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Messages - esoito

I found all those posts in the recycle bin. No idea who put them there -- not me -- but they are too thoughtful to remain there.

So I've put them in a separate thread.
"However, it is dangerous and I only ever play it for a handful of spins."

Exactly so.

In fact, I'm now so conservative with it I stop on 1 unit profit, and then move on to another strategy altogether. (More details in the thread Here Is A Grail:  http://betselection.cc/general-discussion/here-is-a-grail/  )


The first edition of that book is (legally) free from here:   http://www.basicbook.org/e1

Maybe that will be enough to get you started.
Then you'll just have to sort out on your own. And good luck with that.
You might find it helpful to lodge a complaint here:

In the end it all boils down to a personal philosophy.

There are the open source coders who basically give the code away for others to tweak or use how they like.

And there are the I-need-a-return-for-effort coders who keep the underlying code private, but sell a compiled .exe version.

There's no right or wrong...it's just personal philosophy.


Your software is subscription-based. 

Now, not everyone likes the sort of dependency that creates. Nor do they like having to keep putting one hand their pocket every time renewal is due.

Have you considered also offering a standalone, pay-and-buy version, perhaps with fewer systems on offer?

You'd pick up customers you might otherwise miss out on.
LOL.....That little change was neatly done!  :applause:
Roulette Forum / Re: HERE IS A GRAIL
August 08, 2014, 03:19:30 AM
Yes Greenguy, the devil is usually in the details!

Those wanting to try this approach will, of course, have to take into account several or all of the things you've raised. And more.

They will have to work out the finer points for themselves, just as I have. And just as others who already use this approach have had to.

Short-term gain? Long-term profits? Some want one; some want the other.

Either way, searchers now have a spoon but they must now work out how best to feed themselves.

You raised excellent and valid points to help with the feeding. I addressed most of those in my own software.

And of those points, setting stop losses is crucial, in my conservative opinion -- just as it is with any form of diversified financial activities.
Roulette Forum / Re: HERE IS A GRAIL
August 07, 2014, 11:25:34 PM
Quote from: Dr. Mabuse on August 07, 2014, 04:15:02 PM

Switching roulette systems  does not mean anything just shifting numbers.

I disagree.  And so does my betting capital!  ;)

Switching systems with my software means slowly -- but steadily -- shifting numbers up...and up...and up...in my accounts.

One unit profit. Then move on to the next.

Disclaimer:  Like I mentioned before -- the software I wrote is for my use only. It's NOT for sale, so this thread is not some sort of sales-bait. [I chose to write the program because I can, and because it makes life easier.]

Instead, this thread is an attempt to feed the butterflies that flit from forum to forum looking for grail-nectar

They won't need software to operate this approach.

They seem to have forgotten they have dozens of competitors!

That being the case, coupled with the inevitable adverse publicity, you'd think they'd look after their customers a bit better than this.
The reasons I drew this product to the forum's attention were threefold.

Firstly, the site lacks the 'normal' sales hyperbole, exaggerations and general BS. So refreshing. (I was glad to see others noticed that, too.)

Secondly, I thought that if the comments from users were genuine then this software is well worth a close look. (The author has since confirmed they are genuine.)

And thirdly, watching some of the videos confirmed that here is a product to be taken seriously.

Congratulations to SamNL for the transparent and methodical way he is approaching the testing.  (He's had a good start so the next round is on him  :beer: )

And also to the author, Peter, for his helpful responses, and for enlightenment about the RNG question I posed earlier.

[As an aside, I didn't realize there is a second site, as Sam pointed out. Bit confusing for a country boy like me...Why two? Perhaps one has basically replaced the other?]
Roulette Forum / Re: HERE IS A GRAIL
August 06, 2014, 11:34:00 PM
Quote from: Mike on August 06, 2014, 12:13:12 PM
Have you actually tried this yourself?  >:D

LOL....Of course! Why else would I bother to post it?

I even do it with a program I wrote for my own use only. I call it 5-in-1. I'm currently adding two more routines so soon it will be become...wait for it....yes, 7-in-1.

And quite correct, Greenguy. Switching is part of the process.

Roulette Forum / HERE IS A GRAIL
August 06, 2014, 09:21:13 AM
Basic Premise:   The majority of systems on this forum are capable of delivering 1 unit profit.

(If you disagree there's no point in reading any further)

A Grail:  Pick, say, half a dozen systems/methods that appeal to you.

Play each in turn, or in conjunction, stopping on 1 unit profit.

Rinse and repeat for how ever many sessions you can bear.

Whether or not you flat bet or use a progression is up to you. Perhaps choose a mix of methods.

Diversification is important. All the eggs in one playing basket makes your capital particularly vulnerable.

Rationale: So from this mixed strategy you can see that A Grail is made up of different methods working in conjunction, or working sequentially.

Notice how the definite article The is carefully avoided. There is more than just one grail.

So search not for The Grail. Instead it's more realistic to search for A Grail. 

And now your search has ended. Perhaps...