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Messages - alrelax

Vikings and the Packers at the season-opener at Minnesota Vikings stadium.

H-Money and myself both have a combined bet of $8,000 on the Vikings from Henry Hill Book  - 2.5 on the Vikings.
Quote from: 8OR9 on September 13, 2020, 03:30:28 PM
Vegas is out of action for at least another year until there is a vaccine...and even then, many people will choose not to get vaccinated, so there is still a chance the virus will keep on spreading.

You are exactly right.

The problem with Vegas is it turned from really gambling for the majority of its revenue into the resort, club, parking fees, resort fees, entertainment and party revenue rather than what it used to be. 

With the majority of the visitors paying out-of-pocket for almost everything and gambling as a sideways entertainment rather than the opposite way around, what it was for years up to I would say around 2,000 Vegas took on a huge expense with everything they provide to bring in the crowds and now they can't bring in the crowds to spend money.

Now with the other venues even where I live in the middle part of the United States table games are routinely up to $5,000 at even the smaller properties and $10,000, $25,000 table limits and greater a hand at the highest majority of the national branded casinos.  So for the serious players there's no need to go to Vegas. And they get extremely well comped for what they need as far as a suite, great food, etc., as well there's no other nonsense charges, there's no other travel fees, they don't have to take away from their business or their family to gamble for one or two nights a week and they can play very serious and these other chains have been capitalizing on that extremely well.

And you don't have the crowds that Vegas has and you don't have the problems that Vegas has.  As well you don't have the travel problems.  One can you gamble very seriously in other parts of the United States now without going to Vegas.

People are realizing that and that alone is going to haunt Vegas for a lot longer than when C19 subsides. You could take that one to the bank.
Wagering & Intricacies / For AsymB shoe results
September 13, 2020, 01:08:55 AM

Players with circles are Naturals

Ended over 20 ahead for Banker

After what is shown just ones and twos both sides

After the first Fortune 7 almost every players hand looked good with the first two cards then if not Natural 9 the third card reduced the player almost every time. Several Natural 8s for the players side but the Banker had Natural 9 at least four times.
The music and videos that were playing on the screens the other night at Waldo's World Casino he works at.  Thought I'd put a couple Clips up for you guys..



I simply love it the Borgata throwing a stupid sissy hissy fit with what is the normal course of business when Casino Hosts go from one property to another property for a raise in compensation and benefits.  What a waste of the Court's time and all of this information was most likely downloaded the first day they left or just before they left a Borgata anyway, the rest of it's all personal knowledge that the casino hosts have.  There are no trade secrets or unfair Trade Practices, ROMAFL. That would be the same as if a guy was an really great woodworker custom cabinet maker and learned at one business and got hired on by someone else and then that original business saying, you can't make custom cabinets for our competitor.

One salesman doing the job for another competitor that was hired on.  End of story.

Started in 2014 and continued with the second Takeover in 2019:




Video of tribal members trying to remove documents from Casino property:
The Las Vegas Strip has some real problems and they're only going to compound the rest of this year into next.

Las Vegas Strip Accused of Being Potential COVID-19 Breeding Ground

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
September 01, 2020, 09:53:08 PM
Here's one more for you that kind of goes with everything that you're talking about. After all these years of play I remember this one guy at the baccarat tables in Atlantic City back in the 1990s, winning more overall than I ever seen anybody win on a regular basis. He would always buy in with right at $10,000 and  get $1,000 of it in green and the rest in black and purple chips.

He was the absolute most patient, non-emotional, laid back player that had the ability to sit there very patiently, make a bunch of table minimum bets just to keep the floor people happy and wager, maybe two or three times extremely heavy per shoe. He would play probably no more than two shoes possibly three and then leave. He won the highest majority of all of his large bets. Thinking back I can remember about the only three times he would wager heavy.

1)  Wager on the cut back after a decent streak to whatever the streak was;

2)  Wager post tie on the player side, depending on the first few/prior hands after ties, if those did go and cut to the players side;

3)  Wager once or twice on a section that started a true chop-chop, alternating from Banker to Player.

Never did any Martingales, never did any progressions, never chased anything, never got any type of greed to get sucked in whatsoever.

But what was amazing to this day, are the amount of hands he really came to wager and how he did it.
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
August 31, 2020, 08:42:41 PM
"I fear that most of your points rely upon your long experience very few baccarat players have..."

Facts are interpreted differently by each of us in a game like Baccarat, dependent upon each of our own experiences.

In my own opinion it's all based around that, and that is a start for the way each of us will wager and what each of our session Visions might be.
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
August 31, 2020, 07:27:00 PM
Quote from: AsymBacGuy on August 29, 2020, 09:26:16 PM
Thanks Al!
I fear that most of your points rely upon your long experience very few baccarat players have...
Simulated shoes are not real shoes and simulated outcomes are not real outcomes, especially if one considers red or blue dots simply as red or blue dots...

