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Messages - esoito

I don't heifer heifer but heifer gate.
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 04, 2013, 10:25:24 PM
In post #189 Sam asked some very pertinent questions about this so-called CWB that remains shrouded in mystery -- if it exists at all, of course.

The major question is: what is meant by a Consistent Winning Bet?

Interesting to note nobody has seriously attempted to answer that and his other questions.

As he asks, if you don't know what you're looking for then how will you know you've found it?

Without a general agreement on what a CWB really is, then participants here are probably simply moving the deckchairs around on the Titanic.

[It might be easier to find a CLB...]
A lot of hard work!!

Great looking site with heaps of features and options.

I'm sure it's going to be a huge success if it's not already.  :thumbsup:
Sports Betting Forum / Re: Low Risk Match Betting
November 04, 2013, 10:15:55 PM
@ Monaco:   you'll find this of great interest and it will go a long way to settling any questions you might have.


Mr Cruickshank has been well received by punters and has a good reputation.

He sells through Clickbank so you're covered in the unlikely event you'd want a refund because you think it's all a load of old cobblers.
Even chance / Re: EC Cycling method
November 04, 2013, 04:48:34 AM
Big EZ:  I think (not sure) one of Normand's bots is configured to play this method, and that 2CSam uses it.

And I think (again not sure) that bot might be for sale from N.

Perhaps one or the other could confirm or correct what I've just written.
Gambling Philosophy / Re: RISK !
November 04, 2013, 04:40:20 AM
You're probably not going to get a definitive answer.


Because no two punters have the same Comfort Zone.

[The CZ is defined by your:

  • personal level of Risk Tolerance
  • the amount of capital you'll play with]
So it's likely you'll get as many varying answers as there will be posters.

One person might be quite happy shelling out, say, 64 to get 1 back.

Another might draw the line at 8!

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 01, 2013, 10:30:23 PM
[mod] Excellent questions.They deserve a straight, unequivocal, unambiguous and enlightening reply.One without bluster, evasion, obfuscation -- and scolding. It's fast approaching put-up-or-shut-up-about-a-CWB-time... Why? Because this forum is not about hints, drip-feeding and strewing breadcrumbs. Or about the "look at me, mum, no hands" brigade who enjoy bragging without sharing. [/mod]
Welcome.  :thumbsup:

Amateur or not, some of the coding must have driven you mad at times! 

I certainly understand how much effort and time you must have put into this.  :nod: Well done.  :applause:
@ Ken:  ...Just getting back to your original question.

It neatly intersects with what XXVV has published here:


The Twocat Cafe / Re: A test using the ExcelBot
October 30, 2013, 10:49:11 PM
Just to reassure you the cafe is not empty...LOL  (Over 500 views as I write this)

So you're testing in demo mode, it seems.

It's been noted several times elsewhere that demos use a different software algorithm to the software used for playing for money.

In other words, players have noted they win easily (if that's the right word) when in demo mode, but the minute they switch to real money mode the wheels start to fall off.

So many have observed this phenomenon that it can't just be pooh-poohed and written off as coincidence.

The 64k question:  is BV into that sort of duplicity?

I guess you're about to find out.  [Better go easy with that retirement money!! ;) ]

Now let's all watch this space...
"I should have quit when I saw things going bad. "

I'll bet that if you received $1 every time you've ever thought that, you would now be as rich as Croesus.  :nod:
Are the answers thus far answering your very specific question, Ken?
Sports Betting Forum / Re: Pockets' Time machine
October 28, 2013, 08:20:47 AM
Quote from: Pockets on October 28, 2013, 08:13:55 AM
Got it. :)

It is not a 3rd party software.  It is mine.  Software throws me various data based on live feed into it.  It is not in a position to be used by others as it is very raw. 

Most impressive. Well done!

When I find time I might think about making it user friendly and five it away for free.

That will be a popular -- and generous -- decision as I'm sure others will find it very useful.

At the moment the only output is tips as I have posted and I have no intention to charge anyone for access.  I will post as many as I can based on my availability.  Hope this clears the air a bit.

Yep. Sure does.  :thumbsup:   Thank you.

Sports Betting Forum / Re: Pockets' Time machine
October 28, 2013, 08:08:12 AM
The Cost refers to how much will it cost anyone to be able to use this 'ere time machine?

It's a flash looking screenshot -- access is unlikely to be free if there's a cost!  (Crikey. I hope you understand what I mean by 'cost' now...LOLOLOL)

Is it third-party software? If yes, then it's probably not free.

Is it your own software that you've written? If yes, is it available to others? Free? Or pay-for?

Is it a website? If yes, then is access to that free? Or is there a cost?
Sports Betting Forum / Re: Pockets' Time machine
October 28, 2013, 05:42:09 AM
V-E-R-Y interesting.

A few more details would be great...

Things like:

  • available from?
  • the cost?
  • an explanation of some of the dials and figures shown
  • ...etc...etc
Hope you can find a moment to do that for us all.  :thumbsup: