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Messages - esoito

I'm perfectly aware that there are some doubts about this application, based on suspicions and speculation.

Mike made the most sensible, fair and thoughtful assessment thus far. He wrote:

In a court of law, you're usually assumed innocent until proven guilty, but in this case, given that no winning system at baccarat is mathematically possible, the casinos are still open for business, every system touted as winner has been proved a failure, then you should be assumed guilty until proved innocent.

A Suggestion

In the interests of fairness, and to help decide if the signature link should be approved or not, here's a suggestion to try to lay to rest all the negative comments that are based on opinions and not evidence.

Iplayforaliving could offer a free membership to Adulay who, as we all know, is not only a moderator but is also a very experienced baccarat player.

If Adulay agrees, then we can all be guided by Adulay's report to us, which will be based on facts and not on baseless conjecture and guesses that proliferate at the moment.

Please could Iplayforaliving post for us his response to the suggestion above?

Meanwhile, whilst the jury is out, now is the time for some to go and take a cold shower, whilst we wait to see which way the cards fall.

A VERY BIG welcome to you, Annabelle!!
We need far more women to provide balance and insights.  :nod:
Very good.  :thumbsup:

Do you do this full-time, or do you have another job as well?
The concept is very good. Win...win...as far as I can see.  :thumbsup:

Of course, overall profitability would be largely depend on the amount of traffic visiting the online store.

Without specific strategies regularly applied to encourage and increase traffic (i.e. effective  marketing) the concept would wither on the vine. (He said, stating the bleedin' obvious! LOL)

Good for you, Wannawin.

You have seen the principle involved in this vexed issue and you have worked hard to expose it to scrutiny -- as it should have been.

And that takes courage, especially  when others subject you to unpleasant remarks because they either fail to see the principle involved, or don't give a stuff about it anyway.

Loyalty. Sadly, that's a word we hear so little about these days. And it's not something that's taught. It's part of a person's character.

So it's especially good to see you are a loyal member of the forum, who shows loyalty to Victor, loyalty to your principles, and who demonstrates integrity.

The forum is fortunate to have you as a member.
As well as being very careful about violations of privacy which Wannawin has quite rightly drawn to our attention, I sincerely hope those reading this will also be reminded of the risks involved in libel.

There ARE consequencies for that as well.

Libel, for those with short memories, is defined as "a false and malicious publication printed for the purpose of defaming a living person"

On several occasions I've had to warn members about writing unsubstantiated accusations against others.

You raise some very interesting points-of-concern, Wannawin.

Sadly, because the digital world is largely unregulated, ethics and morality are in short supply on the internet.

Privacy violations of this sort are indeed serious matters.

Sadly, that sort of realisation tends to come with maturity.

Victor has set a good example by conducting himself with dignity and by refusing to respond in kind.

It takes more guts and courage to remain silent and unprovoked than it ever does to fight back.

Easter is a reminder of the strength needed to remain silent...

Off-topic / Re: Is it littering when...
April 21, 2014, 12:29:57 AM
Quote from: Archie on April 20, 2014, 03:37:14 PM
You pick something up to look at it but throw it back down?

To put it simply -  YES! (Assuming, of course,  it's an empty container, discarded wrapper and similar, obvious rubbish...and not a piece of banknote-paper with $100 written on it!)

For better or for worse the thread is now unlocked.

The thread asks a question so it's odd having it locked so people can't answer the question!

BE CAREFUL:  I'll lock it again if posts break the rules  -- so kindly READ AND ABIDE BY THEM!!      Thanks.
Quote from: VLS on April 12, 2014, 11:14:05 PMFeel free to organize such a thing in our pages.

Didn't it appeal to you?

Great!!  Looks good.

Attractive, effective and simple...  Bit like me really.  ;)
If you're aiming for warm and functional then to help you move forward:

But you'll get there. You always have before! :thumbsup:
Hopefully none of the US members here will choose to be offended by the "intelligent" comment!

Thomas, it's always risky criticising another country on a forum in those sorts of terms. That's always best done privately!

Business ideas / Re: Passive Income Discussion
April 05, 2014, 04:21:06 AM
Let's not overlook the creative dimension.

Writing software:  repeat, passive sales are possible [Don't make it ALL open source, Victor!]

Writing information ebooks (How To...The 20 Best...and so on):
  once the work is written and marketed repeat, passive sales are possible

Writing articles for PLR packs:  once again, repeat, passive sales are possible

Photography:   repeat, passive sales are possible

And more...

Of course, a major component is marketing.

And that's precisely where so many products wither on the vine when the creators try DIY marketing. Plenty of 3rd party marketers around, though.

And finally:   
Business ideas / Re: Passive Income Discussion
April 01, 2014, 05:01:43 AM
This idea is not totally passive but is close....

Identify a niche where a piece of equipment

  • is only needed at certain times
  • is reasonably expensive yet necessary during those times
  • that is relatively small, robust and easy to maintain
Buy one or two initially to test the market, and then offer them for hire.

Certain toys...certain baby equipment (chairs, prams, capsules and the like)... immediately come to mind.

I'm sure others will occur to you after some thought.  :nod:

[No? Can't think of any? 

Well, what about specialist tools needed for an important specialist job that has to be done -- perhaps around the home --  so infrequently that it doesn't justify buying the tools yourself...]