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Messages - alrelax

General Discussion / Re: crypto
December 26, 2022, 05:29:33 PM
QuoteTwo FTX insider employees flipped and will testify against Bankman......so he will never get acquitted........he will make a plea deal and hope he only gets 10 years at a     
 white collar prison.

I only wonder how much money he has rat holed away in Switzerland, the Cayman Islands, or buried in his back yard etc etc etc.

Oh, IMO without a doubt, he will plead out.

Here is a pretty good detailed explanation of Federal Prison classification including the lowest level, which are Federal Prison Camps.

General Discussion / Re: crypto
December 26, 2022, 01:32:43 AM
FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried was 'chilling' in the American Airlines lounge at JFK before flying business class to his parents' home to await trial

"File bankruptcy and resign wiping out everyone's investment".  Yeah right, LMAO!

General Discussion / Re: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
December 25, 2022, 02:29:35 PM
Merry Christmas and a Super Happy Upcoming New Years to all.  Hoping everything is healthy, safe and comfortable for each and everyone.

Forum Owner
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
December 21, 2022, 02:38:54 AM
You wrote:

"Putting things into another perspective, single B or P hands (let alone mere Banker advantaged situations) do not mean nothing to us as it's the whole shoe picture that matters."


"And of course complex patterns move around measurable numbers moving around strong limited ranges, the real thing we should be happy to know."

IMO (and strictly my opinion) the first quoted paragraph here particularly whereupon you said the 'whole shoe', but the whole shoe is far too late once presented because it's over.  And as much as we all desire to believe or hope to believe, it doesn't carry over into subsequent shoes.  Our luck might, our energy might, our win streak might, our losing streak might, our clear frame of mind might etc., etc., but not the reality of a Shoe's actual real presentment does not.  Therefore, as I started out saying, I have to throw out there SECTIONS and the ability to condense the 'whole shoe' all the way down to thirds or fourths.  That way you have a chance to wager with it, against it or for whatever it is to return to, etc.

And in the second paragraph, your "complex patterns move around" statement is correct and can be 'caught' within the thirds or fourths (Sections) of a shoe, once again.
Quote-NO SIDE: any card having a value of 1, 2 or 3

-TWO SIDE: any card having a value of 4 or 5.

-THREE SIDE: any card having a value of 6, 7 or 8.

- FOUR SIDE: any 9 or 10.

I wrote out a while back, a bunch of B&M slang we all commonly use at the tables.  I will try to find it tonight. 

But, as far as here (USA), we normally say, "Line" instead of "Side" the highest majority the times.

And for an Ace, 2 or 3, a one line card.
Our practice self play games are coming!

Slight delay because of customization, we are not buying them, etc. 

Happy Anniversary
Merry Upcoming Christmas
Happy Upcoming New Year
Administrator/Forum Owner
BetSelection.cc is proud to announce that we have formally partnered with two different online casino companies.  Both companies are superb in their gaming, financial transactions, data security, customer relations, audits and many other areas of bringing you the absolute best and 100% fair online gaming.

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Personally we at BetSelection.cc have been in communication with the management of both casinos for some time and we are satisfied their operations in every way are honest and upfront with terrific customer safeguards and security.

Seems to me, most of us ponder divination too much. At the tables, in addition before as well as after gaming. We also tend to look for a protocol to follow or avoid through divination  magic.

Problem is, we do highlight events that win and we earmark those to wager on. And then we find out the reality of what we misunderstood and what we wagered on that produced a greater amount of losses than wins. Usually a woulda, shoulda, coulda but did not do, sets in upon us.  Which puts yourself totally at a disadvantage to the casino. 

On the other hand, success pushes us to increase our time playing as well as the wagered amounts we risk. Failure to do the same series or sets of events that could lead us to repetitive success, because of our personality, ego and misunderstanding of the game, the casino and most of all money management methods and its benefits.

Nothing more applies than, it's easy to win and it's easy to lose. Unlike most other areas, finding the causes and the events that lead to the correct way or how results were/are reached.  KEY POINT>>>the last sentence.  And how those events that led us to correct ways and results may never actually be known or crystal clear, it is exactly what we might be looking for and never realize it.

