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Messages - esoito

OK, thanks. Seems I have got hold of the right end of the stick.

And what of 'bot mode'?

I have idea how to write such code in JB.

But moving to my unanswered question:  Will your framework be able to use my code in framework's own 'bot mode' ?  Will it will have such an in-built mode than can be turned on and off?
Victor, I'm grappling to fully understand this 'ere connector thing.

Does it mean this:

1  I write code in JustBASIC.

2  Then the connector sort of 'inserts' my code into your framework (with a suitable name, of course)...

3  ...so it then becomes another optional, loadable module that will work within your framework?

And if 'yes', then will your framework eventually let my JB program work in 'bot mode' ? (once the appropriate bot settings are specified, of course)

If any of above are a 'no' then I -- and probably others as well -- would greatly appreciate correction and clarification.

Thanks, mate.
"...but I hope others will have the decency of not openly telling the world they are skimming off my work"

Or that they are passing it off as their own product and then flogging it on eBay or wherever.

There's little doubt that along the line you are going to be ripped off, taken advantage of and exploited to the nth degree.

And you deserve better than that -- much better than that. But 'them's the realities' I'm sorry to say.
Weddings / Re: Profit sharing with me
January 14, 2014, 12:02:06 AM
If this keeps up then poor Weddings will wonder why he ever bothered with his offer in the first place!

Yes, yes. I know. Due diligence and all that. Very important.  But if you start with just a 5 quid/dollar/euro stake you're hardly going to lose the house.

If it's a scam (I don't think it is) then aren't there easier and more lucrative ways to defraud people?

And if it's a scam then Weddings has had infinite patience during his membership here before chucking out the groundbait.

Trouble is, everyone is basically so gun-shy because of all the scams that proliferate the internet that it makes it difficult to discern when an offer is genuine and OK.

But isn't it worth kicking in a small stake -- perhaps the cost of a hamburger -- if only to see what happens? 

If you think not, then keep your powder dry and walk away. Nobody is being compelled to do anything.

At the end of the day it's your choice.

Multiple locations / Re: Auto-Bet Strategy
January 13, 2014, 01:16:04 AM
Well done, Normy!  That should help put the matter to sleep. 

So many of these sorts of one-shot wonders start off well and then spectacularly implode a bit further down the track -- just as we can see above.

If I were you, Leroy, rejoice about the profit made, and STOP before you hand it all back...and some...
Multiple locations / Re: Auto-Bet Strategy
January 12, 2014, 09:04:20 AM
"I'll keep testing it until it proves to be a winner or tanks."

Or loses 50%, as per Victor's advice based on considerable experience!
A new definition of insanity: "The biggest drawdown is around 2500."

Yes, yes. I know. Unit sizes are variable but even so...!  Sam's wife is very astute.
Multiple locations / Re: Auto-Bet Strategy
January 12, 2014, 01:05:53 AM
Where exactly is this autobet roulette you're playing?
It ran fine under:

XP + SP3 with Netframework 2,3 and 3.5 installed.

The balance often showed a negative amount but never a positive amount!  At this stage of development is that OK?

Or is there a problem at this end? (Apart from the faulty meatware installed between the chair and the keyboard, of course...LOLOL)
Multiple locations / Re: Auto-Bet Strategy
January 12, 2014, 12:46:42 AM

An interesting first post.

[Looks like you'll be able to buy her another dinner.   ;) ]
Resources / Some possible VB6 replacements
January 11, 2014, 04:47:10 AM
Despite its age and long teeth, VB6 soldiers on with thousands and thousands of dedicated users worldwide -- despite M$oft having virtually abandoned it.

I have programmed some commercial betting software in VB6 and am pleased to say they all run successfully under XP, Vista, W7  W8.

So there's still life in the old dog!

However, for those thinking of moving on, but who are not sure what's available, then here is a very interesting and detailed summary of some possible alternatives:


OK.  Let me throw some light...

When I want to create an EXE file for a BAS program I've written I follow exactly Steps 1, 2 and 3 as outlined in the link above.

1  I do all of the above first.

2  Then I create a zip file of all the files listed in the image for Step 3.

NB:  All the SLL and LL files listed + the relevant TKN file MUST be included otherwise the EXE simply won't run!

Hope that's helpful.
Weddings / Re: Profit sharing with me
January 10, 2014, 06:23:04 AM
".... if someone is going to invest in this he or she has the right at least to know what the system is..... suppose if it goes wrong....."

Knowing what the system is won't make a scrap of difference if "...it goes wrong...." !!

What's the worst that can happen? You lose your investment, that's what.  But players face that risk all the time, don't they?

So the normal caveat applies:  only "invest" (if that really is the right word) money you can afford to lose
-- money that's not essential for house-keeping and the like. Recreational, disposable income, in other words.

Otherwise, simply keep your money under the mattress where inflation will nibble it away instead.
The Twocat Cafe / Re: Mr. J's "Two's Company"
January 08, 2014, 07:23:11 AM
Sam -- I've only just visited this thread.

Couldn't get here before -- have had to do a wipe'n'reinstall on my horror box.

If there has been no response after, say, a week then you might have grounds for being a bit peeved! Patience...patience...

I hope all goes well for your wife -- and for you, too. Her lack of mobility will surely mean extra work for you!!

Looking forward to seeing you back here once she's up and about again.
The site has been down for several days.

Now a message states:  "It is expected to be fully functional by 3 January 2014"

Deadline has passed but it's still not working properly. One example -- the download didn't work. The full manual isn't there. And so on.

Is the problem at my end?

Or is the site still being modified?