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Messages - esoito

Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: Trifecta
November 14, 2013, 11:14:01 PM
Misplaced optimism, perhaps? LOLOL

Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: Trifecta
November 14, 2013, 10:18:05 PM
Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: Pockets' Play
November 14, 2013, 10:16:06 PM
Going well  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Ah, Pockets...

Thank you for taking the trouble to post your explanation.  :thumbsup:

I hope others -- especially RNG players -- found that as informative as I did.

And more thanks to Number 6 for those revelations.  [As an aside, BAYES has been AWOL for some time now, and there are concerns for his well-being. None of his three email addresses are responding. So if anyone can throw some light, please PM me. ]

See, the main reason I posed the original question was because so many seem to play RNG rather than the real game.

And if they are using some system or other based on the LOTT then they could be losing before they even place a bet, if the LOTT-phenomenon is absent from RNG !!

Hence my original question, and I asked for an authoritative reply so the thread didn't fill up with 'speculative noise'...LOL 

I had rather hoped a former casino programmer -- who would likely know for certain -- might have already addressed the matter somewhere on the net....

Well done, Pockets.  :thumbsup:   Very helpful and most interesting. thank you for taking the time and trouble to do that.

If Mike is right then it's not specifically coded but occurs as a natural phenomenon.

It's the specific ratio 1:3 that I found interesting. Why is it not 1:1...or 1:2...or 1:4? Why 1:3?

Aren't numbers fascinating?

Thanks to both of you.

Nearly 100 views and nobody has an answer. I'm not altogether surprised by that.  ;)

I suspect the RNG software is NOT coded to replicate the Law. 

It would have been good if that suspicion could have been confirmed or disproved.

Quote from: Albalaha on November 13, 2013, 04:46:23 AM
Identity theft is possible when you deal with not so recognized casinos. Paddypower or ladbrokes or william hill are not going to sell your identity documents to anybody.

Maybe so.

But that still leaves hacktivism.

There are several sites (some understandably hidden) that teach hacking. And some are very good indeed.

There's even a site that's continually updated with exploits almost as fast as they are discovered! A hacker's paradise...

Quite frankly, the course I started a while ago on white-hat penetration testing quite clearly showed there is no such thing as online security. Certainly not at the moment; unlikely in the forseeable future.

And, like most sites, the casinos are virtually security-sieves.

In due course the hackers will move on them. It's just a matter of time...

And then your details are up for grabs.

Online Casinos / Your details and online casino security
November 13, 2013, 12:35:48 AM
Have you ever read Casinos' Terms & Conditions?

The withdrawal bit worries me. They often want some -- or even all -- details of your:

  • driver's licence
  • recent utilities bill
  • passport details
  • bank account
You've now given them everything except your underwear size.

So, bearing in mind you've now revealed enough for comprehensive identity theft,  you belatedly look for statements about their security.

You might find something similar to this: (it's actual wording from Betway)

We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy.

Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our site; any transmission is at your own risk.

Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.

Are you reassured?

I'm NOT.

Notice the flaky, often vague phrasing:

...reasonably necessary...   

do our best to protect...   

cannot guarantee...   

try to prevent unauthorised access

Is it really worth the risk of a disgruntled employee running rampant with your details?

Or an online hack straight into the casinos' customer database? (Hey, Anonymous members get into CIA, FBI and other sites quite often. Is a casino site going to be any more secure and hacker-proof? Don't think so.)

Any second thoughts yet?
On thinking about it I recalled this quote from Lauren Beukes:

"There are patterns because we try to find them. A desperate attempt at order because we can't face the terror that it might all be random."

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 09, 2013, 11:31:34 PM
[mod] I think this particular thread is worn out -- threadbare, even. Time to move on. And for those wanting a real CWB take a serious look at XXVV's work. He even shares his strategy. Why reinvent the wheel? [/mod]
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 06, 2013, 10:08:40 PM
[mod] OK, JVM. That's enough of the breadcrumbs. It's now time to post it. A bit of cut'n'paste shouldn't be too hard to do. [/mod]
As far as 'live' roulette is concerned (a wheel, a ball and random outcomes) we're told that in a spin cycle of 37 only about 24 numbers will appear.

And of those 24, around 13/14 (yes, about a third)will normally repeat --some twice, some even 3 or 4 times.

But does that Law Of The Third apply to man-made, casino software?

Is all RNG software deliberately written to ensure the Law Of The Third actually occurs? Or only some RNG software?

No guesses or speculation, please. Only answer if you know, or if you can point to an authoritative, credible link.

The Twocat Cafe / Re: A test using the ExcelBot
November 06, 2013, 07:58:42 AM
And that's surely the point at which you should STOP.

Take a break.

And come back to it another day.

You so often seem let yourself get over-tired, over-stressed, so you lose concentration. And then both impatience and errors take over.

(From an interested an onlooker's perspective, that is. You might not agree...LOLOL)
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 05, 2013, 10:57:50 PM
As long as Jonvermeer doesn't make any moves to start wanting $$ then all should be well.

It will be interesting to see what s/he posts (assuming that happens, of course.)