And that is exactly what pushes us to chasing the larger wagers as well as the increased play time which is totally in the casino's favor the highest majority of the times we play.
General Discussion / Holidays 2022
November 23, 2022, 05:05:21 PM
Well guys, tomorrow is Thanksgiving and the start of the holiday season.

Wishing everyone a great Thanksgiving and a holiday season!

Pausing gratefully to express thanks to all for your contributions.  Efforts help make us a 'real' forum without all the infighting and similar.

Have a wonderful day and everyday thereafter!

Board Owner and Administrator

KungFuBac / Re: WELCOME
November 21, 2022, 03:50:35 AM
Thank you for your participation here.  It is real and it is spot on.

I can personally vouch for the reality of this member, KungFuBac, as we regularly discuss countless aspects of the game and the casino in general. 

Stay safe and carry on.

Board Owner and Administrator
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
November 12, 2022, 08:09:52 PM
I clearly see larger losses than win amounts, both in the per hand and per session.  It is physically evident.

When the highest majority of players do win, the problem is, they are on an all out mission with visions of redeeming themselves and regaining any lost funds, current and/or past.

As well, most players do not, or they simply get too wound up to implement proper MMM with adherence  to their levels and plateaus which would govern their wagers and time played, etc.  The smart way allowing yourself an advantage to hold and govern win money the proper way.

I want to state a basic example of Positive Progression Wagering.  IMO, I believe the 1-3-2-6 is the most lucrative and easiest to capture, while protecting the gambler of ruin, due to losing his realization of around the corner losses upcoming.

Remember, there are many variations, with denominations galore in Positive Progression Wagering. 

1-3-2-6. (Exampled using $100.00 unit):


First bet:  $100.00
Second bet:  $300.00
Third bet:  $200.00
Fourth bet:  $600.00


First bet is a portion of your risk capital buy-in.  If you lose, you lost 1 unit of your risk capital.  If you win, parlay and move on to the second bet.

Second bet is parlaying your win and 1 additional unit from your risk capital buy-in for a $300.00 wager.  If you lost, you return to 1 unit wagering and you are down 2 units.

Third bet means you won your second wager.  Now you are in great position!  You return $200.00 to your buy-in stack, you set-aside $200.00 and you wager the remaining $200.00 from your $600.00 end of 2nd bet, on your third wager.  If you lose this wager, you are still $200.00 ahead for additional  wagering attempts at $100.00 each.  If you win this third bet you move to the fourth wager.

Fourth bet will progress to $600.00.  You will parlay the third bet win and add the $200.00 you had set-aside with a win from the second bet.  You have zero risk capital out there and a total wager of $600.00 looking for a $1,200.00 win.  If you lose, sure it sucks, but you didn't lose a penny of risk capital. 

If you win the fourth bet, you must go back to one unit wagering and right there is exactly where almost all players go down the wrong path and will greatly increase their wagering amounts with doom waiting. I would personally go back to the same amount or possibly 1.5 times, or a max of double.  Example.  If I was wagering the above $100.00 unit, I would start again with $100.00 or possibly $200.00. 

Just thought I would throw this out there.  Because there are highly debated continual topics regarding gambling with mathematics and/or statistical results versus the reality and instant 'what is happening', etc.

Everything worth anything in most things is presentment and what it actually is, not perceived, not history, not dreamsville, not what someone else says it should be or is going to be, not what another person makes up and so on. Presentment--Reality--Actual Events Happening.  IMO better and far superior in countless ways than the results of mathematicians/statisticians and systems experts. 
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
October 31, 2022, 03:24:31 AM
As you said in Post 706:

" The only way casinos are losing serious money is whenever strong univocal situations happen (and it doesn't happen so often), thus the only way we players might win serious money is by wagering the opposite more likely counterpart or to bet the univocal situations up to a point. Or, better yet, not to bet at all."

And..............when it's there..............whatever it might be............you pounce on it——-HARD.  To a point as I say ( and as you said as well, spot on, then back to one's Level and Plateau. 

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
October 26, 2022, 09:08:00 PM
A couple places I play at any side three-card 8/9 is a 200:1 payout.  $25.00 quarter is a $5,000.00 pay!

Also both sides, anyway naturals 8/9 (one side 8 and one side 9) is a payout of 50:1.