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Messages - esoito

The post is intended for ex-VRTech test pilots who visit this forum. It clearly states that in the thread title.

As I see it, the poster is not obliged to answer questions. 

Perhaps persistent questioners should apply to the poster to become a VRTech tester.  Then answers will fall upon them like gentle rain.

But they must be prepared to put in time and effort if selected -- not everyone is selected, because there is no vacancy for passengers and tyre-kickers.

It's fascinating to see the growth and development of your platforms in the 12 months I've been watching your videos.

Over 9000 euros profit in about a year playing RNG is an extraordinary achievement by any standards.   :nod:

Well done, Petr.  :applause:
My original 369 post was in the Brainstorming Thread.

To correct you, I didn't initiate the discussion about 369 in this thread.

Instead, I offered the courtesy of a reply to a couple of questions asked about that topic I posted in the Brainstroming thread..

If you don't like the answers, or feel they were inadequate, you'll have to cope as best you can. What you like, or what you feel, is not my responsibility.

I have no interest in being drawn into an argument.

At this point, I have no further comments to make on this topic. Maybe later.

Sufficient unto the day...   
That's a familiar process you're exploring above -- set up a hypothesis and then test it.

Refine and test...refine and test...

It's a matter of looking under rocks, exploring various tunnels. Some lead to other tunnels; some are dead-ends.

Already, with your observations above you've started a journey on Tesla's 369 train.  Why not continue your journey?

I can certainly confirm the journey is time-consuming and often frustrating. Sometimes disappointing. It even goes off the rails at times.

As to the destination, mine is to complete the journey for the lowest possible cost and for the best profit possible.

At this early stage of exploration it would be unwise to rule anything out, despite how things might seem at first sight.

Your excellent observation is worth repeating:  "Reality is only limited by what we know (or think we know)."

In taking up you invitation to confirm or decline I must decline to comment further lest I send folk in the wrong direction, or lest I restrict their freedom to discover for themselves by explaining my own parameters and restrictions thus far.

They need to work out their own travel plans on the 369 train. 

Just to clarify:

I'm not talking about betting on the numbers 3,  6 and 9 per se.

Our research is aimed at several number combinations we have identified that involve underlying patterns of 3 or 6 or 9, or even all three.

These are:

* various number combinations which are based on number 3

* various number combinations which are based on number 6

* various number combinations which are based on number 9


* how they relate to specific times of appearance, which are also based on 3, 6,  9

Why 3 and 6 and 9?  Because they are the specific numbers identified by Tesla.

More than enough work there to keep me from playing on the road for quite a while! Especially as my time and energy is limited by other commitments.

But your query could perhaps open up ideas for others to follow.
Quote from: Blue_Angel on April 16, 2018, 12:46:22 AM
Thank you Max for sharing something so interesting (I rarely thank anyone for sharing as I rarely see appreciation from others for my efforts).

My pleasure. And thank you for your kind comment.

Just a couple of questions, I assume you had good results but for how long, are the results sufficient in order to prove something?

Good question. 

To answer it, here's part of what I emailed to my colleague only yesterday:

"Another excellent and potentially profitable result for the file just received from you -- thanks for that.

We shall see for certain once it goes through the program I've yet to write.

But I'm satisfied there is sufficient prima facie evidence of attraction between 3 6 9 in time, and 3 6 9 in the  flow of numbers being spun, regardless of RNG or live as the source,  to warrant further exploration via the proposed software."

So as you see,  a work in progress, but with what we believe to be great potential.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating -- hence the need for the software to do the heavy-lifting-number-crunching.

Does it have to do with numerology?

According to this Wikipedia definition:

"Numerology is any belief in the divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events. It is also the study of the numerical value of the letters in words, names and ideas. It is often associated with the paranormal, alongside astrology and similar divinatory arts."

We seem to have found a "... relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events."

I have to confess it's rather taken us by surprise!

However, whether or not it's divine or mystical is unclear...Maybe...Maybe not.

