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Messages - alrelax

AsymBacGuy / Re: A progression that can't lose
May 12, 2016, 04:08:44 PM
Quote from: AsymBacGuy on May 12, 2016, 03:20:15 PM
Al, I understand your points and in your fairness nobody demonstrated a possible value of statistics applied at baccarat.

But I'm firmly convinced that besides certain considerations, what it counts is the W/L ratio and its related issues.

Are there some features helping me to occasionally guess which direction will take place some events? Imo, yes.

What I was referring to was the statistical percentages of B or P to prevail, etc.

AsymBacGuy / Re: A progression that can't lose
May 12, 2016, 03:46:11 PM
Absolutely each of us has considerations, which IMO weigh more than the percentages of what can or cannot prevail according to 10,000 or 100,000 or 1 million shoes or in fact, past shoes, etc.
AsymBacGuy / Re: A progression that can't lose
May 12, 2016, 02:59:05 PM
We are limited, the casino is not!  That is 99% of the problem, ours-----NOT the casinos.

Yes Banker has a slight edge, and yes a female can generally get sex anytime she wants it and males cannot.  And, as soon as you say it will be Banker, a Player comes out and repeats and repeats and repeats.  Then you say the rule of 4, 3 is easy and it will go back tot he Banker on the 4th.  After all it is 40 Players already to 22 Bankers.  Then another 7 Players came out in a row.  It happens and always will.  That pretty female was also looking for sex and 6 men turned her down, you found a female to be with in two minuets and you have never done that.  It happens.

Doesn't matter what Banker and Player does.  What does matter is the wager on a spot not what the stats are for B or P. 

When we can win (FOR WHATEVER REASON) use what makes you feel good for motivational purposes to profit and keep winning.

I have done extremely well at Fortune 7's lately with either $25 or $50 at risk.  And, the reason I have done extremely well is because I don't wager it all the time.

Stop getting hung up on the following: "if it's a player or a banker".  Forget the statistics of each and their percentage of hits, does not mean jack for your wager.  I know that is going to bring an onslaught of chastising but the period of time you are playing that shoe, it really statistically means nothing.

The problem is, people believe and wager by what is written about by well known or famous authors in relation to statistical figures. 

AsymBacGuy / Re: A progression that can't lose
May 12, 2016, 12:20:59 PM

You and I are about on the same track in lots of ways, but.......as far as something that can't lose in gambling---casino gambling....I would rather say, 'might not lose'.

We are all in control of our own destiny, meaning--we lead ourselves there, wherever that may be.

Personally, I play to win and I play hard.  From mild aggressive to very aggressive.  I have extremely cut down in longer trips to Vegas and as well, the local places I cut down to a shoe or two or a few parts of a few shoes.

Your progressions would fail with me.  I would not stray from 1-3-2-6, 1-3-2-4 or even 1-2-4-8 depending on what I was doing/feeling.  You have way too many wins or other plateaus that would take self sustaining to keep going. 
AsymBacGuy / Re: The key asymmetrical factor
May 09, 2016, 08:39:21 PM
IMO it makes for an important looking post, like a giant textbook compared to the little Dr. Suess books.


Although Dr. Suess did have some pretty good advise, IMO.


Again IMO. :applause:
AsymBacGuy / Re: The PONR effect
May 09, 2016, 08:35:20 PM
We all have it, most are too stubborn or too good to admit it. 
I have done extremely well, when I win, with my 1-3-2-6.  It has served me fine and although at times when I am feeling a streak or perhaps the 6th wager of a win streak, where I went down/back to 1 unit on the 5th wager and the streak remains strong, I will go back to 6 units if not greater and then keep it at that until it does eventually fall off.

What gets me, is that people on this board talk about progressions up to 11 and 12 turns, IMO they must be playing/wagering with a few pennies to start or free money, but bear in mind I am playing at the very min $50.00 USD or $100.00 USD per hand in my local area and in Vegas at $300/500 min.
Quote from: RichBailey86 on September 15, 2015, 11:50:00 PM

Bronx huh?

I'm on long island

Jerome Avenue was my old stomping ground actually off the Cross-Bronx.  Lived up off of Exit 13 in the late 80's, the exit where NY Bus Service was at on the right side getting off going north. I know LI well.
The situation was. All the players at the table wagering on Player side.  High wagering player returns a total of 5 and the dealer then flops a total of 6 over for the Banker.  Dealer slides a card out and the high wagering player flops over a 7 to add on to the player side. Dealer proceeds to immediately swoop everyone's wager up while saying, "banker wins with a 6 over a 2".  Naturally we all look at the dealer and say, wait.  He already had all the chips sitting in the last person's space by the time he stopped and did that unintelligent look---crunch one's eyebrows and cock your head slightly thing. Dealer yells for the floor person and when he comes over, the wagers are returned and floor tells the dealer to pull another banker card.  Banker card is an Ace and fortune 40-1 wins.  Most of us had fortune out there, which added up to a hell of a lot more than our Player wagers anyways.  Dealer still in amazement and says some smart stuff thing like, "guess none of you made a mistake in your lives, huh".  We all look at him and ask how long he has been dealing and he says, "none of your business, I know what I am doing" or something real close to that anyways.  My buddy and I look at each other and we mimic the dealer in everything he just said. 

The dealer doesn't think our little skit is very funny and calls the floor person over once again.  He tells the floor that we are acting a bit out of line and asked the floor to tell us to 'behave' ourselves.  That is when I pick up the shoe and toss it into the middle of the pit.  I told the dealer, "how's that--is that behaving good enough for you"? 

