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Messages - alrelax

Another fantastic site, free of charge, sit back, forget about everything going on and it is better than TV in my opinion!

"Due to strict security measures, it took months of paperwork and pleading with Indian authorities for photographers affiliated with AirPano, a Moscow-based photography group, to gain access and capture these aerial images of the Taj Mahal."

Simply fantastic is the only way to explain the link that I posted for my members of below!

"Bring the home of Louis XIV into yours as you tour the Hall of Mirrors, the Royal Opera and royal residences at the Palace of Versailles outside Paris."

"We are committed to making learning possible even when travel is not. That's why we are releasing a series of free online lectures for adults from our expert instructors around the world. From early Viking settlements in Northern France to the evolution of Native American cuisine in Santa Fe, New Mexico, our online lectures will allow participants to explore topics featured on popular Road Scholar programs right from the comfort of their home. Tune into our live webinars and Q & A sessions to engage in real time with our lecturers, or browse our library of free recorded online lectures on-demand below!"

Excellent New York City website totally free to use the 23 different sections, click on the left side, visit website button in yellow, after it loads.  Excellent time killer.

I highly recommend the following links.  Take a trip without leaving your your living room, the confines of your home or wherever you're lockdown at!

Get a cup of coffee or a beer, whatever floats your boat and remove yourself from the confines.

Related But Not Related / Re: Hanging out.
April 11, 2020, 06:20:48 AM
On lockdown over dinner at the restaurant with a few people that I normally hang out with on sporadic occasions, one is H-Money, whom has been over here for a few days and in fact it's a couple hundred miles from his home and he slept over for two nights and stayed in my office with a pull out couch and we've been doing some soul-searching. 

Many other things we are doing to stay busy and clean out the ideas, notes and soul-searching departments, but I won't bore you with the details along with some some pictures of some snacks and meals i posted.  We hit the karaoke machine ourselves and gave a private showing to nobody  :cheer: :whistle: 8), it would have been comical if I videoed it.

But I'll tell you, going through the mail and going through some email the last day or so, you really see the good companies versus the not-so-good companies or let's say the 'customer value' in the non greedy companies versus the greedy companies trying their absolute best to capitalize on everything in this miserable event of 2020. I have several insurance companies, one for the business and I have of course the auto insurance and I have life and health insurance companies. The auto insurance company send an email this morning saying, that they think it's only fair to issue a 15% refund for 3 months. For both of our autos because there is less people on the streets as what the policy was quoted with, so they will credit our policy and that kind of floored me and I'm classifying them as a good company.  I'll never leave them. Then there was our cell phone company, which is giving us 50% off on any accessories or upgrades for the next 30 days and giving us 25% off of our monthly bill for 120 days as saying that is their part in trying to help their customers because they know most of us, if not all of us are affected and having a difficult time. Which again I put them in the good category and would never leave them and probably never would have, but most certainly this seals the deal.

There's been a couple of other things that are very minor from other companies that I'm not going to mention. Then came an ugly one from the business insurance saying because of the restaurant has an HVAC system, they want a certification from an HVAC company saying its disinfected and it is clean and it doesn't have any buildup of anything that could potentially harm the public and of course that is going to cost money, but H-Money owns an HVAC company, he's just not licensed here where I'm at, but he knows some people and could probably use someones letterhead stationary to back it up. So that kind of sucks, putting that insurance company on the bad list.

Just some thoughts I am putting out there.
Related But Not Related / Re: Hanging out.
April 11, 2020, 12:21:44 AM
Hanging out tonight.  I just made myself and someone else a couple of fresh pork chops with some country gravy and fresh sausage that's crumbled up in the sauce.  A little spice inside of it along with some red pepper flakes and some fresh mashed potatoes with some black pepper and cilantro, finely chopped.

Related But Not Related / Re: Hanging out.
April 10, 2020, 01:01:36 AM
Went out to get some supplies and food pick ups for the restaurant this morning.  Stopped to get gas and noticed the porta potties outside the store,  I asked the manager and he said a lot of their key locations were getting them in case they have to close the restrooms and part of the inside of the store, people can still use the bathroom outside. Sure hope it gets better real quick.

Finished October 2019.

And as they say, the rest of the story. Here is a synopsis from the US Attorney's Office in Nevada about what he did with nearly two million dollars and how it  funded his gambling, his high-end lifestyle in relationship to Las Vegas.

"These two victims sent Zogheib a total of $1,307,475. Zogheib immediately used the ill-gotten proceeds to fund his gambling habit and high-end lifestyle."

Started October 2011.

A few years old, but people that make deals to get money for a high-stakes gambling and then it blows up in their face, do get prosecuted. Here's one article I came across:

I know two people that do that quite frequently, the only way they do not profit is if there is zeros or double zeros hit or if it is pure red black red black red black consistently. But when one of them wins, he will full parlay it for the second time only and then they go back to the original unit and then if they win again they parlay it.

While the other one that is losing only covers the original bet, he stays at the one unit so if there is lots of repeats (RRRR and BBBBB, etc.), they win a few units or if there's doubles they win a few units because they're winning on the parlay as well while the loser only covers the original bet.

Majority of the time they do win a few units but they are very conservative and they are larger bettors.
Latest on casinos being closed in Las Vegas, it has been extended of course that was expected.

Related But Not Related / Re: Hanging out.
April 05, 2020, 08:35:46 PM
Hanging out with a few people today.

Here is a pic of the fresh spring rolls we are making.

