flopped one over. Then the shoe took a turn and everything was Players.  The shoe was basically pretty well equal in everything, repeats-doubles-singles-positioning of the naturals, etc., etc.  The second Fortune 7 that hit shortly thereafter, the Player had a couple of monkeys and the Banker had blackjack.  Player pulls a 2 and the one person wagering on the Player side is calling verbally out loud for a monkey.  Low class in my book, but whatever.  Dealer flops the 6 for the Fortune 7 win.  I always have said the 7 and the 6 are the winning most Banker 3rd card flops for the Fortune 7.

So, we are playing along and every hand for the Player starts to be a 2 or 3 card 7-8 or 9.  There were 4 Players in a row and then a double tie followed by 3 more Players and a tie.  Darn and I mean WTF! These people are seriously playing for the cut with true and relentless conviction. Player clearly became dominant and stayed there. The aforesaid run of 7 with 3 ties brought the Players light down to the bottom and across to the right 4 squares.  Then 1 Banker came with a natural 9, so most people got all hyped and convinced themselves that Banker would be strong and play catch up.  So they wagered big on the 2nd Banker coming in their minds.  Players once again, down for a solid 4 repeats making a complete closed box upon the board. Then 1 Banker prevailed.  Then right back to Player with another solid 5 to connect once again, a complete box. 

Then a series of  6's and 7's came out, all either 2 cards or 3 cards, didn't matter, out of the next 8 hands or so-probably all but 2 were the 6/7 totals. Every time the Player side prevailed except for 2.

Then 5 Bankers with 2 ties happened in a row.  Everyone was citing how it was now established as a Players shoe and Banker would not make past a double.  The kept up their wagering with the absurd doubling up progression Marty to recoup and get the one small unit profit.  One did, the rest bailed from trying around hand 4.

Banker tried to catch up a bit at the end around hand 60.  So many times, and I mean the upper majority, when it is lop-sided like it was, the deficient side does almost always make a good attempt at gaining some ground before the end.  I guess you can label it more Clustering and Alignment than Regression to the Mean, but as the old saying goes in the is game, play long enough ad you will see everything.   


(I like the horizontal scoring method with the repeating hands going vertical, similar to the way the score boards does it).  I wrote it out and attached it done that way as well.



Caught both Fortune 7's, one for $800.00 and the second one for $1k.  Did fairly well on the rest of the shoe, probably in the neighborhood of $2k plus.  I would estimate I gave back at least $1k of some of the win, wagering against all the Players' like an unintelligent jerk!  Cashed out $2,500.00 win, at the end and played the next shoe with $400.00 from the win and a portion of my original buy-in. Got on a roller-coaster and was about even at the end, maybe down a little, so I called it a night. 

My downfall to really not cleaning house on this shoe, was my disbelief in the shoe producing what it was.  I doubly got smacked on it for not profiting what I should have, cause the Players prevailing hands were constantly high in their groups.  Like I previously said--and I will repeat it--almost every 3rd card was bringing the Players side up to 7-8 or 9.  Almost every time the Banker had an 8, the Player's side would tie or prevail with a 9.  Yes, I always say, play the shoe and don't try to change it.  I did just the latter and tried to make it Banker hands instead of it was doing at the mid-way point.  All I can do is, improve and I will certainly remember this one and when in a similar position of anything like it---I know my efforts will be improved.  Sometimes we all need that slap on the face to get ingrained in the grooves we should be in.     
Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
November 20, 2016, 03:38:28 PM
Friday night 11-18.  Game in progress and grab 1 of the 2 last open seats. There it is, sheer tension at its best.  Couple of the players against another couple of players.  Dealer wants to deal and move along, taps his fingers and keeps asking, 'everyone in-everyone ready'? Then it started, the positioning and the adjusting of wagers dependent on where each has wagered.  Very clear, very much so. Cussing began in Viet and Laotian, so after a few more hands I got up and left.  Not good. Called it a night.
Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
November 14, 2016, 01:59:18 PM
Somehow when I was on the way home last night after the casino, I had this urge for some chili dogs with jalapeƱos.  Guess it was probably due to seeing that show 'Carnival Food' the other night.  I wanted to make it myself and must say, they turned out pretty darn good! 

Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
November 14, 2016, 01:55:44 PM
This was posted within my Blog section on November 8th.  Someone PM'd me and asked about this guy I call, 'Mr. Wonderful'.  Here is a bit more about him, sure there are many around with the same aura as him!

The other night I was at one of the local casinos.  There was a few of us at the baccarat table playing.  Ups and downs.  Got on a real nice run of 6 Bankers followed by 6 Players with some ties, then the doubles came out, 2 by 2 by 2 by 2 about 5 or 6 times.  Then the chop started, a good 9 or 10 squares of alternating chops.  Finally, all of us together with some great camaraderie.  We kept humiliating each other into wagering more saying stuff like, 'if you chicken--go home', etc.  Shoe about 1/3rd over. 

Here comes one of the regulars.  Let me describe him for you so you can get a better understanding. He truly believe he can out think the shoe.  Wins a few times and walks away, but the highest majority of the time, he will get wiped and then go to the ATM or cage and get more of his available funds.  Most of the time, in fact the highest majority of the times, he will just lose the additional buy in.  Even if he wins and wins good, somehow his mind convinces him he can 'smack' the casino and he is an advantaged player, he truly believes it---very easy to see his aura and put that together with his words.

He flaunts his Rolex watch (fake or not, a clear flaunt), impresses some around here in the Midwest I guess but so comical.  His throws out a few words here and there in some kind of British accent from England-Scotland or perhaps the Wales, like he is a scholar or something, LOL.  Throws out political statements every once in awhile without many paying attention to him, when he looks at the dealer and kind of inquires why he or she doesn't answer him, they all just shrug their shoulders.  Usually, like clockwork when he losses on his progressions after his routine downfall with his bankroll, the regular, 'bloody this poo-poo American casino' or else it is, 'you yanks are so under educated you can't even tell if it is daylight outside'. 

Most of the players don't even pay attention to him.  Once in a while someone will engage in the banter with him and he will go off into some long drawn out dialog about his country versus America.  Anyway, he is playing and as I said, we are all in the grove and quadrupled or five folded our buy-ins easily.  He starts in and mumbles how he knows the cut is coming.  The shoe was producing those alternating chop-chop B-P-B-P-B-P-B-P, etc., that few can flow with to prevail on their wagers.  However, we were all doing it and winning.  He goes, "the streaks are ready to come back".  I look at the others and we give each other that smirky smile and we are all in agreement to follow the shoe and ignore 'Mr. Know It All'.

It was just a Player so we are all up on Banker and one of the women playing says, 'Fortune Time'.  Our friend with the British accent is mumbling something about 'bloody unintelligent yanks wasting their money', etc., etc.  I throw up a quarter on the Fortune and every one else has either a few nickels or a quarter or two on the Fortune, except Mr. Wonderful.  Player returns two monkeys and Banker has a two card 3.  Mr. Wonderful, lets go with a loud 8 or 9.  Player gets a 4.  All the other players are shouting to the dealer for one more 4.  Must of been said about 20 times in the short order by the other players, asking for a 4.  Mr. Wonderful is calling for a monkey repeatedly with vengeance in fact!  The dealer flips a 4.  Fantastic.   

The game moves on.  All chops and then a bunch of 1's and 2's until the end of the shoe.  Mr. Wonderful is kind of quite.  Next shoe is readied and Mr.. Wonderful let's go with his typical garbage mouth and more bad mouthing.  One of the girls playing stands up and squares off on him.  Basically told him to leave if he doesn't like playing there and calls him a cue-ball jerk off that is hated by most everyone in the place.   

