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Topics - esoito

I found a couple of minor bugs that occurred when a zero was the next spin.

Fixed and OK now.

From here:  http://betsoftware.cc/community-software/update-to-the-free-multi-tracker-version-1-1/msg154/#new
This topic has been moved to Moderators' Lounge 2015 for adjudication. We need to ensure there are no copyright violations as per Rule 6.

Paul Tudor Jones is a billionaire hedge-funder and private asset manager from Connecticut who ranks as 108th-richest American, according to Forbes.

Paul Tudor Jones says, 'You learn more from your losses than from your gains.'
Online Casinos / Can't beat 'em? Then join 'em!
December 13, 2014, 02:01:34 AM



Food for thought is this quote from the first site above:

Setting up an online casino is far more involved than many think, and the level of cost can be frightening, however for well ran, successful casinos the profits are there to justify the costs, and even at a $1 million start up cost, a good casino would expect to regain that outlay inside a year.
From time to time questions have been asked about reasons for being here.

So, rather than reading only guesses and speculation about reasons this simple poll is an attempt to get some real answers.

I've left it open-ended so future votes can be cast.

December 01, 2014, 05:01:34 AM
I've written a thread  intended for all those who are wondering what BetSoftware is really all about.


I've written this non-technical overview that's pretty accurate because Victor has tweaked it where necessary.

Folks, this BetSoftware is extraordinary in its application, scope and function, and its potential cannot be understated.

So-- read the thread and then dream of the almost endless possibilities for all of us with a pulse...


I've posted it for all members to enjoy. Took me quite a while to code it so I'm happy it's been well received.

Runs under XP, W7 and W8. No installation is needed -- it runs straight out-of-the-ZIP-file

Victor has also posted how Linux users can also easily run it under their OS.

You'll find more details 'over there':

November 24, 2014, 01:01:12 AM
Bayes:  I hope you don't mind me putting this in your blog because it's entirely relevant to bet selection:

Sadly, nobody knows what they are.   :nope:

(Jokes aside, there's probably an inner truth therein if you think about it...

You might even care to add 3 of your own.)

Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / MELBOURNE CUP 2014
November 03, 2014, 04:51:54 AM
Running tomorrow:  Tues 04 November.

It's a huge field so it can tend to be a bit of a lottery, especially given that some of the runners haven't run the distance.

Anyway, a basic but useful form summary is here:


A more professional summary, plus a framed market is here:


A question for the experienced horse race bettors:

If you developed a selection system that gave you about a 44% strike rate for wins and around 77% for places, what would be your reaction?

No -- I'm not trying to flog anything! Just curious...
Roulette Key Gold / MARKETING HELP
September 25, 2014, 11:30:07 PM
The horns of a dilemma...

I see you asked for marketing help at Black Hat SEO and got nowhere, thanks to some over-suspicious poster.

(Given its name and given your honesty it's a good place to avoid, methinks)

You've invested a lot of time and energy in the product.

And from what you write and from your videos it seems to be pretty profitable in disciplined hands.

So why not simply use it and make $$ for yourself, and dispense with all the stress, costs and aggro associated with marketing?

But if marketing is still in your sights then for

* heaps of free advice

* heaps of pay-for advice

look no further than http://www.warriorforum.com/

[Delete this post if you don't want it staying here]
September 25, 2014, 10:55:22 PM
Folks -- here's why it's worth supporting this forum.

I recently wrote: 

I'm a moderator here for one reason only --  to help Victor realize his software goals.

He has visionary dreams, hopes and aspirations that will give great benefits to future computer users worldwide. (No, I'm not talking only about his gambling software. His plans are much bigger than just that!)

My help in running the forum frees up much of the considerable time and energy he needs to code his software, as well as trying to earn a self-employed living in a financial environment that would challenge most of us.

So I do it for him for no financial gain, but because I share his extraordinary and visionary goals.

A man worth helping...

And here's part of Victor's reply where he explains exactly what he's trying to achieve:

My long-term software goals (beyond gambling) are:

- An easy-to-use web engine. In order to allow anyone to become a forum/community administrator without worrying about updates or the technical aspect.

- Creating easy programming languages to serve both as an introductory point as well as suitable for medium-sized development. At least two: one basic, one more advanced. The gist is them being future-proof, to compile to the "fashionable" platform of the moment; this way users do not have to re-learn every time a new technology arises and code re-use is elevated to the maximum.

- Making a family-oriented operating system. I see this aspect of computing very neglected. Having the ability to re-use computing power to allow more members of a family to have a computing venue, re-using as much of the family's current hardware as possible. The gist would be multi-seat/multi-user abilities in an easy fashion. Today's devices are able to handle great amounts of work. This can be a boon for low-to-medium-income families.

All of them accompanied by an optional membership service (i.e. official hosting for the web engine, source version control for the languages, cloud space for backups from the family OS).

Rest assured I am committed to BetSelection; likewise it is also worthy to note that -rather sooner than later- a spin-off site devoted to these software goals can appear alongside to complement us. So we can devote at least a little towards eventually achieving these worthy goals.

