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Messages - esoito


I quote:  "Price of this module may vary from person to person and one deserving guy may also get it as a free gift."

See?  It's for sale.  Why am I not surprised?  Leopards and spots...  He has a track record going waaaaayyy back.

And look -- it's not even a fixed price! It may vary.  Does that mean the more gullible you are the more you'll pay? 

And if he finds one "deserving" person it'll be free.   Wow.  I wonder what you have to do to deserve such largesse.

I won't delete this. I'll leave it here as a warning to others.

CAVEAT EMPTOR applies in all such cases.

You're all adults. Make up your own minds....  Take care not to get killed in the rush.

Unlike some, I've actually read the PDF.

My comments:

1  The method uses a very modest progression [not a pure Martingale] and that should not cause any disquiet given that many gamblers routinely use a progression.

2  Bet365 is one of the few bookmakers that offer 'time of next goal".

3  On page 6 the author is completely open and transparent. He openly offers his affiliate link  to open an account.  It's entirely the reader's choice as to whether they use that link or a non-affiliate link.

4  Pages 11-13 offer detailed information about the system, and strategies to maximise the chances of a goal being scored during the match.

5  Whereas the PDF is free, the  author mentions his commercial product, Betting Systems Creator. And why not?   Readers are under no obligation to purchase it. The PDF system is standalone and does not need BSC to operate it.

6  It's important to note the system can only be applied during live play -- in other words, whilst a football match is being played.

It is not an unrealistic system -- I've seen far worse ! 

So, out of fairness to the author,  only post comments AFTER YOU HAVE ACTUALLY TRIALLED THE SYSTEM. Otherwise, keep quiet about it!
"Try it out without real money and make your own mind"

OK....Anyone prepared to do just that?  And then post their results here?

[As long as it's not goal1, or one of his relatives or mates running the trial !  ;) ]

Why not consult Mr Google to answer that question?
Off-topic / Re: This new forum look is so ugly!
March 13, 2016, 10:39:35 PM
Quote from: VLS on March 13, 2016, 08:54:28 PM
Hi Max, as you can see in our new Black, White & Blue layout, notes on positive responses have been taken into account :)

Yep... :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
 :thumbsup:  Very good. 

Please stick with this one now, regardless of the inevitable naysayers who, basically, don't like changes!
Off-topic / Re: This new forum look is so ugly!
March 12, 2016, 11:03:54 PM
Victor, I hope you'll take into account the positive responses about that clean and attractive layout.

[As an aside, I thought Turner's point about being busy being busy was well made!]
For me, it still freezes in PM mode.

Or am I the only one thus afflicted?

Just discovered the Recent Posts button didn't actually display any recent posts.

And -- gggrrrr -- it's been freezing whilst typing this message!

Nice colour scheme.  Is this on the new server?

So far, whilst typing this reply, there have been no freeze-ups. By now there would have been several.

Still happy to report none so far...  Eeyore had a look in his eye but I stuck his nose in his feedbag before he could speak.

Signing off now and still no freeze-ups. Well, not for me at any rate.

General Discussion / Re: How We Think: Thought Patterns
February 27, 2016, 10:39:10 PM
Yes, thanks Gammon.  Very well written. :thumbsup:

As was reading your post I recalled the concept of S-R Bonds that I first encountered in Educational Psychology studies many moons ago, succinctly summarised as:

In any unit of  activity there is a Stimulus closely followed by its associated Response.

Also entirely relevant is Edward de Bono's revolutionary, trail-blazing work on Lateral Thinking. For many years it turned the Teaching-Learning process on its head.

Should be more of it!  :nod:



And finally, there's the classic Straight and Crooked Thinking.

You'll find a readable copy here:


Money Management / Re: Looking for MM
October 28, 2015, 08:54:49 AM
With those sorts of impressive results of some quite sustained streaks (wouldn't that be nice for inside numbers  :nod:...yeah, in our dreams...) it would be easy enough to work out a parlay method where you keep a bit in your pocket each time.

For example, on EC betting:

Bet 1:  1 unit   Win

Bet 2:  2 units Win

Now, instead of Bet 3:  4 units  you bet 3 units (keep 1 unit profit in your pocket)...

So...Bet 3:  3 units  Win

Bet 4:  4 units   (this time keeping another 2 units profit in your pocket )...and so on.

After all, you don't know when the streak will end. If you roll over ALL your winnings each time you could easily end up losing the lot !  That's a waste of time,  and you're leaving good profits on the table.

Hopefully I've explained that well enough, BJ, for you to get the idea, and introduce your own tweaks.

General Discussion / Re: It's time to move on...
December 27, 2014, 10:41:17 PM
Yes, but a wise man knows when enough is enough!
General Discussion / It's time to move on...
December 26, 2014, 11:15:02 PM
The new 50-50 forum management model will --at last -- free up Victor to concentrate on his software and technology goals.

Because  moderation can now be shared by all via the voting system it also frees me up to easily resign from the position, effective immediately.

I shall focus on writing my software and spend far more productive time on the BetSoftware site.

Just think -- under the new model you can now vote moderators and each other on and off.

You can vote for and against particular rules.

Perhaps really push the boat out and vote for no rules at all. [Then vote on how long it would take for the forum to become totally dysfunctional.]

Finally, for those who work in, or belong to, any organisation:

* Put your arm right into a bucket of water

* Pull your arm out...

...and the size of the hole that's left is the measure of how indispensible or important  you are.... ;)

General Discussion / Re: New look BetVoyager
December 23, 2014, 04:37:31 AM
OK. Thanks, Superman.