He doesn't say anything, just acts like he is concentrating on playing.  The game moves on.  We are all wagering against Mr. Wonderful and we are winning like 7 or 8 wagers out of every 10 hands.  At one point he notices we are wagering against him.  Says something but it was lower than a mumble, guess his energy level was dropping once again.  He wagers on one side and we all throw up our wagers on the other side.  He slides his wager over to the side we are on and we all pull our wagers down.  He looks at us and says very clearly, "so you all are wagering against me, huh"?  Someone said, "absolutely cause you can't win the way you play there pal".  He snickers out loud and then the dealer flops over a natural for the side he was originally on and blackjack for the side he switched to.  We all broke out laughing and the girl that squared off on him actually fell out of her chair and busted out in a long drawn out laugh. I just took a sip of my coffee and when I saw the natural on the side he was on, part of that sip came up and out of my nose.  Seriously, I couldn't believe it and broke out into laughter myself.   Classic, best thing I seen for a long time!!!  He goes bust and asks the dealer to save his seat as he walks away.  The dealer doesn't and another player walks up and takes the seat.  About 5 minuets later he returns.  Squares off on the dealer and says he wants his seat back.  Dealer refers him to the floor person.  The floor person tells him, sorry it was not reserved.  The game continued without obnoxious Mr. Wonderful.

After he walked away, the floor person came over and told us, "if you guys keep this up, we will have to charge you an entertainment charge".  LOL.   
Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
November 13, 2016, 10:31:31 PM
At the casino, Sunday @ 4:30.  Few people sitting down, going to start playing after they open the table.  About 10 more minuets or so.  Will post.  Hopefully Mr. Wonderful, that guy with the bloody British accent won't show up!!! LOL! What a pain in the rear!

4:47. Seriously dude!  Mr. Wonderful and he is running his mouth about Trump.  Oh lord seriously.  I waited for him to wager and then said to the lady next to me, the same one last week or so that squared off on him--let's go opposite and she violently shook her head up and down.  LOL.  It's going to be a fun night!  Throw $300.00 out there and a quarter on the Fortune 7 and 2 nickels for the dealer on the 7 also.  Player returned blackjack and Bankers a 2.  We broke out we are ahead by 1, don't know why but we did. LOL.  Then Players drew a monkey we are all screaming for a 5.  Dealer pulls and says darn!  He seen it first and it was a four.  At least we won the Banker our first wager. 

4:58. Played 5 hands out of the first 9.  Won 4 of the bets.   Just won a Fortune 7 with one nickel up for the dealer. Tried 6 times out of the 9, lost the $150.00 to make $1k!!!  LOL. Classic, one for the books.  Players had 2 and Bankers had 2 monkeys.  Players drew an 8 for zero and Mr. Wonderful yelling for a monkey to catch the tie.  The whole table had Fortune 7 other than Mr. Wonderful.  We are all yelling for  a 7. Dealer peaks his side and looks at us and says we got a chance it is a 3 line card.  I know the dealer well and he would have just flipped it if it was anything but a 7.  I stand up and try to high five the lady next to me.  The dealer says, hold on---come on it might not be--could be a 6 or a 7.  I said no way, the lady is reserved.  The dealer says to go ahead and high five me.  LOL, it was a classic.   

5:09. I am dwelling on the Fortune 7 within the first 10 hands.  Anyway, about hand 20, was 3 Bankers and cut to Players, did not wager it, should have after talking about it earlier today.  Was 2 Bankers, wagered the 2nd Banker and won it.  Didn't wager and made a 3rd.  I wagered $600.00 on the cut back to Players after it made the 3rd one, caught it!  Up $2,400.00 on a $900.00 buy-in by hand 25.

5:28.  Hand 45.  Up $2,600.00.  Game slowed down.  Argument with Mr. Wonderful and several people changing money for additional buy-ins.  I put $2,500.00 win away and locked up $500 out of my original buy-in.  I am continuing with the $600.00.  Caught a few more and then did something unintelligent.  Played against the shoe, which I normally don't do.  But did.  Played for the cut after3 and 4 and continued each time, once to 9 and once to 7.  Got frustrated.  Should have stayed on the repeats instead of switching up.

5:40.  Hand 58.  Lots of nothing.  Not wagering, waiting for next shoe.  Throwing a quarter out here and there only for the Fortune 7. 

5:50.  Hand 73.  I said to myself and said out loud, I was going to wait until next shoe.  I wagered two wagers of $225.00 each on what appeared to be something great to me.  Lost both.  Always, after doing really good, this darn stuff always happens to me.  I should have waited. 

6:15.  New shoe.  Starting it with $600.00.  Not going to change any more.  Pocketed a total of $2k.  So if I lose the $600.00 I would be up $1,100.00. If I can spin more, all the better.  $600.00 on the table, that's it.

Seriously, Sunday must be official argue day.  Just seems like one argument after the next.  Now it's about someone's buy in.  Come the heck on.

6:40.  Hand 18. Played about 10 hands at the most and won about half. Sitting with $650.00. 

6:55.  Hand 34.  Down to $300.00.  Going to make 2 wagers of $150.00 each, the next time B or P hits 3.  Just 1's and 2's right now.  Catch some and then equally lose as many.  One Fortune 7 at hand 27 and I missed that one.  I have said in the past how I like the first 9-12 hands for the Fortune 7 and then hand 25-35 or thereabouts.  I don't want to get frustrated but between my own decision of wagering against what was happening and Mr. Wonderful and other arguing like it is a sport, it sucks.

7:05.  Hand 47. Lots of no wagering hands, they won't do free hands here so someone just throws out $10.00 on both the B and P and they deal to get on with the hands. 

7:15.  Hand 56.  A couple problems.  One the dealer swoop away someone's money that didn't lose and paid others that won.  Those players quickly put their wrongly paid chips in their stacks and then the other player said something.  So naturally shoe pulled in and floor and casino manager called over. Cards put back out and original wagers forced to be put back, etc., etc.  Long and drawn out.  Supposedly according to senior management, if the next hand did not play yet, the casino has a right to do this.  If a player will not cooperate, could be banned, etc., etc.   

I won the first 3 repeating anti-streak wager.  I pressed it on the same side for a repeating one that it switched to and won that also.  $150 won and then $300 won.

7:30.  Played a few more hands.  I am sitting with 980.00. Calling it a night.  Made $2k. I will call
the other $30.00 for gas, coffee and snacks for the ride back home.  Cool.  Not bad for a dead Sunday.  The arguments have to stop, al they do is pull the jokers/clowns to the left and right of me down. LOL!
Discussion and Questions or Points.  I truly feel after years of playing the game of baccarat that the following will add to or detract from your time at the table.  As well, directly reflecting the bottom line of your losses or wins.

There are the following 'in-play' within yourself or should be:

1)  Interpretations/Misinterpretations

2)  Visions/Beliefs

3)  Feelings/Mindset

4)  Bankroll & Related

#1)   Playing with the Shoe
        Stats Trying to Change
        Equals Out/Lopsided
        Events to Happen
        Events That Happened
        Statistical Reliance

#2)  Playing for the Cut or the Repeats 
       Chop/Alternating  and  Repeats/Streaks
       Trends and Patterns
       Other Players Actions/Wagers
       Bank of '3' Shoes (re: similarity)
       Downfall/Upside of Available Chip Stack (smaller 100% available/larger w/stop)

#3)  Clear Minded/Clouded-Obscured
        Gut Feelings
        Open Minded/Closed Minded
        Preconceived Protocols Employed
#4)  Drawdown
       Stop Loss
       Win Management/Reserve
       Money Management
Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
November 12, 2016, 01:37:50 PM
Fizzled out.  Bad aura and nasty shoe.  I cut it short and not getting involved.  I am not going to fight the obvious and the aura.  Got aggravated before I got involved in the game.  Kind of proud of myself and a bit bummed out, but have other stuff I got involved in last night. 
Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
November 11, 2016, 11:36:34 PM
Well its time to lock up the office here.  Heading out to the casino, looking forward to some baccarat.  For some strange reason I can feel the Fortune 7's coming!   :P

Nothing sweeter than having a couple quarters up on the Fortune 7 and the Players side returns two monkeys and the bankers side has the same.  Players side pulls another monkey.  I can hear the 7's being shouted now!   ::)
Hell, according to our bloody chap member in the UK, I got about 10 Millions dollars of comp coming, certainly we could get some crackers and cheese for that, maybe even a beer to wash that down!
You mis understood what I tried to express, I think.

We really need to meet and talk, LOL..........................

If nothing else, at least about Trump and his plan to wipe the UK out.  I can't believe I said that.
Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
November 11, 2016, 02:29:35 PM
Went last night.  Now it's getting dark early, around 5pm.  I have about 80 miles one way to the casino.  Stopped along the Interstate and had that rumble in the gut, so I fueled up and instead of grabbing something at the C-Store, I went across the street the Mickey D's.  Boy---it was ungodly crowded!  15 min's later I am getting the fish filet and small fries I ordered.  Grabbed it to go.  Love their fish sandwiches there and that is it, everything else sucks!  Get to the casino and the dealer is sitting there at the baccarat table.  No one is playing.  Have this gut feeling it is going to be dead all night.  So does the dealer,  We make some small talk mostly about football and no one is showing up.  The games at this casino are usually in swing by 6, maybe 7pm at the latest.   

So, I go grab a cup of coffee and a snack at the food arcade.  Head back over to the table games section and still a no go.  So I head into the high limit slot machine room.  I am not one for playing the machines but nothing else is going on. Find one of those Triple 7 machines with a huge jackpot.  Put $40.00 in the machine to play the $2 max spin for the progressive and the large jackpot.  All the way down to $4.00 and then a win of $30.00. Then all the way back down to $2.00 and then a few wins of $10.00 each.  Then all the way back down again to $2.00 and a win of $30.00 so I promise myself if I get even I will cash out, this sucks.  People actually have fun doing this????  I finally get up to $48.00 so I cash out.  I head over to the baccarat table.  Still no go.  So I go back to the slots and find one of those Wheel of Fortune machines.  Same thing, put another $40.00 in it and lose.  Put $30.00 into it and go up and down between $3.00 and $40.00 or something.  Finally cash out $22.00.  Down about $50.00 or so.

Head back tot he baccarat table and nothing.  Dealers changed up and no one playing.  So call it a night and head home.  No go, a rarity over there at that place but I can only assume everyone is waiting for tonight to head over there. 

As,  A lot of this is subjective.  At times, in fact--all times, the single word is best to remember, 'MIGHT' as you said within another piece.  #1 Problem is, all of what you mention will happen.  However, it will also, not happen. 

IMO, the largest error the highest majority make in this game, including me, including you, including the reader studying all this and those that never come on the board, etc., will be that, their mind convinces their trend of thought that 'so and so will happen'.  My best nights now happen when I clear my mind of all info and stats, etc., and focus-concentrate and play what the shoe is producing.  And, that doesn't matter if it is chops, streaks, 1-2's-3's, etc.  I am not predicting, I am playing and riding the shoe.  I rather lose the last one of the cluster than not catch a single one during the cluster.  Hopefully you guys understand what I just said. 

The entire trick or key to a more successful game is being able to put the clusters, the pieces, the happenings, etc., together and predict what will prevail based on what is happening with the current shoe (not past or history or stats) and couple that with an expected continuance before the regression to the mean develops within the shoe.

The above paragraph is well thought out--some will slam me and call it dribble.  However, the meaning to the above paragraph is, something will happen, something is happening and that happening will or will not continue for a period of hands.  At times it is very easy to figure out and at other times, extremely difficult. When you figure it out you have to ride it and stick with it, forgo and forget all the past shoes, events and stats.  The current instant shoe does not rely on anything or anybody or any superstition.  Most of us add some sprinkles for fun, take the edge off, slow the game or allow us to realize something sizable and then leave a winner. 

There are tons of similarities and for every one that is similar there is an opposite one awaiting arrival in an upcoming hand. 

I have witnessed just as many opposite side doubles or streaks to offset any commonplace similarity regarding when a double or a streak is or is not a trigger.

