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Messages - alrelax

AsymBacGuy / Re: A progression that can't lose
May 25, 2016, 05:41:11 PM
My point was, the limited chances are there.  Hit them when the opportunity is there and try not to get caught up in all the superstition and false reasoning(s). Try not to think back on any other previous shoes or hands and play what the current shoe is producing. 

I still say, the mentality of the game has changed to the 'cut', thereby always missing the trends/bias, chops, clusters, virtually everything except the true 'cut' to whatever is opposite.
AsymBacGuy / Re: A progression that can't lose
May 25, 2016, 12:41:33 PM
Quote from: Babu on May 25, 2016, 04:30:30 AM
Shoulda woulda coulda

Absolutely 110%! 
AsymBacGuy / Re: A progression that can't lose
May 24, 2016, 10:57:09 PM
There are very limited shoes we can capitalize on, at least with a decent ROI in the HL's.  I am NOT talking about the main floor, buy in with $200 to $400 or so and make $100 or $150 and walk.  I am talking about buying in with $10k to $50k and making say, $10 to $20k.  It is tough!  I am not referring to kamikaze attempts either of $5k or $10k one or two wagers.  I am talking about $300 to $1,000 average wagers. 

Now that I have all the glitz and glam out of my system about the casinos, yes, I am more dangerous.  That is why that shoe that haunts me I wrote about, I should have had $500k to $1M on that shoe easily.  If I pumped it up to $20-25k a hand, I would have won 40 or so hands and lost maybe 10. 

It can be done, extremely hard because the majority of us get burned out, broke, lose interest, or give up when we finally get the wherewithal, the experience and the knowledge coupled with the guts to do it. 

It's complicated.
AsymBacGuy / Re: A progression that can't lose
May 24, 2016, 10:35:54 PM
Quote from: AsymBacGuy on May 24, 2016, 10:27:40 PM
Al, your comments are appropriate.

. There's no one single pattern producing an equilibrium. No one, even though most players consider as a deviation any "simple" pattern coming out.



That's exactly correct.  The same one in a shoe, might not repeat it self for hundreds or thousands of shoes.  Then again, it might repeat itself for many spots the very next shoe.  Play it one way and the next time the same trend or bias comes around, you have to play it completely the opposite for part of it and then the same and then entirely different to continue successfully with it.  Extremely hard to do, almost impossible.  That is why, the fewer and the least wagers, pump up the value, is so important crucial. 
Rub spots, that's me your pointing the finger at.  I hope you know I was messing with him, but he believes it and preaches it I have to believe.

3,000 unit BR for $25.00 is like $75,000.00.  I personally play locally between $100 and $500 a hand, so I guess I would need around 750,000 BR to wager $250.00 a hand. 

Oh well, have to go, I am practicing rubbing and photocopying the cards the way 21Aces instructed.  ;) ;) :nod:
Quote from: marinetech on March 19, 2016, 08:19:47 PM
sorry, keep on with your cartoons and mythological world that you live in. Who am I to judge? go back and put the cape on and jump around the house.
:nod: :nod: :applause: :applause: :cheer: :cheer: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I missed that, you actually made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yes Sir, love it!

AsymBacGuy / Re: A progression that can't lose
May 24, 2016, 12:05:50 PM

Sorry, and I have played this game a long time.  You admit there is no perfect equilibrium, etc., I understand what you are saying with the A/B and the swings and the 'catch-ups'.  Works sometimes and will work at certain points and will failure other attempts for the shoe changing or 'not self-correcting', etc., etc.

But, the bottom line when all things appear the shoe will correct and provide the equilibrium, etc., what happens when the shoe continues and adds another 10 -15 in the unequal direction and then when you realize that, it suddenly goes back to correcting itself and as soon as you get on it that way, it changes once again and adds fur unequal results, etc.

To me, it's like a drunk driver, there is no way to tell which way he will truly go, even he doesn't know.
I do hereby apologize if I definitively denounced the OP's offer and ultimate business goals.

