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Messages - esoito

Good question.  Let's all hold our breath in anticipation of an enlightenment that will change our lives forever...

So, Lance -- what's your answer?
ThomasGrant / Re: Roulette on Youtube.
December 30, 2013, 07:51:58 AM
Oh dear.

Highly recommended:  http://www.ebay.com.au/bhp/adult-nappies
OK. Thank you.

But just to clarify: 

  • this software is related to the MMM software, as you say
  • but this software is also free
  • and you write scripts for it

Qu 1:   So now, why would anyone bother to buy MMM?

Qu 2:  Have you split from MMM and become a competitor?

Silver, is this software related to the Money Maker Machine software?

Or is it your own, completely separate product?

Yes, Spin4fun. Just as they bought out inventors of engines that use water as part of their fuel.

I wouldn't look happy, either.

The things people do to try to make money. Some even bet!
A lot of hard work there, Thomas.

Well done.  :thumbsup:
Oh no he's not!
If you learned even some BASIC programming you could run analyses and derive your own answers to these sorts of questions.

Tutorials are available online if you search for them.

By the way, I use JustBASIC.  But there are others.

Or -- shock...horror...-- pay one of the forum's programmers out of all your winnings, to do it for you.

Oh yes he is!!
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Chaos theory
December 19, 2013, 10:46:04 PM
I'm so please you started this thread.

Earlier, my eyes popped out on stalks when I saw your BV history on another of your threads!!

You (and Weddings) seem to have BV's 'tender bits' in a vice -- makes my eyes water just thinking about it.  :o

I was going to ask which method you used but then decided not to 'cos I didn't want to put you in an awkward position. There are enough freeloaders coming to the forum as it is...

So now I'm about to watch your video. Thank for taking the trouble to compile it.  :thumbsup:
NorcoSoft / Re: Dublinbet problem?
December 19, 2013, 07:05:47 AM
Very frustrating for you, Normy.

FYI:  Bet Voyager is now offering live games.

You might consider them as an alternative to DB, if DB keeps making life difficult for your bots.
Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: Pockets' Play
December 18, 2013, 10:36:21 PM
No questions from me.

But I know how wickedly effective this sort of strategy can be!

Thanks for the post.

PS:  You OK? You've gone quiet all-of-a-sudden!
December 18, 2013, 09:03:29 AM
...across a range of games.

Wow. Even more ways to lose your dough.
You and I have a similar idea -- to  have several systems that we would flat bet only.

A sort of 'mixed economy' so if one system was down then maybe the others would help maintain any profits.

Diversification is good enough for financial planners and farmers so it should be good enough for us too!  ;)