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Messages - esoito

"Just a small question. I have a scanned copy of the book that I bought. Is it ethical to share it?"

The short answer is 'no'.


Because it violates an author's copyright, and thereby denies him/her income though a legal sale.

Copyright law is pretty uniform in its principles, across many jurisdictions.

(As an author and former print-media journalist I can make these statements with some authority. They're not just my opinion.)

Meta-selection / Re: CLUMPING THEORY
June 08, 2014, 07:22:22 AM
"...but I feel following clumps is a bit sheep mentality and I never met a smart sheep."

Ewe might be amazed to learn that, as far as animal intelligence is concerned, sheep are raising the baa.

There were the sheep that repeatedly rolled over a cattle grid to reach a vegetable patch in an English village.

And several research projects documented on the internet clearly show they are not as woolly-minded as you think.

I anticipate a sheepish grin from you after you've seen this example:

[Not that I'm trying to ram home the point, of course.]
A scam...No....

Roulette Forum / Re: advantage playing rare events?
June 07, 2014, 11:34:28 PM
OK. Both agree to disagree and leave it at that.

[Then things won't start getting too heated, and I have to officially intervene.]

June 04, 2014, 11:10:39 PM
A fair comment.  :thumbsup:

Hopefully their CS might -- just might -- learn that without the C their S is pointless!
June 04, 2014, 02:25:28 AM

If this had happened to me I would consider giving them one more chance.

After all, you did get your $$ back and compensation as well! 

They need not have paid compensation, so they did at least seem to be trying to make amends.

But I would:

  • regularly withdraw profits to keep the account a modest size (just in case...)

  • definitely stop using them if there is ever a repetition of lengthy delays, when dealing with support in the future

Just suggesting...the final decision is yours, of course!
June 04, 2014, 12:59:33 AM
Did BV:

1   Apologise for their lack of response? (20 emails...!! Poor you...)

2   Reassure you they are making changes to avoid this sort of delay in future?

3   Offer any explanations for the original glitch that caused the problem with your money?

If you answer 'yes' to any of those then could be hope for them after all.  ;)   
Welcome, Patrick  :thumbsup:

Hope your request bears fruit!
I chuckled at the "International Friendly" description of the football match 2 posts above.

International it might be. But friendly?

They'll both be trying hard to beat the other regardless of the adjective! 

General Discussion / SOUND ADVICE FOR ALL HERE
May 25, 2014, 03:27:46 AM
Consider this powerful quote from the highly regarded educator, Sir Ken Robinson. It's especially relevant for those here who are hesitating before sharing thoughts and ideas:

"If you are not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original."

[Source: The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything ]

It's so true....
Now you're talking about deliberate frauds. And that is always wrong.

There's a difference between:

someone who genuinely believes their system is valid and sells it on that understanding


someone who deliberately pretends their system is valid and sells it through false and misleading statements

I have some sympathy for the former but, like you, I have none at all for the latter.

I can only repeat: caveat emptor and caveat lector to try to avoid becoming a sucker.

(The only time I was a sucker was when my mother breastfed me. We stopped when I was 27...a sad day because then I had to learn to cook.)
They all fail (to make a profit) at some point, so that's hardly a negative.

The eternal challenge is to identify a system that makes a profit more often than it fails to make a profit.

And, of course, such a system...method...strategy... might be worth buying.

Furthermore, not all system-sellers are scammers. (Some, but not all)

Some quite genuinely want to help others.

Some sell to raise extra funds -- and why shouldn't they?

However, in all cases the usual cautions apply to any potential buyer: 


Update 2

Forum member, Gavin, contacted me to say he's had NO reply to his message left on the site several days ago.

Apparently he left the message not only to point out the lack of testimonials and the offer of a money-back-guarantee, but also to test their responsiveness to queries.

A good idea.

But, not surprisingly, he's less than impressed with the lack of a prompt response.

As he acerbically noted:  "If they can't be bothered to reply promptly to a query from a potential customer  then they could just take your money and not bother with you after that."

(Somehow I think they just lost him as a customer...LOL)
Hey, Victor. Didn't you realize the camera was on?   >:D

Adulay and iplayforaliving have made contact about the possibility of conducting a test, and how that could go forward.

This will take some time so meanwhile, no pestering about how the test is going, please.

There will be another update when there's something specific to tell you.