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Messages - esoito

Roulette Forum / What's the catch?
December 23, 2014, 04:35:49 AM
I immediately thought there would be affiliate links embedded in the casino addresses -- couldn't see any, though.

Maybe in the casino downloads?  (I didn't download any.)

But please tell us if you know how else such links might be embedded.

Then I thought, aha - it's  a site put together by the listed casinos. (Unlikely, though, given that several are owned by competing groups.)

So what's the catch? 

Or <gasp>are they actually telling the truth?   :o :o

I found a couple of minor bugs that occurred when a zero was the next spin.

Fixed and OK now.

From here:  http://betsoftware.cc/community-software/update-to-the-free-multi-tracker-version-1-1/msg154/#new
General Discussion / Re: New look BetVoyager
December 21, 2014, 10:33:27 PM
Welcome, Xedos.

I wonder if BV's flurry of visual house cleaning means they've also messed around with their RNG algorithms.  Always possible, of course.
General Discussion / Re: Let's be gentler to each other
December 21, 2014, 10:30:29 PM
I agree, alrelax.

I too donated some funds and it's up to Victor how he uses them. I made it clear to him there were no strings attached.

Wannawin, it's time you jumped off this particular horse and found something else to complain about instead.

General Discussion / Re: Where are Bally and TwisterUK?
December 18, 2014, 12:59:03 AM
What? They're at the VIP lounge? 

They must have got tired of gambling...  http://www.vip-lounge.com.au/vipbar.php
Quote from: JoeyKnish on December 17, 2014, 01:26:36 AM

Now I see what you mean. LOL.

LOLOLOL... Yep. 

*throws both hands up*

I sincerely hope they come back down again. (Otherwise it gives a whole new dimension to the question "Do you need a hand?") ;)

General Discussion / Re: Where are Bally and TwisterUK?
December 16, 2014, 06:22:38 AM
Twister was ill, and it got progressively worse to the point where he found going online increasingly difficult.

As for Bally -- no idea. I'd like to know how he is, too.
This topic has been moved to Moderators' Lounge 2015 for adjudication. We need to ensure there are no copyright violations as per Rule 6.

All very interesting....  But I'm struggling to see how it all fits in to the title of the thread!!

But, as I say, it's interesting so carry on.   :thumbsup:
Paul Tudor Jones is a billionaire hedge-funder and private asset manager from Connecticut who ranks as 108th-richest American, according to Forbes.

Paul Tudor Jones says, 'You learn more from your losses than from your gains.'
Oh dear... A shame you didn't post your intentions to buy.  Several would have told you not to and given you reasons why.

Read back through the posts in this thread and you'll see the comments from very experienced members!  There are plenty of red flags there.

Anyway, what's done is done.

The positive spin is that you're unlikely to ever be scammed again because you'll be a lot more suspicious in future. [You will, won't you?]

And you will have learned that numbers CAN NOT be predicted, matter what the sales material and suspect testimonials might tell you.

An unpleasant experience such as this is a hard -- but generally reliable  -- teacher!  :nod:

Well done!

Between you and Mr Google this is a useful post written in understandable English.  :nod:

I hope others will contribute to this thread.
Sports Betting Forum / Re: Agestasportips
December 13, 2014, 11:52:32 PM
Do you work on a minimum odds cut-off point? Below which it's a No Bet?
Online Casinos / Can't beat 'em? Then join 'em!
December 13, 2014, 02:01:34 AM



Food for thought is this quote from the first site above:

Setting up an online casino is far more involved than many think, and the level of cost can be frightening, however for well ran, successful casinos the profits are there to justify the costs, and even at a $1 million start up cost, a good casino would expect to regain that outlay inside a year.
Roulette Forum / Re: Law of the third stats
December 12, 2014, 10:35:22 PM
Interesting analysis, as is the almost-symmetry in the figures.

Was that live or RNG?