As far as Banker being the dominant one or as you say 'the less negative one', you are correct but that too will be varied and not a given.  One the other hand, I have sat at numerous tables and witnessed Player dominated shoes outnumbering the Banker in the end with 15+ Player wins.  The story does not end........it will continue.....................

There is a closing note here.  The big table baccarat where the shoe travelled from player to player with the 3 dealers, etc.  That game was pulled from almost all casinos and only the larger ones have it these days.  Why?  Because when it was played as normal, everyone trying the majority of the times for the Banker, the house lost money.  The game really didn't pick up speed until the introduction of the Midi/Macau style tables and the players with the 'cut' wagering mentality.  They are their worst enemies.

I have witnessed a far less player capitalization on the game since the early 2000's.  The typical player has one wagering style and one only.  Play for the cut.  They lose out on the highest majority of the streaks/runs and then they can't even capitalize on the chop/alternating weak shoe as they are then wagering for the repeating/streak (cut). 

Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
November 10, 2016, 08:04:02 PM
Well, been a tough past week with lots of work on the career front.  Been to the casino once since all the Fortune 7's, the 5 in 2 shoes that I hit last week.  I think I will go to the casino tonight if nothing comes up between now and then, another 4 hours or so. 

I seem to have a lackadaisical attitude and play aura but kid you not, I do have a regime and most of the time it is pretty spot on. 
Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
November 07, 2016, 08:49:56 PM
November 1st.  WOW, what a night.  2 Shoes and phenomenal Fortune 7 hits!  Out of this world, just playing on the local level for fun.

Shoe starts out, no one is playing--I am the only one and I normally do not open the shoe and play by myself.  There as a gut feeling and an inner voice screaming to play.  I wagered the first three hands on Banker and won 2 of the three.  B-P-B.  Stuck on Banker a solid 7 in a row and then back to chop.  Around hand 5 I started a quarter on each on for the Fortune 7 and a nickel up for the dealer.  I stop the nickel for the dealer and kept the quarter out on each wager for the Fortune 7.  Hand 12 I am on the Banker with a few hundred and the quarter up on the Fortune 7.  Players showing Monkey and a 2.  Banker has two monkeys.  Players draw a 4.  The dealer I knew well.  I told him, "come on 7, give me that 7, do it slow, bring it out and spin it around a full time".  He does and he flops over the 7!  We high five and he says, "I can never get the Fortune when a player has me up on it".  I look at him, and say "you going to make a back-to-back Fortune7"?  And he says, "Yes".  So I put him up on it for a nickel.  I stop him and say, "you know what, I will do one better".  And I put him up for $10.00 with 2 nickels and I point out how we have the same amount of chips, although mine were green.  He does not do it.  He looks at me when he is taking the money off the Fortune spot and says thanks for the try.  Told me, don't feel compelled to wager for him to.  I told him it was all good.  I sat up and asked him, "how about now--you feel it"?  And he said he felt it.  Of course a dealer would say that, at least the majority of them anyway.  But he was a good dealer and when players got mad at the shoe or him, you could see it in him that he felt bad people lose money at times.  So, that is why I always try for those kind of dealers when it is going my way.  I put him up for 3 nickels and myself for the 2 greens on the Fortune 7.  I point out and make fun, as to how his chips stack is bigger than mine.  He deals the cards, Players return a 5 and the Banker has a monkey and a an ace.  He pulls a monkey for the Players and looks once more at me.  I told him, "Come on, 6 baby---6 baby"!  He pulls it out and I tell him not fast, I don't know why, just feel something stupid and say do it slow, real slow. He pulls it out and lets it sit there for about 15 seconds, looks at me as to say, can it be flopped now.  I tell him do it, and I am almost yelling for a 6.  I knew it was coming and it most certainly was.  We high five and he counts out my $2k and his $600.  Floor comes over and says, 'nice'.  Dealers on both sides of the bac table are smiling for him.  BTW, this casino the dealers keep 100% of their tips for themselves.

I hit one more Fortune 7 that shoe for one quarter and 2 Fortune 7's the following shoe.  A total of 5 Fortune 7's in two shoes which is a record for me.  Cashed out and called it a night.