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Messages - esoito

General Discussion / Re: Small BV sofware
January 23, 2014, 11:12:26 PM
Why not suggest this to Victor?
I came across an online bot recently launched.

Part of the Home Page states:

We are a small group of students from ESII (Ecole Supérieure en Ingénierie Informatique). As part of our final year project we decided to create roulette system able to simulate the random algorithm used on online casinos. How does the roulette bot work?Thanks to our efforts, we managed to determine the specifics of random algorithms used by several online casinos. The roulette winning system we created analyses the roulette number sequence and determine the numbers that are most likely to win next.
Warning:  The video commentary is in extremely fast French. 


1  They really have cracked the "specifics of random algorithms used by several online casinos"


2  It's a con to make you use one of the casinos listed, with which they are likely to be affiliated!

They also state:

Should you incur a net loss due to a personal error in handling this robot for roulette prediction, please do not hesitate to contact us. We have created a solidarity fund for such events when using our software.

What -- a group of students, traditionally always short of money, will refund your losses?

I'd like to see that happen!!   :whistle:

Anyway...for those interested:  http://www.logiciel-roulette.net/

Usage support / Re: Trying the 'inner forum'
January 21, 2014, 11:48:52 PM

Now offer cut-rate surgery (yes, a pun) to the members.

You'll make a killing (oops...unfortunate choice of words...LOLOL)
And here I am again...LOL

Now to see if the post is listed in the main forum. Hopefully not this time, as you've tried to fix the problem.

Let me see...

[Edit:   EXCELLENT. It wasn't.  Another little victory for you against The Powers of Coding Darkness!  :thumbsup: ]
Usage support / Trying the 'inner forum'
January 19, 2014, 06:58:14 AM
Well, Victor, the 'inner forum' link worked fine for me as you can see!

Roulette Xtreme / Re: RX Bot has been released!
January 18, 2014, 11:25:13 PM
Two suggestions.

1  On one forum boatran8 offers RX coding services. On another forum Moonbet also offers RX coding services. Or they did in 2012.

Obviously, Google the names for more up-to-date information.

2  Alternatively, learn to code RX. 

Here is an excellent, free and detailed 'how to' PDF:   http://www.uxsoftware.com/pages/article.html
Roulette Xtreme / Re: RX Bot has been released!
January 18, 2014, 05:17:47 AM
WELL DONE, Victor  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

It worked faultlessly, straight out of the box. (XP Home + SP3 + Netframework 3.5)
Gift culture does subvert the primary mechanisms of the Matrix.

The Matrix subsists by transforming human endeavor into economic output which it uses to maintain its control.

Gift culture, on the other hand, releases human endeavor for the good of all who would receive it. When items are given instead of sold, the power and control obtained through ownership is eliminated.

Furthermore, in the case of Open Source Software, the fact that full freedom over the source code is also given means that code that the Matrix would never willingly create is readily available for the purposes of this HOWTO.

[Source:   https://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion.to/wiki/index.php/Main_Page ]
OK. Done.

Here's the link:


[Our posts crossed.  Just read the above naming request.   I'll send it again in a moment]
Yep. OK.

I'll get on to that right away and send you a download link from my dropbox.

Stand by....
"When you have time please make a GUI program with a TextBox with the word "input" in it."

So would you like me to do that in VB6, so you can, instead, work on a VB6 connector?
Well, hang on.  I'm probably the only one that uses JB.  So no need to write a connector just for me, especially as it's not straight forward. You've better ways to spend your time.  ;)

Maybe a connector for VB6 would be more useful -- others likely use VB6 as well as me.

Quote from: VLS on January 15, 2014, 04:13:08 AM
I have a very straightforward input-only connector ready. The output part is actually more cumbersome to work with (but we'll get there).

When you have time please make a GUI program with a TextBox with the word "input" in it.

There's a problem right away.  No idea how to do that.

I simply write the code and then run it:

If num = 24 then
RB$ = "B"
doz = 2
end if
print RB$, doz

That sort of thing. So I never use (or need) a GUI at all!

[As an aside, all my VB6 stuff uses a GUI, of course, in the Forms. But I don't need in JB the way I use it.]

You receive the last number from the framework in the TextBox and make as you wish with it.