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Messages - esoito

Moderator's Warning  [NOT to be removed from this thread]

FLAT:  You have been muted for making an unsubstantiated, inflammatory accusation without providing any evidence.

A search of this thread and the Rubbish Bin reveals no record of him having deleted any losers.

You were previously warned about winding him up.

Kindly provide me with EVIDENCE of your accusation and I will gladly apologise publicly and remove the muting.

Sounds as though it's another dangerous (to the pocket) dud.

Very wise to call a halt.

Would you like me to paypal you half the cost, seeing as I set the rabbit running in the first place?

Sam...I've had a think...

If you've paid for the method and if Nick pays for the method then you can go ahead with Nick doing the bot.

As long as the bot remains just between the two of you then the woman's confidentiality requirement is NOT being violated.

And whether or not you choose to run your bot thereafter is none of her business.
Well done for taking a look, Sam.

Either the lady is worried the bot will show how basically useless/risky her method is, or she's worried about Nick seeing the method without paying for it.

So the much vaunted number-patterns she banged on about were a bit of a furphy, were they?
So what have we got, Sam?

A  YAD? (Yet Another Dud)

Or is it too early to tell yet?

Is it that you want testimonials from successful users of your selections to help with future marketing of your selection service?

If yes, then that seems pretty reasonable to me.

In fact, if your strike rate continues to be as successful as it currently is then I think you should seriously consider selling your selections on a separate web site.

And maybe you could continue to offer a restricted number of selections here.

I suspect the lack of feedback thus far is because folk are watching with interest to see if the strike rate will hold firm before they dive in with money.

But, (as my wife will tell you often happens...LOL) I could be wrong about that.

Crikey -- that was quick!!  Good onya, Sam. 

I'm sure your report will make interesting reading.

And I was pleased to see your comment "..but under no circumstances will I divulge the method."

The lady will be also pleased by that because she does ask for purchasers to keep the method confidential.
Does anyone have the time and the interest in testing this and reporting back to the forum?


It looks like it might be an intriguing twist to the Law of The Third, but a tester could confirm or correct that.

The cost is modest, and I would be very surprised if it turns out to be a scam.

Apparently "...surveilance cameras caught him marking the cards."

Oh dear.  Unfettered greed is SO unattractive, isn't it?
Off-topic / Re: Word help
October 06, 2013, 07:19:12 AM
Well done.

Persistence often pays!


You know, as standalone advice, that quote is probably sufficient warning for the desperate and disadvantaged that visit sites such as this, and stare longingly through the window.

Unless they are prepared to roll up their sleeves, and do some work by following XXVV and/or Gizmotron, for example, (both on this forum) they are doomed from the start!

And that, of course, is not what the get-rich-quick dreamers want to read  :o

Off-topic / Re: Word help
October 05, 2013, 11:12:39 PM

You don't say which version of Word you are using.

Headers In a document

If the headers are for a Word document then this might help:


Headers For A Site

But if the headers are for, say, a web site,  then you might not need Word to do your headers.

Here are some helpful sites -- most are FREE to use!





Let me know if this has been helpful.
"So there it is in a big 'ol nutshell.  A lot to read and most won't read this sentence."

LOL...as you can see -- I did!!

I found your review most interesting indeed, as I'm sure others will too.

Whether we like it or not gambling bots are here to stay and likely to become more prevalent.

I use several on Betfair for horses and dogs and they are wonderful.

They never get tired. They do exactly what they are told to do.

And -- more importantly -- they are impervious to the emotions of fear and greed, both of which are the undoing of many bankrolls.  ;)

Diversification is the key to successful investment portfolios. It helps spread the risk.

So I can see a good case, Sam, for having both those bots in your arsenal to spread the risk.

And time could show that when one is down the other is up, as I've found to be the case with my little portfolio of bots.

Methods' results / Re: 122 method ...
October 02, 2013, 11:47:40 PM
@ ND

Why not post those details here?

Then ALL can read them.

General Discussion / A REALITY CHECK
October 02, 2013, 03:42:02 AM
Casinos know that if the average punter had to put a $50 note across the table every time they made a bet, the thought of loss -- based on knowing what that $50 can buy -- would be too great for the majority.

So people would bet a lot less when the realities eventually sunk in as to what they were REALLY betting.

Hence the real reason why they use chips -- it's to suspend reality.

You should have "money reality" in your calculations when making a bet online.

Your thoughts?