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Messages - alrelax

Played a shoe and a half, four and a half hours, we're getting ready to leave. Going to head back home not bad for the first time back with all the new adjustments. I won, H-Money won and the other gentleman with us unfortunately, lost. First time I played here not a bad place, PIT personnel and dealers are extremely nice, all the players, allbeit wasn't full tables in the baccarat pit, everyone got along 100%, which is kind of a real nice change from some of the places that we are used to.
Playing now.  Snapped a few pics. Lots of changes.  People coming in.  Not empty but not a normal looking weekend.  At the casino slot machine area is opened  since last week table games just open this afternoon so  pit people said give it another day or two and it'll be back till almost normal. Anyway we are playing.  Dealer in mask and gloves, players must wear masks in the table games area but not slot machines and walking around the place. Some restaurants open some closed, almost all smoking not allowed when smoking was allowed at the casino. You can drink take your mask down then put your mask back. You cannot smoke at the tables I'm sitting at. Baccarat has all the spots have not changed seating, but all the other tables every other chair was taken out.

You have to disinfect your hands when you get to the table with the foam that they supply and if you leave the table and come back for whatever reason you have to disinfect your hands again basically anytime you get up and leave the table even if they see where you go like to use your phone and then you come back and you only step away 2 feet from the table you still have to disinfect your hands. Not really a big deal. Players do not have to wear gloves. 



Well we're on the way,  Friday afternoon we're on the way to play some baccarat for the first time in a couple of months. Place opened earlier in the week and we decided to take a ride down it's about 300 miles from us, I'll let you know what happens after a while talk to you guys later.
Online Casinos / The reality of on-line casinos
May 29, 2020, 06:25:08 AM
The sheer reality, most do not want to recognize, personally online casinos for a large part are a hoax. Go ahead and play them, but know who you're playing with and if the companies are regulated or not.

Take my word for it, it's not going to be pretty and it won't be pro-consumer like everyone thinks it will be.

The state Gaming Control Board is preparing to accommodate tourists who show up in Las Vegas, show signs of being infected and are turned away by resorts.

Ten nongaming properties are set to be available to quarantine the newly afflicted victims.

Got to take a bow to him and say; "Your the man".

Wagering & Intricacies / Re: L.I.S.T. & MMM
May 23, 2020, 09:16:45 PM
One of the biggest things that haunt so many players is the following:

Bac players harboring such prejudices; "I try not to think about that possibility when I'm at the table playing, wagering or not, thinking or not. But it's always there, at the very back of my mind and it comes and goes no matter if I literally am thinking about it or not."

And if you do not know what I am talking about, you just have not played long enough yet.
Wagering & Intricacies / Re: L.I.S.T. & MMM
May 23, 2020, 03:03:23 PM
I wrote the following:  "All I know for me and countless others, compiling the win money into your bankroll sitting on the table, only makes it subjected to larger bets and being lost easier than it does without some kind of plan."

A huge factor that prevails is; "The money in my pocket", or "The available buy-in money on a card I have", will play within the background and cause your game to slant in the way of the casino!  If you bring an X amount of cash and available funds access to the casino, planning on buying in with $XYZ and then "If I lose, I have additional funds for another try", doing that and saying that is WRONG, BAD, HORRIBLE and much more.  That way of thinking and acting will hurt you, simply and seriously.  DISCLOSURE:  The times I used to do exactly what I just wrote about, I did get sucked into the casino way of 'falling prey' to them.  If I added up all of the funds that I eventually won with the re-buyins, the amount would not total to be the entire amount of re-buyins.  So, I write from experience, my experience and the experience of others I have witnessed as well. 

Setting the unit goal is also wrong.  Sounds kind of contradictory, but it is not!  By setting the unit goal to stop, etc., you are removing the power of great opportunity to capitalize on winning presentments that might be presented while you are there playing.   True professionalism should have a sum of capital to risk, whether that risk is losing or winning. 

You need to figure something into your own M.M.M. that will allow you to keep playing if you are winning, all the while holding a certain portion of the continued win money. 
Wagering & Intricacies / Re: L.I.S.T. & MMM
May 23, 2020, 12:53:19 AM
1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd With the Win Money

Here is the summation.

When I win, I take 1/3 of the win money and pocket it, cash it and will not in any way whatsoever use it.  I take another 1/3 of the win money and increase my Bankroll with it.  I take the remaining 1/3rd of the win money and keep it as a reserve if I lose my bankroll I am playing with and still desire to play longer.

You can do it with any amount of win.  Say you buy in with $600.00 and get up to $1,800.00.  Take $400 and pocket it.  Increase your Bankroll to $1,000.00 and put the other $400 in your pocket as a backup bankroll.

Say you won another $1,000.00.  Take $350.00 and make your bankroll $1,350.00.  Take another $350.00 and put it with the $400.00 and that makes $750.00 you can't touch.  Take the other $300.00 and put it with the reserve bankroll you have of $400 making it now $700.00.

For me, I get the piece of mind, that I always have another chance if I lose and still want to keep playing.  I have something from my win money already 'locked up' and cannot be touched.  I have a slightly bigger bankroll.  When I do these things, it stops me from playing the way I used to with win money, and seldom holding on to it when things turned ugly.

All I know for me and some others, compiling the win money into your bankroll sitting on the table, only makes it subjected to larger bets and being lost easier than it does without some kind of plan.

Do it with any amount of win money, adjust it for your own psychological well being.  To me and most I speak with, it is easier to walk away after winning, when you know you have really tried to win more and maybe one more shot or another round at a table after a meal or a break, etc.  Maybe you can win money and stack it up in front of you and value it properly, but for most players it makes them play a bit more recklessly and dangerously then when they initially sat down with XYZ bankroll.

For me, I am satisfied with the way it works out when I do some kind of plan as I mentioned here.  When I just throw the winnings into the stack in front of me, I have to attempt calculations at how much for this and how much I should cash out 'later', etc.  If I put all my winning  into my pocket and employ 'attempted' willpower, there is no reward and satisfaction for the instant time, while sitting there playing.  If I divide it up as I go along, I have clearer mind and gives me a psychological advantage.