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Messages - alrelax

I cannot say what everyone does, but I can tell you what that particular individual did.  Which was, grab several of those tissue papers on the side of the case there, opened the door while holding the tissue paper and used another tissue/wrapper to grab the donuts he desired.  He held the door for me and I grabbed mine with tissue paper as well and put them into a bag, then discarded my paper. 

I used to own a gas station/convenience store a few years back on an interstate and had a donut case, a roller grill, etc.  This was prior to 2014.  I can tell you countless people did both ways.  Touching metal surfaces with their bare hands and then their food as well as using tissue wrap as a barrier. 
I was on the interstate yesterday and noticeably some state do not want to deal with staffing or cleaning their rest areas, while others perform their appointed tasks and duties.


Caesars announcing they publishd a video on safety and they're probably going to reopen by the end of May as follows.

I was not referring to the death toll. I was referring too many other things how people are handling themselves and I'm not going to go into detail because it doesn't matter but things that I see everyday and how people are handling themselves. I'm not talking about you and I'm not talking about any other Forum member cuz I had not seen you or the way that you act. I'm talking about mass amounts of people that I do see on a daily basis.
You can believe what you want and you can act the way that you believe, everyone is free to do just that,

I do not voice my opinion upon other people to believe or not. The media does put twists on it to suit themselves. There is a certain amount of accurate information and there is a certain amount of inaccurate information regarding all of it.

Personally I've dealt in Hazardous Materials, Toxic Waste and BioHaz materials and other things related to hazardous material spill cleanup operations and the disposal of waste streams for many years along with heavy recovery operations in the trucking, railway and transportation fields.

I have a slightly different outlook on it but I don't preach and I don't push my beliefs on others. I am completely amazed at the wrong perception so many people have that I run into on a daily basis concerning this virus.

We all have a life to live and each one of us needs to decide how and when to go out and how and when to socialize and how and when to do things that we desire to do within our own lives.
C19 Tourism, Local Economy, Orders to Stay Away & Casinos with the Money Dominating Rule.  The Reality Behind What is Happening.

Treasure Island announced new health and safety policies Tuesday afternoon as it gears up to reopen to the public.

MGMs complete and detailed safety plan as submitted to state casino regulators

Click on the "seven-point safety plan" highlighted in blue and read the entire official document with all the changes MGM has presented to state governments to reopen.


Red Wind Casino in the state of Washington announced they will be formally opening May 18th. They also announced they will be 100% smoke-free and that is the best thing that could have came out of all of this and I think every Casino in the United States will be that way or should be that way. Smokers will still go no matter what they say, in fact the state of Minnesota went smoke-free and all of the non-tribal casinos prohibited smoking.  Of course they all kept going, they just go outside to smoke what's the big deal?