Very often quality overcomes quantity.


Belief in Something.  Influenced.  Visual Factors.

Here, let me spell something out.  If you believe something even if not scientific, mathematical or historically discovered, proven and absolutely correct, is it wrong?  What I mean is, can you have something you do that is correct and proper for yourself in your situation or circumstances?  And have that work positive for you and for what purpose you created it or found it?

Reality will supersede in factual results.  Always will, it must.  Does not matter what you are doing, the factual results will cancel, accept or discount whatever you introduce along the way, at the end.  Do we agree?

Problem is, almost all of us do not really think at the table when we are playing baccarat.  We really do not.  We get sucked in and we get sucked in big time.  Sure, you can read this and shrug your shoulders and say, Glen you do, I do not.  But hey, we both know that is wrong.

Just about all of us have two ways to play this game. One is in our heads, on paper, on the computer and everywhere else except the live brick and mortar event itself.  The other, is the brick and mortar event.  Lots of things happen when we get to the casino.  And the sad part of it all, they happen without any of us doing anything.  We are oblivious to them and we chase everything and pursue every avenue except ourselves to control, govern and take charge of ourselves in the proper way at the casino.  Again, shrug your shoulders and say I have no idea what I am talking about, but I do and I do 100 percent for about 98 to 99 percent of everyone.

Most of what really does happen at a casino is the person is influenced from the effects of the visual factors. The visual factors present themselves in varying ways to the different people there.  The influencing manipulates in varying stages and degrees as well.  But the bottom line is, it happens, and it happens repeatedly throughout the session(s) to the people.  Because the people are in a situation, they believe they belong in, are comfortable in and will prevail, their understanding of that same situation is not being addressed or understood.  And that is where the problem lies and develops and preys upon the people that gamble at the game of baccarat.

The Most Dangerous Thing at Baccarat.

What is the most dangerous thing, the most powerful thing and the thing that causes wrongful beliefs, dangerous influences and life changing factors within hours?  It is money.  The same as it does in businesses and families.  Just in those two it takes a much longer time to come to fruition.

I will never forget a guy back in Atlantic City, New Jersey.  It was at Bally's Grand casino property.  I remember this guy to this day vividly clear and this was back around the very early 1990's.  He was in a light-colored blue blazer with dress pants and a dark yellow dress shirt.  He was gambling, I did not know him.  Somehow, we made eye contact.  I was a few seats away at a big baccarat table, the kind with the 2 sides with 7 players to each side and the 3 dealers in the middle of the table.  He kept pulling out envelope after envelope of cash from his inside pocket of his jacket when he would lose whatever he had in front of him.  Not small money but not anything record breaking for a larger casino anyway.  I think the envelopes had like $5,000.00 or so in each one.  He is burning through them steady.  A couple of hours pass, and he looks over at me and says, I can not believe how much I spent already, this is my life savings I am gambling with.  A while goes by and he says almost the same thing again.  His face is turning cold and hard looking.  He is stiff.  After another bit of time he pulls out an envelope and tells me, this is my last bit of cash, if I lose this, I am broke, financially ruined within one day.  I really could not say anything at the time, I never realized how gambling effected people back then.  You must realize at that time I was in the New York City adult business as well as the restaurant business in Midtown Manhattan and cash was never a problem and everyone, I gambled with was business owners that gave a new meaning to the words, liquid assets.  But this guy, I will never forget.  Of course, within say 30 minutes or so, he loses the buy in of his last envelope.  He looks at me and I look at him.  He has this blank stare on his face, real deep and dark.  Real sad looking.  He just sits there looking at the table and the floor, alternating between the two.  I do not know how much he burned through, but I would say it was between $100,000.00 and $200,000.00 judging by the envelopes I saw him go through after he caught my attention.  I will never forget that gentlemen.  The conviction he had, the seriousness, the methodical buy ins, etc., etc., and so on.

Now the real damage will start and it'll only get worse. The Free Ride & Profits all these years is officially over.

MGM Resorts International said Friday it is sending separation letters to 18,000 U.S. employees who were furloughed during the coronavirus pandemic, making their job cuts permanent for now.

MGM's Empire City remains closed in New York state, as does its Park MGM in Las Vegas. Casinos in Las Vegas, where MGM has an outsized presence on the Strip, continue to be especially affected by declines in tourism and travel, restrictions on capacity, the lack of fans at sports events, and negligible conference and group business.

Unrealistic Expectations. Examples

Because you have not seen it, or whatever is happening has not happened in your recent memory, or what is happening totally out of the realm because of your understanding of Randomness, Trends, Patterns, and Presentments in general, etc.. does not mean anything will appear or will not appear while you are sitting at the table.