General Discussion / Re: BRAINSTORMING THREAD
April 15, 2018, 11:33:33 PM
"If you knew the magnificence of the three, six and nine, you would have a key to the universe." – Nikola Tesla

If you add, subtract and multiply numbers 1 to 36 in a variety of ways you will find 3...6..9...appear again and again in amazing patterns -- too often to be mere coincidence.


A forum member and myself have found several profitable ways to exploit the phenomena.

That takes time, energy and persistence, coupled with a willingness to think in unconventional ways.

I mention this not to boast, but to show others that gold is there to be mined through a willingness to work at it.

General Discussion / Re: BRAINSTORMING THREAD
April 15, 2018, 11:15:52 PM
Gann made a fortune on the US stock market so don't be tempted to dismiss this as garbage.


Astute members will see possible application to their bet selection. [Discussion in the discussion thread -- not here --  please]
Timely Warning to Gz and Sputnik

Kindly cool down both of you, before your little conflict starts escalating.

Simply agree to disagree and leave it at that.

Brilliant achivement, Petr.  :applause: :applause:

I followed your videos week-by-week and was very impressed by your software, your strategies and particularly by your patience.

It's great that your hard work and patience has been rewarded.

And now for your next challenge. Very ambitious it is, too. I'm looking forward to seeing how that unfolds. 

Good luck with it!
Gizmotron / Re: Day Trading on a Roulette Table
February 20, 2018, 11:15:31 PM
LOLOLOL....good one!  I enjoyed that.  :applause:

(No doubt the frog was hopping mad)
Quote from: Albalaha on February 19, 2018, 05:32:03 PM
Any prediction of short or long run?

I can only predict considerable volatility in both the long and the short runs.

That suggests to me that those who want to make some money could perhaps:

1   Learn to trade the markets sucessfully (i.e. more winning trades than losers)  because volatility and the trend are a trader's friend !

2  Avoid the cryptos as long-term investment.   

Please note my deliberate use of the word perhaps above. I'm not qualified to give financial advice.

Using the latest Firefox:

                   *  Login was successful

                   *  This post and one other went through the first attempt, and without problems.

An important security milestone achieved. Well done, Victor.  :thumbsup:

Hopefully members will log in not using the same password that they use for everything else!

Good luck with your future $$ plans -- a Big Step to take....

[After making a small modification to the post I clicked SAVE and Fox warned me this message was "...on an insecure connection and could be read by third parties"   

That's odd because when I logged in BOTH  the https AND the padlock are clearly shown green in the address bar.

But in the post editor I now see there is now an !  attached to the padlock which indicates an insecure connection]
Great topic, Albalaha.

Blockchain technology is still very much in development, but those in the know are convinced it will change many markets and industries.

It exists quite separately from cryptocurrencies (cryptos).

However, cryptos use blockchain for its unique security functions that can -- amongst other things -- eliminate fraud.

Some (of many more) future uses for blockchains:

   *   Design a fully-automated supply chain management system. When a certain condition is reached, the appropriate action is taken. Imagine a factory that automatically orders supplies when it threatens to run out of them.

   *  Manage huge paper trails. Each step in the paper trail can be added as a new block in the chain, and checks can be placed to ensure all conditions have been met that are  needed to proceed.

   *   Exchange vital business information in real time. Every node can contribute to and access all the information in the blocks.

    *  Eliminate the middleman when dealing with others. The parties can interact directly and securely, by relying on the blockchain technology.

    *  Eliminate fraud. Irreversibility makes it fraud-resistant. In a proper setup, there is no way to make unauthorized changes in already approved blocks.

Can cryptos exist without a blockchain?

Sure can.

The crypto, IOTA, uses a "tangle" instead of a blockchain. It thereby dispenses with miners.

Interesting to note that high-profile names participating in its data market pilot—including Microsoft, Deutsche Telekom, and Fujitsu—suggest IOTA is onto something.

The crypto and blockchain genies are out of the bottle. Too late to put them back in!

I'll stick my neck out and predict they are not only here to stay, but will undergo massive development to become essential planks of future finance industries.

Yes, welcome back, Sumit.  :thumbsup: