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Messages - esoito

Good thinking, Mare  :thumbsup:

Yes -- we first need to define what we mean by 'the box'.

Ken...Ken...Ken...   Never say 'never'...LOLOL

Ponder this:

Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
The slogan 'Press On' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.
    [Calvin Coolidge,    30th president of US 1872 - 1933 ]

If you persist you might, one day, hang in The Tate!

I mean, if Pollock can toss paint over a canvas, and those with more money than sense then pay thousands for the result (true)  there's hope for your artistic endeavours.  >:D
Quote from: The Crow on June 28, 2014, 04:01:05 AM

Thinking outside the box is an innate skill.

One who is not born with the gift, can only observe the results of out of the box thinking, and not create.

The Crow

Did you actually read the preceding posts? And then did you follow up on Edward de Bono?

Why do I ask? Because he actually teaches creative, out-of-the-box, lateral thinking.

And that fact is very much at odds with your comments above.

That balance is steadily rising.  :thumbsup:

Softly, softly, catchee monkey...
Thanks for that info.

From a similar stable is LuckyLiveCasino.com that you might find of interest.

It too uses VueTec linked to the above two venues.
Going well  :thumbsup:

Where are you playing? (Not DB I think you said)
Moderator's Comment

@Sputnik and Gizmotron

Both of you count to 10,  and then simply agree to disagree and leave it at that, and not wind each other up any further.

Thank you.

Good question, Ken.

Both Edward de Bono and Albert Einstein would say 'yes'.

The former taught courses in 'lateral thinking' (definitely outside-the-box!)
[For a brief intro:  http://edwdebono.com/  ]

and Mr E (also an outstanding, creative, out-of-the-box thinker) stated: 

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."

Developing and using imagination can be taught. So the more imaginative the individual the more likely he or she will think-outside-the-box.
An interesting question.

Yet, 3 weeks later, only 14 votes.

That's despite around 30 or so guests daily and close to 700 members!

A sign of the times? Are most folk simply empty vessels waiting to be filled?

[Delete this if you want to, VLS. Just making a sad point.]
Definitions of System

(We all need to be singing from the same sheet!)

  • A group of independent but interrelated elements comprising a unified whole
  • A complex of methods or rules governing behaviour
  • A procedure or process for obtaining an objective

I voted 'no' -- it's not impossible, based on my experience.

In fact, discerning and thoughtful readers of posts on this forum should have already discovered that for themselves! Several keys to the bank exist on this forum alone.

Consider this:

You can't beat roulette but you can make consistent profits with a winning system.  I've done it. Others have done it.

Thinking laterally, a winning system can involve several systems in combination -- a form of diversification.

For those needing one, here's a winning system on a spoon:

On the forum there are several methods capable of delivering quite a consistent profit in just a few spins.

Identify say, 3 or 4, and then play them consecutively, stopping each on a profit.

There's more, but those pointers should suffice for the surprising number who voted 'yes' a winning roulette system is impossible.

[As an aside, although the poll is about roulette there are winning systems for other 'disciplines' as well.

For example, many have learned how to consistently and profitably lay horse race favourites. Jon Burgess is a well known expert.

Others make regular profits with their horse race and sports trading systems on Betfair.

A winning system exists involving free bets offered by online bookmakers. Mike Cruikshank has nailed it.]
General Discussion / Re: How would you know if...
June 16, 2014, 12:27:20 AM
Thanks and well done, Green Guy, for actually answering the question!  (I'll bet you usually did well in exams.)

You make some interesting points and raised a couple of issues I hadn't thought about.

Thank you.
General Discussion / Re: How would you know if...
June 15, 2014, 11:15:23 PM
Interesting information.

But nobody has actually answered the question yet!  ;)

Online airball...how would you know?
General Discussion / How would you know if...
June 15, 2014, 06:58:04 AM
...an online airball game really is a physical game, and is not actually an RNG facsimile?

After all, there are no players or dealers shown, are there?

So how can you tell for sure that you're not looking at, and playing on, the output of some clever coder?