Shoe after a small section of normal chop-chop and 3s and 4s, etc.   Starts the wins of player after player appearing. In fact 9 players appear with either a natural or a hand with the first two players cards versus the first two Bankers cards, the bankers would have won the highest majority of all times.  But the players third card brings the players up to 7, 8 or 9 every single time when the bankers were already sitting at 6 or 7. Then one banker and a natural tie. And almost everybody's money once again is huge on  the bankers side for the bankers to start 'equaling out'. Once again 8 additional players in a row. Making it 17 players to 1 banker and one tie in that section.

You cannot help but to watch those wagering consistent sums of $3,000 to $5,000 and up to $10,000 a hand on these types of Wagers. And I'm talking about on the opposite side cut. The desperation in their faces is blatant.  Even if you want to wager on the opposite side say $500 or $750, seeing the action and the hopes on the opposite side is emotional. It is influential for many purposes to many at the table. Like I said with other things coming into the casino or at your house, you may say that you're going to play your own game and you won't pay attention to anybody, but it doesn't always happen that way.

Watching players lose $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 in a short section of a shoe is powerful, believe me I see it all the time. I know a lot of these people and they are not multi-millionaires with whatever cash they bring to the casino is extra play money and a hobby to them. It is from their households and their businesses. They get hurt and they get hurt real bad. Again it is influential at the table no matter if you're wagering with them and supporting their decisions or you're playing the opposite side.

So to continue, the expectation was totally on the bankers to 'come back', 'match up' or 'get ahead'. In other words, what is being presented and how it is being presented, most baccarat players really believe it's not supposed to be happening  and will immediately allow such to govern their expectations, plain and simple. 

The other huge factor is the following. We are influenced at the table so many times and in so many ways, at least the highest majority of baccarat players are. Emotions come into play as well, both the positive as well as the negative ones. No matter what you say or plan beforehand, at the table things can change. Especially with people winning big on anyting you are not wagering on, or you are just wagering extra small on it. When you see someone repetitively win you join them and then they start losing, or you wager against them and they continue to win.  It becomes extremely emotional and influential and almost all baccarat players will not admit that very thing.

You start the rationalization of how to beat the house with everything from less wagering, to watching & waiting, to wagering large for only a few times, to wagering small and flat betting, as well as with up and pulls, etc. Making up all kinds of win stops and loss stops. The list is very long but the bottom line is, you convince yourself of your knowledge, what has to happen, etc., and that is exactly where most people's downfalls truly begin.

"Win", is a given not a fuel or an indicator. It has to be allocated to your Money Management Method and excluded from your decisions. It has to be, otherwise it will only be a fuel for your loss forthcoming.

"To Accept the Loss". Said without much thought really. In business, in investing, gambling, and personal life, everywhere. "To Accept the Loss" is a universal catch-all for many reasons covering many areas.

You cannot always 'control' or 'regulate' things so much really. Then when you seemingly can 'control' or 'regulate' whatever it is causing you to wager on one side or the other and are constantly winning, the number of hands will be only a few. 

Do not think your Money Management Method can overcome losses, bad decisions and your mistakes. It cannot and never will. Money Management Methods are best used effectively to allow win money to be divided up into two areas. Number 1) To go into your active play money, and/ or Number 2) To go into you're locked up money.  A proper Money Management Method will allow you to continue winning if you are and hold a certain amount of the win money and all of your buy-in, if you start to lose and have the willpower to walk away.

In essence so many baccarat players believe that their Money Management Methods, unlike what I described in the  above paragraph; will control, recoup losses and regulate themselves while playing. And that is extremely dangerous. You are hurting yourself with your own unrealistic expectations.

Because most all baccarat players believe that they have to make up for losses or enter into other forms of wagering to recoup losses to get even, they lose sight of the shoe presentments as they are happening and move into the frame of mind that 'XYZ' will be coming out for whatever justification they feel good believing. This is where whatever you win on one or a few hands, will be lost on subsequent wagers with your attempt to repeat wins.

And at this point almost all of us will be affected by our emotions, with or without our knowledge that they have.

When loss does not happen we usually excel and excel with pride, happiness, purpose and huge drive no matter if it's small, medium or large wins involved. Of course, larger is going to produce greater responses from us but even the small ones ignite our energy and hopes to get to the larger ones. But the downside is knowing when to leave the casino and these days I see less and less of people leaving with sizable win money. Like I said, winning money becomes extremely dangerous because it changes a clear way of thinking. It also influences 'Unreal Expectations', which I'll write about next.

And that is exactly why most all the internet forum people will claim they are wagering without emotions, claiming they checked their emotions at the door along with all other false hopes.  Much easier said and planned outside the casino than what is actually consistently able to be done at a live baccarat table.