I'm 100% focused in developing the software for us here, plus the above are long-term projects to be realized as we have a thriving community here... but as you can see, we are meant to be part of something bigger and much helpful to others as well. In time.

So your $$ support will help to translate his intentions into reality, sooner rather than later.

Given that for many $5 is one bet only then supporting the forum with $5 seems like a good bet to me!  ;)
Gambling Philosophy / Interesting Article On Grails
September 03, 2014, 08:19:13 AM
An interesting perspective on so-called grails.
General Discussion / DNA OF ROULETTE SYSTEM...a grail?
August 30, 2014, 02:07:33 AM
Don Colonne has modified and refined this flat-betting approach over the last 6 years.

It has finally come to fruition.

I have opened this thread for those that would like to discuss the method.

Appraise the method by all means.  Comment on its strong and weak points.

But nobody should step over the line and criticise Mr Colonne himself. [The forum's Rule about no personal attacks is there for a good reason.]

I found all those posts in the recycle bin. No idea who put them there -- not me -- but they are too thoughtful to remain there.

So I've put them in a separate thread.
Roulette Forum / HERE IS A GRAIL
August 06, 2014, 09:21:13 AM
Basic Premise:   The majority of systems on this forum are capable of delivering 1 unit profit.

(If you disagree there's no point in reading any further)

A Grail:  Pick, say, half a dozen systems/methods that appeal to you.

Play each in turn, or in conjunction, stopping on 1 unit profit.

Rinse and repeat for how ever many sessions you can bear.

Whether or not you flat bet or use a progression is up to you. Perhaps choose a mix of methods.

Diversification is important. All the eggs in one playing basket makes your capital particularly vulnerable.

Rationale: So from this mixed strategy you can see that A Grail is made up of different methods working in conjunction, or working sequentially.

Notice how the definite article The is carefully avoided. There is more than just one grail.

So search not for The Grail. Instead it's more realistic to search for A Grail. 

And now your search has ended. Perhaps...
Some of you might find this interesting, especially as it offers a trial:


If the comments on the right hand panel are genuine then the software could be worth considering.

A trial would certainly help you make up your own mind about the veracity of the comments.

[Disclaimer: the software is not mine, I don't know the programmer, and I have no financial interest it.]

Online Casinos / Good advice...??
August 02, 2014, 03:43:42 AM
I came across this advice recently:

"Stick to the biggest and most reputable sites.  Online casinos don't become popular without treating their players fairly."

On the face of it that seems like good advice.

Your thoughts?
General Discussion / Could this claim be true?
July 09, 2014, 11:43:46 PM
Just before you read the following (unedited ) extract a few points to note:

1  The writer (whose native language is Russian) offers trials of his software. So you'd know beforehand if it's any good or not.

2  I'm deliberately not including links because the bit that is of great interest is in the last half of the extract that I've made blue.

3  And I thought the bold underlined bit was particularly interesting. If true then it has massive implications for RNG players. (And begs the question "Then what are those basics?")

Anyway, see what you think.

Creating this program, I've tried to look through the roulette game from definitely new point of view. This algorithm analyses statistics, main casino cheats and theory of chaos, using hundreds of real-played game logs from diffrent casinos.

It's a unique technics that makes a prediction using 6 fields of roulette table at once (1-18, Even, Red, Black, Odd and 19-36).

I'm a professional programer that was involved in a creation of roulette codes for some online casinos. For the safety purpose I won't tell you the names. Hope, you understand me.

That work gave me the great experience, so be sure that I know a lot about main aspects of online roulette. Every casino has its own secrets and cheats.

But there are some basics, that are used by almost all the casinos.

Feature of the program is that it uses a non-linear internal scenarios of taking profit, and gives the impression that you are doing absolutely random bets without any logic. But it is not so! ;-)

The algorithm is very cleverly disguises itself. Certain mathematical symbiosis makes it unpredictable for the casinos.

I should also notice that the program has shown excellent results in testing on a virtual  roulette (RNG), and also with live dealers.
I know the forum has Linux users who will probably find this snippet as outrageous as I do.

According to a report about the excesses of the NSA's project XKeyScore if you visit Linux Journal you are immediately tagged as an extremist !!!!

I quote:

Other tracked IP addresses include those of individuals using MIT's Mix Minion anonymous email service and users who visit Linux Journal – the latter of which the NSA has flagged an "extremist forum"

Did you get that? Click on the site and your IP is logged because the XKeyScore software thinks you're an extremist.

And they even get paid for that sort of stupidity... >:(

Fuller details here:

[I'll move this thread to Off Topic in a day or two.]
My internet cat dropped this on my doorstep the other day.

I present it to you without comment, except to note two things:

1  Testing was done on an American wheel

2  Some minor editing to help the flow, but the method is untouched. 

The title of the original -- a bold statement if ever there was one -- screams for the contents to be looked at closely.

So over to you.

Critique the content. Take it apart. Post your comments, tweaks, tests, appraisals.

Your comments can help the less experienced to view these sorts of claims from a more objective standpoint. Perhaps.

World's Best And Safest Roulette System

Profit averages $60 per hour using $1 chips. Losing sessions are very rare -- about two per thousand spins.

Don't risk more than $100 on any spin.  Total bankroll is $185.

Two basic bets are made on every spin: Low (1-18) and the 3rd Dozen (25-36)

Bet One - One to Eighteen
The 1 - 18 bet on the outside of the roulette table covers the numbers 1 to 18.
This bet pays even money, meaning that a $1 bet pays $1 if any of the numbers 1 to 18 come up on the next spin.

Bet Two - Third Dozen
The 3rd Dozen or 3rd 12 bet on the outside of the roulette table covers the numbers 25 to 36.
This bet pays two to one, meaning that a $1 bet pays $2 if any of the numbers 25 to 36 come up on the next spin.

Placing the Two Bets Together
You can cover 30 numbers on the roulette layout by placing two bets on every spin: 1-18 and the 3rd Dozen.

Only 7 numbers  (8 on American wheels) can make you lose:  0,19,20,21,22,23 and 24.

You must place the two bets in the proper amount of 3 chips on 1-18 and 2 chips on the 3rd Dozen.


* If 1 to 18 comes up, you win 3 chips on 1-18 and lose 2 chips on 25 to 36, for a profit of 1 chip.

* If 25 to 36 comes up, you win 4 chips on that bet and lose 3 chips on 1-18 for a profit of 1 chip.

Losing Frequencies
How many times in a row can the two bets lose?

The two bets together don't lose very often and not too many times in a row.

That's because on every spin you have 30 chances of winning versus only 8 chances of losing.

The odds of winning are tremendously in your favour.

After thousands of test spins using recorded casino spins, the most times in a row the two bets lost were four times.

In an average 1000 (live) spins, there should be:

  • 210 single losses
  •   40 two-in-a-row losses
  •    9 three-in-a-row losses
  •    2 four-in-a-row losses
  •    0 five-in-a-row or more losses

These numbers are based on mathematical probability. During testing, the numbers varied from each group of 1000 spins, but not by much.

We have never seen a five-in-a-row loss in our testing. This doesn't mean five in a row or more are not possible. Anything is possible, but the odds against seeing five in a row losses or more are astronomical!

On average, you can expect a two-in-a-row or more loss once every 40 spins.

With such a low "losses in a row" rate, you can formulate simple progressions to take advantage of these great odds.

Winning Progressions
If any one of the 7 or 8 losing numbers come up, 0,19,20,21,22,23 or 24, you lose both bets for a total loss of 5 chips.

If you bet 5 chips on every spin, you will lose money in the long run. However, if you increase your two bets after a loss, you will win more money in the long term than you lose in the short term.

Our "basic bet" is 3/2 (3 chips on 1-18 and 2 chips on the 3rd Dozen).

Continue to bet 3/2 until you have a loss  -- when 0,19,20,21,22,23 or 24 comes up.

One Loss
After your first losing bet increase your bet to 9/6.
If that bet wins, your next bet is also 9/6.
If that bet wins, you have made a 1 chip profit.
You only need to win the next two spins in a row to show a profit.

The first spin is 21. You lose 5 chips.
Your next bet is 9 chips on 1-18 and 6 chips on the 3rd Dozen.
The next spin is 4. You win 9 chips on 1-18 and lose 6 chips on the 3rd Dozen for a profit of 3 chips. When you subtract the 5 chips you lost on the first spin, you're still down 2 chips.
Your next bet is again 9 and 6 chips. 
The next spin is 7. You're profit for this spin is again 3 chips. Add that to your minus 2 chips and you're ahead 1 chip.
You now go back to your basic bet of 3/2 chips.

Two Losses in a Row
Our "basic bet" is 3/2 (3 chips on 1-18 and 2 chips on the 3rd Dozen).
After first losing bet your next bet is 9/6.
If that bet loses, your next bet is 33/22.
If that bet wins, your next bet is also 33/22.
If that bet wins, you have made a 1 chip profit.
Your next bet is again 3/2

Three Losses in a Row
Our "basic bet" is 3/2 (3 chips on 1-18 and 2 chips on the 3rd Dozen).
After first losing bet your next bet is 9/6.
If that bet loses, your next bet is 33/22.
If that bet loses, your next bet is 74/36.
If that bet wins, your next bet is also 74/36.
If that bet wins, your next bet is also 74/36.
Your next bet is again 3/2.If either of the last two bets lose, take the $185 loss and play again later.

Converting Four-in-a-row Losses to Winners
This strategy eliminates most four-in-a-row losses.
Anytime one of the eight losing number shows up, switch to the opposite two bets for the next bet:
On the next bet after a loss, place 9 chips on 19-36 and 6 chips on the 1st Dozen.
Then, switch back to your normal bets.

Consider this sequence of spins:
21 (betting on 19-36 and the 1st Dozen turns this into a win!)
19 (switching back to 1-18/3rd Dozen turns this into one loss)
23 (betting on 19-36 and the 1st Dozen turns this into a win!)

Profit Expectation
In an average 1000 spins you should win $630. ($1000 minus 2 losses of $185 each).

As stated earlier, you should only experience 2 four-in-a-row losses per thousand spins.

The above progression is the one we use when we play this system.

You can experiment with your own progressions if you'd like.