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Messages - esoito

Very impressive results!

The name of the forum is "betselection".

We look forward to you telling us all how your bets are selected.  ;)
General Discussion / Yes, back again...!
June 28, 2017, 11:25:17 PM
Victor is in extremis with all his coding projects and asked me to step back in.

I don't mind, as long as folk realize:

  •     It's just me (at the moment)

  •     I have commitments off the forum (yes, I have a life elsewhere, as shocking as it might seem)

  •     I'm not necessarily in your time zone!

So for those 3 reasons you'll need to be patient with any delays in response.

Finally, as established members know, I do consider the Rules to be more than just cake decorations...

Unless Rules are observed -- and enforced -- chaos and anarchy ensue!  Sad but true   :nod:

I draw your attention to the following rule in particular which has recently been totally ignored in several threads:

#4 It goes without saying: No trolling. No name calling. And no personal attacks on individual members because you dislike, or disagree with, what they wrote.

PLEASE NOTE WELL:  If breaches continue, the guilty parties will be put on pre-post moderation. In other words, it's not published until approved -- when I get around to it.

And persistent offenders will be muted. Unhesitatingly. Why not?  It's an inevitable consequence of their actions and poor choices to persistently ignore the rule. 

Thank you very much to the above posters.

I really appreciate your welcomes and comments.

Victor is in extremis with all his coding projects and asked me to step back in.

I don't mind, as long as folk realize:

  • It's just me (at the moment)

  • I have commitments off the forum (yes, I have a life elsewhere, as shocking as it might seem)

  • I'm not necessarily in your time zone!

So for those 3 reasons you'll need to be patient with any delays in response.

Finally, as established members know, I do consider the Rules to be more than just cake decorations...

Unless Rules are observed -- and enforced -- chaos and anarchy ensue!  Sad but true   :nod:

The software is complex.

Therefore, testers need a very high standard of English

* to read and fully understand the documentation

* to watch, listen to and understand the instruction videos on Udemy

Anyone who tries to run the software without fully understanding it is unlikely to be using it as Petr intends it to be used.

Putting it kindly, their results could be suspect.

Take a look at the posts and then ask yourself if the recent tester fits the standard of English needed. Perhaps his/her conclusion is valid; perhaps not. [Yes, at least he/she had a try.]

If we're going to have it tested properly let others step forward who fit the language criteria. [And before you suggest it : I have neither the time nor the money to do it myself.]
Ignore him, Petr.

I've looked at several of your videos, read your site's content and can see NO EVIDENCE of a scam.

Straight-up / Re: G.U.T. Advanced Game
December 31, 2016, 03:30:13 AM
@Kav and others scratching their head

Here's the link to provide enlightenment:


Moving on...

@ system Gambler

I think your videos are very well done.

I particularly enjoyed the last one. 

Your intelligent and thoughtful commentary offers very useful insights into the thinking behind your decisions.

The tracker is impressive in its details.  (The coding and debuging must have been a nightmare!)

I look forward to your future videos.

Sehr gut!
Peter, I've read your explanations several times and thought about what you've written.

For me, maths was never a strength but I can't see anything wrong with your basic premise.

I do know that particular bet works well in your excellent program.

Does anyone have any sound, mathematical reasons for disagreeing with the basic premise behind the first post in this thread?

Very impressive.

By the way, the new colour scheme is a big improvement. Much easier on the eyes.

I've used RKG several times and it performs exactly as stated. Well done!
Quote from: Mr J on October 20, 2016, 06:00:00 AM
Its NOT playable at a real B&M casino, with only a few seconds to bet.


But those using an online, live casino would use a clicker to overcome the "only a few seconds to bet" issue.

Looks great on paper (I admit) but ONCE AGAIN, not realistic. I could post 10 similar methods.....not playable. Sorry folks, them the facts.

Congratulations both on results and your persistence.

Naysayers and Negative Nellies can perhaps think again...or not.

I noted the clicker/tracker you are using and found the site where it's for sale.

Are you the owner/or author of the software?

If no, then how do you rate its performance overall?

And what sort of after-sales support did you get? (Assuming any was needed, of course.)

And a final 4th question:  will continue to use GUT or was it simply a test exercise?


That's a pretty impressive strike-rate.

Very well done. 

What sort of staking plan do you use? Flat bets? Target staking? Or...?
Doing well so far.  Keep this up and drinks will be on you.  ;)

The video sound wasn't all that clear. In fact, it was darned hard to follow your commentary.

I checked all my sound settings and ran some tests -- all was OK at this end.


Straight-up / Re: Winkel's GUT - 1000 units RNG Challenge
September 29, 2016, 01:01:47 AM
Welcome to the forum.

Interesting to see you've chosen RNG rather than real roulette.

Any particular reason for that choice?  [Apart from it being faster...]
General Discussion / Re: FEEDBACK ON "THE SCHOOL"
September 18, 2016, 06:27:45 AM
Thanks to Denzie and Roulettefan for their feedback so far.

Any more students willing to share results and opinions?

[Or should the question really be: are there actually any more students?]

Newsflash:    Apparently "There are 15, with five that are brand new."

Or so Gz wrote, and then subsequently deleted the post for some strange reason that's too hard for me to fathom  ;)