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Messages - esoito

"...the Coalition would collect a group of gaming executives, and use the executives as an advisory council to regulate gaming in Australia."


That sort of proposed advisory structure is a bit like putting the rats in charge of the cheese, or Dracula in charge of the blood bank.

The Twocat Cafe / Re: Welcome to the "TwoCat Cafe"
October 25, 2013, 11:14:15 PM
"In your opinion which has the best bot ... Steph or Norm"  is a bit like asking "Which is better -- apples or pears?"

Both are fruit. Both have nutritional value. Both taste good to most folk.

Both bots are designed with different objectives and parameters.

Rather than compare the two bots use BOTH the bots as Sam does. 

After all, diversification is the key to attempts to make money whether it's via the share market, Forex or high-risk activities.

The words all...eggs...baskets...  readily come to mind. ;)

Even chance / Re: EC Cycling method
October 25, 2013, 05:47:04 AM
That's great news!   Sounds like the tweaking has happened and is now bearing fruit.

Your pocket must be glad.  ;)

Even chance / Re: EC Cycling method
October 24, 2013, 11:56:43 PM
This thread is potentially too promising to simply die -- like most seem to!

Normy wrote: "We will find the right set-up...  "

Any progress towards finding the best settings?

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 20, 2013, 08:51:39 AM
Good questions, Francis.  :thumbsup:

Anyone want to bet on the replies?
[mod] It really might be best if you both agree to disagree. And also decide -- right now -- not to post in each other's threads from now on. (It's the best way to avoid consequencies if this sort of inflammatory dialogue between the pair of you continues.)[/mod]
Yes, well done Proof.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

A lot of hard work to put together this wonderful one-stop-shop for our convenience and to save us wasted google-search time.

You just carry on with what you are doing.

It's most useful and greatly appreciated.

Online Casinos / Re: Do you think online casinos cheat?
October 15, 2013, 04:16:50 AM
Let's look at the other side of the coin:  Do you think online casinos are always honest?

Given that it's basically an unregulated industry with millions changing hands each week, and given the human propensity for greed then who can answer 'yes' with confidence?

And if you did, then when was the last time you read any online casino T & Cs? 

The ones I've read are couched in all sorts of semi-legal yet vague terms that give the casinos all sorts of outs and reasons for not playing fair with you.

Deliberately vague terms are such that they can be easily interpreted in the casino's favour and not in yours, when push comes to shove.

And they are deliberately long, verbose and convoluted to discourage anyone from ever reading them.

We've seen all sorts of horror stories from players whose winnings have been deliberately manipulated, or even denied them through conveniently dodgy connections and the like.

We've seen where accounts have been closed for no good reason (is winning really a good reason?)

We've read about luckless players either being denied withdrawals, being made to jump through multiple identity hoops to even be considered for a withdrawal, or being made to wait an unreasonable time for their money to arrive -- if it arrives at all.

Now do you think online casinos are always honest?

And on the balance of probability given all the above, it's highly likely that many of them do indeed cheat.

It's too easy to do so, and get away with it, especially given the links with criminal gangs in the online gaming industry.

Online Casinos / Re: Do you think online casinos cheat?
October 15, 2013, 02:30:54 AM
[mod] @ Therouletter: Welcome. Please submit your link for approval: http://betselection.cc/general-discussion/request-signature-and-profile-site-approval-here/ Thank you. [/mod]
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 14, 2013, 12:09:47 AM
Very thoughtful, Bally.  :thumbsup:

Some of us appreciate your efforts and time.
Be encouraged by this quote. Alex:

With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable.  ~Thomas Foxwell Buxton

Take hope from these words and keep trying.

Persistence is the key.  :thumbsup:

Good luck with your service, Albalaha.

I'll lock this thread now as it's already showing signs of becoming disruptive.

Sadly, folk will decide you're being evasive, and perhaps have something to hide, if you don't answer the question for a spurious reason.

It really is in your interest to reply if you want to maintain credibility.

But it's your decision...
Moderator's Comment

Actually, Albalaha, it's a fair question, politely posed.

You would be advised to politely reply to it to settle the matter once and for all.