However, I could also conceive a parlay with 'luck' disclosure for baccarat or blackjack and pass it off in the same conservative fashion as he did his concept, etc.

Quote from: goal1 on May 21, 2016, 05:10:25 PM
If you read my free  e-book you will understand that i describe a method that  has a great chance to succeed and make profits. Betting always involves risk. The question is to find ways to eliminate that risk and make some profit.

You may say that is not possible the system to be profitable in the long term and turn 50 to 50000. It may be like this. But this system has great chance to turn 50 to 500, 1000, 2000 e.t.c

I named it this way to show the strength that it has. This must not be scare you. You can stop at any level of profits. And if you read the scenario that this system based on, you will see that  is quite possible to verified.

Represents a profitable staking plan and a money management way that can be applied to many other betting events.

I am giving it free to allow everybody to try it and make his mind.

You may ask why?

I expect people to find it useful, make some money from it, understand the method and request access to my Betting Systems Creation Tool to create their own systems.
If i was not expecting that, i would not giving it out free. It would be bad for my pay service.

I hardly believe that the system can make profits if followed as described  in the e-book.

It does not and cannot work.

If it did, you would simply not even be here.   

If it was true, there would be no need to do what you are doing, think about it.

Period, done.
And the huge red flags, if nothing else, is "FREE"  and something along the lines of, "Easy Money" "Lots of Win Units" "Make at least $---,-----.00 or more, without working", etc. 

Huge bright neon red flags, to the max!

You would not even be here typing if your claims were even partially true.  End of story.

Oh yeah, don't say it, I will say it for you, "I just felt the need to share this great and easy money making system with my fellow gambler's".

My only response is, why do you feel the compulsive need to lie?
I stumbled upon this by accident on here.

I will tell you, any person or wagering entity claiming you can and will win with little money and reach huge win units, is 100% a lie, cheat, thief and deceptive to the max.  It will not and cannot be true, because simply if it was and everyone or a good deal of people were doing it--the entity would be broke.

The exact same as casino games, if everyone or lots of people could accomplish what all the systems say they will do, there would be no bank left at all the casinos.

So elementary, people don't understand that. 
Quote from: Archie on May 13, 2016, 09:30:17 PM
Hi, alrelax, B79.

TheGrimReaper13 here.  When are you going to surf the nuts at Wizard of Vegas again? So funny. They need some more pro help over there!



I rather talk with a bobble head doll them the darn near majority of them.  No way.   ;)
UPDATE!  Dealer fired for being involved in some kind of cheating scandal at one of the other casinos in the region!!!  LOL to the max. 

Actually the floor person that banned me for the 30 days and the security chief both came up to me and shook hands and tried their best to apologize and just reiterated they had to do something with the action I took of throwing the shoe into the middle of the pit.  They even told me, if I only pushed the shoe or even knocked over my drink or cussed the dealer out--nothing would have happened, etc.  LOL, we look back at this and laugh now!

The other night I throw a card and it bounced off the dealers arm and went onto the floor.  So the dealer has to call the floor over, I said really loud, 'Oh no, I am going to get banned again", everyone broke out laughing. 

Such fun!  LOL.
AsymBacGuy / Re: A progression that can't lose
May 12, 2016, 05:57:46 PM
Quote from: AsymBacGuy on May 12, 2016, 04:56:54 PM
What about dragons?  ^-^


Yes those too!  Actually everything that 21Aces posted pictures or videos about, I have actually seen all those in the casino last week, or was I dreaming????   :zzz: ??? ??? ??? ???
AsymBacGuy / Re: A progression that can't lose
May 12, 2016, 04:12:56 PM
Just don't let me get too side tracked looking out for the black panthers, SoS Flags, dogs and cats on skateboards, Vanilla Ice, Black Horses running through the casino, Wizards, Gnomes, etc., etc.   ;)