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Messages - audionut

Hi Sputnik...

My suggestion? Drop the tout...you really don't need them... betting moneyline with odds of -150 or greater gives you a 10% edge...then use one of your famous progressions to handle losses...you may have losing days but you'll NEVER have a losing month!!!  :cheer:
Sports Betting Forum / NFL betting results this year
January 01, 2019, 12:06:57 PM
Bet 62 games, had 12 losses...I think that puts me around 81%?? LOVE football!  :cheer:
Please...I'm selling NOTHING... my algorithm makes it just about IMPOSSIBLE to lose... c'mon...NOBODY has hit 79% in history??? A 3 year old could do what I'm doing...this is not rocket science...

The masses are asses... nobody wants to think out of the box... Sheeple...
Quote from: 8OR9 on October 07, 2018, 04:52:14 PM
In Vegas , the National Football League is called the National Coin Flip League by sports bettors because if you try to handicap an NFL game, you might as well flip a coin to decide which side to bet on.

The line is too accurate and there are only 16 games a season so there is not a long series of games to get a handicapping handle on a team. 

Basically it is impossible to beat the NFL long term.

Wow...I was wondering how in the world 90% of the sports bettors could lose money..reading this post enlightens me... was REALLY amused by the "impossible to beat the NFL long term" line....just wow.... oh well... (last month I was at 79% winners so far in the NFL..and it's just about impossible for that NOT to happen with my incredibly simple algorithm...) 

Folks, don't listen to people who say "it can't be done"...THAT is why THEY are not doing it... I REFUSE to think that way, I just let the math do all the work <G>!!!!!
Baseball, Basketball, Hockey, American Football... Soccer is tough here because you can lose 2 ways but only win one (you lose if a tie after 90 minutes regardless of the final score, and you lose if your team loses of course ;)
It's funny to me... you read about people spending 100's of hours a week to get their picks, studying, and for what? Accuscore says they run computer simulations of each game 10,000 times, yet the highest win rate I see with them is around 57%!!!! And they want $350 a month or so if you subscribe...

I use an incredibly simply algorithm that takes me all of 30 secs a day to make my picks (WITHOUT needing special software or a computer)...I average between 70 and 80% winners each month, 30+ units like clockwork... Anyone can do this...WHY WASTE TIME ON BACCARAT, CRAPS, OR ROULETTE????  Sports betting is the one gambling activity where YOU can have the edge, NOT THE HOUSE!!!! Plus you don't spend HOURS like with Poker at the table!!!!

I'm not selling anything... I don't want anything from you...I would just hope participants on this board would WAKE UP and stop throwing your money away on games that have a horrible house edge... Sports betting is SAFER then Forex, the stock market, Bitcoin, etc... :thumbsup: plus it has a much better ROI and will make you a millionaire faster then anything I've ever seen...

I wish you the best... study up on a method that works for you and start playing SMART...!!! :applause:
General Discussion / Re: The way to beat the ECs
July 30, 2018, 01:47:30 AM
OK...thanks for the clarification, Magician... appreciate it! ;)

BTW...favorite speakers? So many, I have favored Electrostatics and Planar for many years (owned Apogee Acoustics and Quad 2905's) but now I own Legacy Focus SE's.... simply amazing  :)
General Discussion / Re: The way to beat the ECs
July 29, 2018, 06:54:31 PM
OK I understand a little better now re-reading posts...BUT...the Magician says you bet the DOMINATING choice (so if you have BBBBR, you would bet B), while the original system says you bet the R (because it's due to catch up/form equilibrium)... so which is it???

BTW..if your betting the LEAST occurring, it seems to me the weakness with this is LONG stretches of one decision in a row (which happens quite often), like 12 R in a row...??? :nod:
General Discussion / Re: The way to beat the ECs
July 29, 2018, 05:21:59 AM
Because I guess I'm SO STUPID... :scared: can someone be kind enough to post, say, 10 or 20 decisions charted and how you bet it??? Not sure if one event is the last 5 decisions or if it's each X or what the hey... and we're looking at 4 imaginary wheels on 1 wheel? WTF??? And I guess if you have, say, 3 reds in a row then we are betting for black to "catch up"??

Thanks for your patience with this slow learner  :(
Varmenti: can you explain in more detail rule 3??? A little confusing, not sure what your doing there...thanks much!!!! ???

What are  your loss limits per side? i.e, if you get a run, say of 6 bankers, how much are you betting on player?

Thanks again.... 8)
For what it's worth, I've looked at 4 live casino shoes (Black Orchid) and Stephens system 3.0 won every one...I KNOW that's not an exhaustive amount of research..but I can't say the same for a lot of the systems I've tried...

For those on the bench about deciding whether or not to get the book, I DON'T think it's a rip-off...he claims to have tested over 10k live shoes to get his bet selection, and it seems to be valid, at least to my simple mind and limited observation...

Been around doing this a long time, (I use a system that lets me win every shoe or at least 99% of them...please don't ask me what it is because it's my main moneymaker and until I make my million will NOT even consider sharing it) but Stephens 3.0 looks to be what he says it is...I know he's had a rough time on this board, but I believe he's sincere and using his system himself... :nod:
I can say that Stephen honored his offer for a copy of book 3.0...

Have not had a chance to test it yet, looks interesting!

Thank you Stephen for following through!
I'm one of the ten that's supposed to get v 3.0 when it's released....but now that Stephen seems to have vanished from the board, I'm wondering if his promise will be kept?   ??? ???
Would love the free gift if still available... for what it's worth, I DID buy your 2nd edition on Amazon ;)
Thank you for your efforts, Chef! Nice to see this kind of sharing on the site...

I have no idea how the system is supposed to work, but your spreadsheet looks like it's on the right track!!! 

Thanks again :applause: