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Messages - alrelax

Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: My concluding post
June 03, 2020, 05:05:37 PM
Wish you the best of luck and most of all stay healthy for yourself and your family.
Related But Not Related / Re: Hanging out.
June 02, 2020, 05:46:56 PM
Talking a couple hours with some very experienced players after our first night at baccarat We're going to do a little bit of verbal soul-searching and talk about our money management methods and what our visions are and spell it out.

Decided to make some spring rolls, little bit of black berries and greens, here's what it looks like.  Turned out pretty good!

Vegas and Atlantic City / Las Vegas under siege
June 02, 2020, 01:09:54 PM
Not a good scenario for the opening week supposedly in Las Vegas and I would suspect everything's going to be pushed off. Unlike most other cities and what's happening in America it seems Las Vegas is going to be an extended stage for the protests. Here's what happened a few hours ago.

I do not hate online gaming. I hate the shenanigans and the cheating and the fixed RNG and everything else that goes along with them, as well as----I know many many people that have been unable to cash out and get their deposits back and I'm not talking about the bonus money that they did not play which a lot of people do not and try to cash out.
Over the weekend I was in four major cities, with populations anywhere from close to 1 million to over three million people in each. I went into a couple major stores in each city and basically everything is back in stock, with the exception of maybe some Lysol products.

And I noticed and I was very saddened by it, was how most of the products had price increases. These price increases were caused by one thing. CONSUMER DEMAND. Causing supply and demand. All the consumer did was buy, hoard and stock up on products and they caused almost all products to have a price increase.

Nothing wrong, nothing illegal, just supply and demand. People did it to themselves! I noticed anywhere from $0.75 to $3.00 increases on products of the $10 range. I absolutely knew this was going to happen and I mentioned it in previous posts. If you completely wipe out shelves repeatedly, there's nothing that the manufacturer, the supplier and the distributor is going to do except raise prices.

Congratulations people you did it to yourselves.
Wagering & Intricacies / Face Up
June 01, 2020, 04:11:26 AM
At some point and time, no matter what your background is, no matter who you were as a child, how you were raised, your education level, your life experiences, your understanding of randomness, holy-grails, money management and cards, no matter what you believe or not about website systems, what you see other people do at the table, or what your visions are, how old you are, and the numerous other exposures you have to everything else in everyday life.  They will not change the presentments the shoe will make. 

You make choices and I am emphasizing that word, 'CHOICES'. You make those choices knowledgeable or not, that you are making them and what those choices will be and will cause, without the knowledge of what those choices will bring at the table the highest majority of the time.

The consequences will be the result of anything to everything at the table. There are consequences for everything you do and you can recognize that or not. Most people will not recognize it and will believe that they are in control of everything they do, when the reality is completely the opposite of just that.

You have to face up and realize what you are going to do, how you are going to do it and where you will be brought by those actions, that you chose to do. The choices, actions, protocols and beliefs will allow you to either profit or lose. Your bottom line is directly related to your actions, in choices that you succumb to.

In this case, I say that succumb could be good. If you yield to the overpowering strength, the shoe has because the shoe is right, 100% correct every single hand, section, game,  period.  The shoe never makes a mistake, or any other fallacy that almost all players are under the belief has to happen or should happen. That is why I say that the shoe is correct 100% of the time. Just about every player at the table, in the game of Baccarat, will not feel that way and will feel that when the shoe did not present what they thought it should have presented, the choices become astronomically wrong with the players melting emotions, that will lead them down the wrong path.

Usually the meaning of succumb means death or brought to an end due to destructive or disruptive forces. Not much different at most baccarat tables around the country and around the world, day after day,, night after night.

So defer and turn it around, try yielding to the shoe in so many words. Otherwise that shoe will be your opposing force, that has no respect, no recognition and no acknowledgement of you, you the person that is sitting in front of it wagering your hard-earned and very valuable risk capital.  Realize that means nothing to the shoe, but means everything to yourself.
Related But Not Related / Re: Hanging out.
May 31, 2020, 01:20:04 AM
Hanging out, we're going to celebrate for the next few hours as I spent a few hours making the pasta with some oversized meatballs, cooked up some super big fresh shrimp, got a nice spicy Cajun sauce that they're sitting on top of and some garlic bread with Parmesan cheese that I just melted down on the slices nice and crispy.

Going to celebrate the return of the casinos, a good night playing baccarat for a few hours, nice little win we had and everything else. Good to go.

The property we went to last night was a major Casino company branded property. They have about 10 billion dollars in assets, they are operating in at least 10 states (USA) that I know of and they have around 30,000 employees.

People are already asking me about the C19 protocols. Besides from what I mentioned and posted within my original post here there was no temperature scanning at the door like a lot of people thought there would be, which is supposed to be  planned for lots of Vegas properties when they open in the next few weeks.

They did limit the number of entrances and exits and there was Casino personnel and a security officer greeting each person coming in, some type of visual accessing, what they were looking for I have no idea. There was no temperature scanning that I know of unless it was done at the doorway without our knowledge.

Like I said beside from the masks required at table games only and mandatory disinfection of your hands every time you came or went or sat at the table for an extended period of time, you would never have known C-19 was going on.

No glass or partitions at the tables which is supposedly what some of the East Coast and West Coast casinos are going to do. As well, I want to reiterate it would have been hard to even know know there was a C-19 epidemic pandemic that was happening outside of the casino walls, unless you were psychologically hung up on the respirator mask you had to wear only while you were seated at the table. Maybe because of my hazardous material clean up background, I'm oblivious to PPE wear, that I've wore so much for the past 20 years that I don't think anything about it,  I don't know?  Overall I would say the first time playing after 2 and 1/2 months without a casino visit, this was a welcome surprise that wasn't as bad as I actually thought it was going to be.

Kind of what I thought, everything will be back to normal soon.  People are not going to totally stop their lives forever.
My original post is this:

The sheer reality, most do not want to recognize, personally online casinos for a large part are a hoax.

Go ahead and play them, but know who you're playing with and if the companies are regulated or not.

I stand by what I said and it is factual.

As far as:  "I found landbased casinos more offensive and unfriendly for a regular player specially if he wins regularly as well."  I find this quote to be extremely the exact opposite of what I ever seen or witnessed in over 40 years of playing at casinos, having members of my own family employed with lifelong careers in casinos, as well as having numerous friends and acquaintances that have inside knowledge in Casino compliance, rules and regulations, and share those with me in general discussions, as well as reading the extensive official documents in most all jurisdictions on the internet with Casino gaming regulations control bureaus.. 

We're not going to get into a long drawn-out, nowhere argument over it because each of us are probably talking about different properties around the world. But like I said, in the United States this would be extremely a rare occasion where the regular player turns up noxious, is uncontrollable and does things that the casino cannot risk having him on the floor, etc., as he is offending other players that is about the only reason outside of violence or continued obnoxious drunkenness, where he is again uncontrollable that the Casino would ban or ask him to leave and normally that would be for a very short period of time.

If he does serious enough violations,  then he would be banned for a longer period of time or even on a permanent basis from that particular Casino brand. As far as a regular player that wins consistently and he is not doing anything that I mentioned above, at least to the point of offending other players the casino would do just the opposite. A casino would roll out additional red carpet and welcome him with even larger comps, larger valued promotions that he receives in order for him to come and play and stay longer hours and risk larger sums of money.

Again my experiences here in the United States not outside of the United States.