I got a 30 day time out, stand in the corner--for my actions.  Big deal.

We were playing back in July and the dealer with his unintelligent shenanigans got us really pissed.  Hey, when your Italian and from the Bronx, getting chastised by a 20 something year old dealer that doesn't even know the rules of the game----oh well, some will understand it and most won't.  Hell, I reached over and picked up the shoe and throw it in the middle of the pit.  Everyone clapped and high fived, it was worth it.  Yes, of course the floor person jumped up and down and screamed, literally for security and came over and stood over me in my face.  Called him a punk fag and grabbed my crotch (god it felt like I was back in the Bronx)!  30 days time out. LOL, another one for the books.  :))
Off-topic / Social Media....gotta love it
August 06, 2015, 02:49:02 PM
I don't do the whole social media game.  But gotta love this story about it.  A Bail Bonds Fugitive Recovery Company posts a wanted poster of a black male who is wanted for drug charges and skips bond.  Okay the bounty hunter (probably watching too much Dog The Bounty Hunter) bangs on the door of an address in Phoenix, Arizona that was supposed to be where the fugitive was hiding out.  The tip came into the bail bonds company through its advertisement on its Facebook Page.  Now, the only problem is the address the bounty hunter and his 10 person posse went to......was the Chief of Police of Phoenix's Police Dept.!!!  And to boot he is white.  Comes outside his house after the bounty hunter bangs on the door, etc.  They all wind up going to jail plus the bounty hunter is a felon as well.  I wish there was a video of that one.  Got to love it, call up the bond company and give them the chief of police home address. 
All I know about roulette is the ball spins around and plops into a hole.  With that said, my experience is that on the way to the cashiers cage or room, sometimes we will throw a chip or two on the black or red/odd or even.  But I have to compare the 17 blacks to that of 15 to 20 Bankers or Players in a row.  And while most of the bac table was riding the streak the one or two betting for the cut was so proud and their eyes gleamed so bright when they finally got it after changing thousands upon thousands of dollars. 
General Discussion / Re: @Jimske
January 10, 2015, 02:38:42 PM
Quote from: TheCaviarKid on January 10, 2015, 02:24:58 PM
To be fair to you Alrelax, 1 or 2 guys have went over the score.....but why don't you just delete the message if it's off topic.

This is why I think self moderation is a good thing. I can remember guys like Winkel and Mr Chips who were productive posters and sharing ideas getting hounded of these forums by trolls who didn't believe in Bet Selection. Nothing was ever done about it and it was a loss to anyone who came here to read about bet selection and we were still left with the trolls.

This kind of looks like a 'problem, reaction, solution' situation.

No offence Alrelax, but take some responsibility and instead of whining about it, delete it if you don't like it.

You make some great points.  But, I will explain my side.  My posting was desired to be an enjoyable experience and those 3 to 5 made it annoying and troublesome. 

I will relate to an employee I had for the past 6 months or so.  He was more than qualified, a self starter, knowledgeable, smart, business spot on, relentless with the hours (could work 24 to 48 non-stop if needed) and excelled with the regulatory officials (nightmares in the field)!!!  However, everyday a problem, multiple problems.  Interrupting when I was in the middle of business phone calls, standing in the doorway waiting when I was in a meeting, calling throughout the night for matters that could wait until morning, refusing my protocol for no apparent reason on job sites, all kinds of negativity such as those.  And, continually, everyday.  I sat down with him no less than 50 times and discussed all those.  No go, did not sink in.  I had to let him go.  Great job, $1,500.00 plus a week, competitors paying about 3/4 of that and little over time.  His overtime could double that amount.  I pay more than anyone else in my field within 500 miles around.  I am very low key except at a field site, then I follow a strict known protocol that cannot be deviated from.  I have very little rules and regulations in the office/yard, just get your work done and be ready.  But somehow, like a few others, he just could not focus on the non-drama, the non-confrontational, the co-existence with me and some others. 

Enough is enough.  Once in awhile is fine, a couple times out of 20 is fine, but a continual drive and constant dogging is more than I subscribe to.
General Discussion / Re: @Jimske
January 10, 2015, 02:10:51 PM
GreenGuy--Jimske--Rolex and the 2 or 3 others, you win!  I am done.  You are compelled to read my Blog and can't ignore.  It's 100% fine, no problem.  I can only compare your personalities to that of a auto driver arrested for DUI and after the handcuffs are slapped on you--you challenge and disrespect the police officer adding a resisting arrest charge.  I see it all the time.  I erased 250 posts and all the blog will disappear also. 

I hate to say, but the 4 or 5 that continually dog me-hound me and belittle are the sole reason for leaving.  I had no less than 25 emails and pm's strongly urging me to stay and continue.  Many, many members don't wish to speak up on the matter due to their dislike of those members and they withhold their thoughts due to not wishing to get confrontational.  But the BOTTOM LINE is the dogging of almost every post, not comments or discussion.  Too much drama, too much challenge for something that is meant to be an enjoyable reading experience.

Sports Betting Forum / Re: Agestasportips
January 07, 2015, 07:56:46 PM
Quote from: Agesta1 on January 07, 2015, 06:33:44 PM
Result: loss 3-4 after overtime


You should have PM'ed someone from the board that is from Minnesota and they probably could have gave you some insight as to the inevitable happening which happened on the game the other night.  (P.S. There was way too much money on Minnesota and it was a 'sure thing' as the sports bettor would say)