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Messages - esoito

Allow me to play 'devil's advocate' for a moment.

If this system could offer long-term profits then surely R-Pro would be playing it and not bothering with internet marketing.

But he's not!

If he's abandoned playing roulette so as to work full time in internet marketing then isn't that a lesson to be learned?

"random numbers are nonsense."

Yes, indeed.

And the obvious corollary to that is that playing games based on random numbers is also nonsense.

Assuming, of course, that the above quote is correct.

It's all a matter of perception, really.
"There is no truth. There is only perception."

Am I the only one who finds that quote somewhat frightening? If it's true...

When two witnesses to the same event give different accounts (as so often happens) then the quote has a ring of truth -- according to my perception.

Interesting, hmmm?  (According to my perception.)

See?  It's a sort of endless loop -- according to my perception.
The Twocat Cafe / Re: PatternAnalysis, I challenge you!
December 14, 2013, 11:09:04 PM
I'm biting my tongue over the 'ball drop' thing. I was wondering why my voice is so high.
The Twocat Cafe / Re: PatternAnalysis,I challenge you!
December 14, 2013, 03:31:24 AM
PatternAnalysis:  You are NOT a foolish person.

In fact, you are a very courageous and brave person to accept the challenge.

And if it doesn't work out then so what? At least you tried.

Let us not forget that gambling is NOT the meaning of life. It's not the be-all and end-all of existence.

Keep it firmly in its rightful place as a hobby or a recreational activity.

And -- please -- no more talk of leaving the forum and calling yourself foolish if it fails!

General Discussion / Re: Identify the " Usual Suspects"
December 10, 2013, 10:44:07 PM
An interesting link.  :thumbsup:

I particularly loved this revealing comment I found there and I quote:

I've been in the gaming business for over 30 years. Thank you all for buying me my home, car and all my luxurys.

In blackjack, guess what? The dealer gets to go last. It's the built in edge the casino has.

Slot machines...ha ha ha, it's all been arranged for us to take your money. Winning at a computerized machine that's been programmed...LOL.

Vegas is for people with to much money, they need an outlet to get rid of it. DINKS are our favorites, "double income no kids".

As long as gambling remains legal, I have all of you to thank who come back year after year to visit your money. Ciao, see you in the casino.
In an effort to get us all singing from the same page here are some semantic thoughts regarding the phrases Beating Roulette and Winning At Roulette

Beating Roulette
Play continuously and you can't beat roulette -- roulette will beat you. The edge is set in cement.

Winning At Roulette
Quite a different kettle of fish altogether, otherwise those claiming to be professional roulette players, for example, would not exist, and nobody would ever be in the black.

Three essential ingredients:

1 Clearly defined triggers

2  Clearly defined betting strategy (flat...progressive...stoploss...whatever)

3  Clearly defined exit point (set by the stoploss...or a defined target...or after a certain number of wins/losses...whatever)

So one is doable; the other is not.
Just as an aside it's interesting to note R-Pro (Chris Mollo) has long since given up roulette and now claims to be a successful internet marketer.

And the moral of the story is....  (Well, you can decide one for yourself!)
General Discussion / Re: Sunday again ... This-N-That
December 08, 2013, 10:38:05 PM
Moderator's Comment

All topics are open for discussion and exploration.

If a person thinks a topic is 'clogging up the forum' as one member put it, or they're disinterested in it, then they don't have to read it!  Quite simple, really.

However,  I've suggested to Victor that he sets up a separate section where PA can continue his explorations of Kimo Li's stuff without provoking any more 'clogging' comments.  ;)

For your information, I was interested in trying out the bot. That's all.

Why? Because I'm interested in software.

And as a moderator it doesn't hurt to sometimes walk a path first, so as to find possible pitfalls along and thereby help others from falling into them.

As for expecting the bot to win anything for me you are very wrong on that score, Albalaha.

My only expectation was my prediction -- that I'd end up losing the lot!

So no disappointments there.  ;)

But the loss was a small amount I could afford to lose and -- like I said -- it was the cost of a bit of entertainment.

And hopefully this little exercise with the bot was enough of a cautionary tale to give others pause for thought.

Right. Now I'll go back in my box.
Sadly, my prediction was right.  :(

A spectacular but steady decline until....  Well, you can see below. 

The initial 10.00e float  haemorrhaged into just 0.04e after only 4 sessions.
Each session was configured to stop on a 1.12e profit.   (The extra 0.12 was to sort of cover the commission.)

Bets were based on the 0.05 chips.

And no stoploss was set. Couldn't see much point in delaying the inevitable, and for such a small bank.

And the casino was closed, then re-opened, between sessions,

The bot was up +3.50 after the second session. By the 4th session it was as though the software had nutted out the strategy and reacted accordingly. Look at the graph...

So there you have it.

Within the hour the account was cleaned out.

The bot worked well.

The beta RNG software worked well -- for the casino.

Maybe there's an argument that the bot's betting method is faulty.I won't buy into that but let others argue that point if they want to.

Maybe I didn't use the best settings. (Apparently a full manual and tutorial(s) are pending. Unitl the users will have to do without)

Or maybe...  maybe...  ad nauseum. 

Anyway,I won't use this bot again.

Hopefully Matt comes up with a version that uses live DB instead of RNG --I'd use that!

@ Bally
The simple answer to your question is this:

Victor once posted a link to casino software for sale.

And -- get this -- part of that software's sales pitch extolled the feature of being able to control players' winnings!!

Couldn't be clearer, or more cynical, or more biased than that, could it?

And why would BV be any different to all the others?

From what I've personally experienced, from others' anecdotal evidence, from stuff I've read online from those claiming to be ex-casino-programmers, and from an awareness of the overall gambling industry's attitude to their customers, I really can't think of a reason.

Hence my original prediction.

Online Casinos / Re: View Casino (dublinbet)
December 07, 2013, 11:15:44 PM
Not having a shot, Bally. You know me better than that, I hope.  ;)

But what really worries me about all these online places is the id verification.

Take a look at this. 


They want so much that you're basically handing over your identity now available to goodness knows how many people of unknown integrity.

  • You identity will sit in database that you hope and pray is secure security (security? That's a laugh. No such thing these days -- hackers can crack anything eventually)

  • Your identity details will eventually 'leak' into the wider net where they can be easily exploited for all manner of criminal activities.

  • Your identity will be read and available to unknown employees and associates of the casino, all of whom have varying levels of honesty and varying financial problems.

It all boils down to folk being far too cavalier and generous with personal info that they give away without thinking through the implications.
General Discussion / Re: Spreadsheet help
December 07, 2013, 10:53:21 PM

I reckon its this sort of kind and generous help you so willingly give that really helps to set this forum apart from others.

You are a shining beacon to us all.

Thank you.

BV advises: 

BetVoyager has a new Free Casino Download. Please note that older version will no longer work. The new version is currently in Beta mode.

But all is well. I created an image (just in case) and took the plunge. Installed both and whaddya know -- the bot is working perfectly in fun mode.  :thumbsup:

Tomorrow I'll see how I go with real money.

10e bank. Target of 1.00 No stoploss (I suspect there could be a few deep drawdowns so I want them to happen freely)

I'll play a few sessions each day when I take a break. (I've found the bot continues to work fine even if the monitor is switched off. Very convenient as I don't like wasting electricity.)

My Prediction

OK. Here's what I expect to happen in the next week or two:

I expect to lose the lot because the BVNZ software will ensure that will happen by rigging the numbers.

I'd love to be proved wrong, though.  We'll see....

And should I lose the lot then that will be the cost of my entertainment with the bot. (He said, philosophically.)