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Messages - esoito

No joke, Thomas.  ;)

Petr regularly produces videos available to everyone on Youtube. Thus far, his several dozen videos clearly show the development of his platforms and the progress being made.

When you visit his site you'll see that playing RNG only, his starting capital was $400.

He has since:

             * withdrawn $4550  (you can work out the ROI pecentages)

             * established three accounts:   First account 1500$ + Second account 360$ + Third account 1400$

             * achieved a total progress of $7810

I think he only plays for about an hour once a week (Petr will correct me if I'm wrong), and his basebet of just 20c on each of 4 numbers increases in a controlled, conservative progression explained on his site and in his videos.

So overall, in my opinion the profits thus far are a pretty good achievement given that RNG is a notoriously slippery animal to play with.

And then -- after this excellent post -- Glen suddenly ups and leaves the forum the next day for an indefinite period.

Such a pity...

Glen, if you're tired and need a break, we can all relate to that.

But if some personal reasons have suddenly appeared then I wish you well in trying to sort out the issues. It all takes time and energy.

Pax tecum, Glen.

There are, of course, diffferent basic strategies 'out there' depending on the rules and structure of different BJ games on offer -- number of decks, DAS, peek/no peek and so on, Dr Suduku.

Presumably a player would choose the game that's more to his/her advantage, based on the rules on offer.

Meanwhile, to continue as the Devil's Advocate, are there or are there not professional BJ players who have overcome the points made in all the posts thus far?

Several have an online presence.  They all seem to be selling something!

So that raises the vexed issues of :

  • which of them is lying outright?

  • which of them lives in a fantasy world of wishful thinking?

  • which of them  really is  making a living from BJ?

  • and how can we differentiate?

I continue to be amazed by the lack of blackjack posts and general interest in BJ on the forum.

Given the very low edge at some casinos if one plays basic strategy consistently and carefully, why is there such a lack of interest here, d'you think?

With a suitable money management  it's not impossible to overcome the edge sufficiently often to make and stay in profit.

So why the lack of interest?

General Discussion / Re: Selling in the forum
October 30, 2017, 06:49:06 AM
@ Mike:

"...I would like some clarification of the forum rules regarding sales of software and/or systems. "

Fair enough.

But as I can't help with that, I suggest you contact Victor direct about the clarification.

General Discussion / Re: Selling in the forum
October 29, 2017, 10:45:38 AM
Quote from: alrelax on October 29, 2017, 09:53:08 AM
Usually and imo and experiences, members will come in, intro and state.  Rather than through out tantalising copy and paste videos and pictures.  Especially with what I call, post a tiny bit to build interest and bait.  I highly doubt I am wrong.

Sure -- the 'bread crumb principle'. Like you, seen it all before.

But let's NOT prejudge.  Let's see what is offered first.

If criticism starts before they've even revealed their method, then nobody will ever bother at all.

Quote from: Gizmotron on October 26, 2017, 12:32:25 AM
I wonder who can read our PMs on this board even though we would really want them to be private?

Members cannot.

Moderators cannot.

And we have a very strict rule about the privacy of PMs.

Hope that reassures you.

(Mind you, if the forum is hacked then PMs could be vulnerable, of course.  :( )
General Discussion / Re: We're back! (Thanks)
October 23, 2017, 06:38:16 AM
In my frequent role as ' the devil's advocate ' I wrote "I'm open to valid reasons."  And you've provided some.  :thumbsup:

If anyone uses the same password for everything (I'm talking generally; not for just this forum) then that is plain daft, and I certainly won't resile from that fact.

During several pen testing courses I've taken the point was made again and again that because folk don't use different, fairly long passwords, consisting a mixture of random characters, numbers, upper and lower case letters -- and change them frequently -- they make life a lot easier for hackers.... But that's another story for another day.

Meanwhile, perhaps some other members can also offer reasons as to why an insecure login is undesirable. 
General Discussion / Re: We're back! (Thanks)
October 22, 2017, 08:32:38 AM
Thanks for the reply, Victor.  All good reasons for making the hosting switch.  :thumbsup:

As for the insecure login:  given that no money is changing hands on the site does it really matter?

Surely, it matters only if people are daft enough to use the same password for all their logins elsewhere. In which case, they should start changing to different passwords right away.

For the rest of us who already use different passwords why would it matter? I'm open to valid reasons.  :nod:

General Discussion / Re: We're back! (Thanks)
October 21, 2017, 06:33:45 AM
Quote from: VLS on October 20, 2017, 11:10:50 PM
Thanks for your patience guys. We're back online form the Netherlands.

Very good.

But one minute Iceland was the flavour of the month.  The next minute  no more Iceland, and now we're in bed with the Netherlands.

So what happened?
Many members will  have text files of numbers collected from live wheels.

Why not ask for those instead?
Quote from: Mike on October 15, 2017, 08:37:43 AM
The Patron idea may be good for artists, musicians and other "creators", but it's a poor business model if what you're creating is roulette software which is designed to make money for the user. Most who frequent forums like this are just looking for a reliable way to make money from gambling, they are not "fans" of Victor the "artist" who want to support his work. Patreon is an absurdly bad fit in this case, and I don't know why Victor is so reluctant to simply put price tags on his software, perhaps he thinks it will lay him open to accusations of being a scammer if the software doen't "work".
If the software is "art" and he is an artist then the art is to be enjoyed for its own sake; it doesn't necessarily have to work, unlike a bridge which should at least not collapse, lol.

Mike makes some good points. 

I thought "...absurdly bad fit..." was very apt phrasing!

Even so, I sincerely hope we're proved wrong, and that Victor's 'Patreon Adventure' works out well and he achieves his objectives. 

His heart is in the right place. Wanting to help others is a noble aspiration.

Hopefully he will broaden his software base, and offer alternatives to the limited niche of gambling software in due course. That will widen his customer base.

After all, he's an ace programmer, capable of producing all sorts of programs.   :nod:
We recently had an interesting time contending with a former member flogging his baccarat book(s) on Amazon.

For various reasons some doubts were raised about reviews for the book.

So, in that context, members here who buy stuff on Amazon will likely find this link very helpful:


Moderator's Warning

Alrelax carefully avoided naming names and making a personal attack.

CT chose to respond with a personal attack in the first post!  He/she has thereby chosen the consequences for infringing the forum's clearly stated rule about personal atacks.

So if anyone else wants to respond to the first post in this thread then:   No. Personal. Attacks.

Or better still, simply ignore the post...  How's that for common sense?