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Messages - esoito

@ Albalaha

As you have such a high strike rate (well done) you will find this software very suitable indeed:


The video explains it.

CM will greatly compound you profits and, if your excellent strike rate continues, you should make a lot of money with it.
EXCELLENT !!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Food For Thought...
September 25, 2013, 11:09:41 PM
But isn't it easier to get carried away with a big bet when you're not actually holding real money you probably had to work pretty hard for?

Surely, some could end up betting more than they really intended to because the electronic squiggles are a sort of deceptive buffer that insulates a gambler from the real amount of money that's about to be given to the bookie or casino.

If they were holding real money they might think twice about betting an amount that could well be the equivalent of a week's wages for some, or perhaps food on the table for their own family for a month.

It's too easy to lose control when it's just squiggles on a screen.

General Discussion / Food For Thought...
September 24, 2013, 09:22:24 AM
A simple question:

Would you still place that big bet if you were dealing in cold, hard, folding cash and not just electronic squiggles in an internet account?

I suspect the answer for some is often far from simple.

About 33% of users world-wide still run XP.

I do because it does what I want, and I have no desire to further contribute to the Micro$oft gravy-train.

[Sadly, I'll have to bale out by April 2014 when all XP support will cease.]

Now here's a thought.

Let's pretend I sell roulette systems. (I DON"T)

Without a steady stream of ideas and systems to sell my business will wither on the vine.

Suddenly, I have a flash of inspiration.

I'll set a(nother) challenge on a forum.  In that way I'll get others doing all the work, the tedious research and testing.

And, if I'm really lucky, I might just get one or two systems out of the exercise that I can then flog on the quiet.

[Heh...heh...They'll never work that out for themselves!  >:D ]


Slot Machines Forum / Without Endorsement [FYI only]
September 09, 2013, 04:21:01 AM
For what it's worth:



[Probably quicker and easier to set fire to a $100 note and be done with it.]
General Discussion / Re: Au revoir
September 05, 2013, 12:25:40 AM
Priyanka's going with you, is she?
General Discussion / Re: A Money Management Challenge
September 02, 2013, 11:02:03 PM
Good to see you here, Kav.

Does this mean you've now got some time to do a follow-up on that Kavouras bet?  (You mentioned a follow-up on your site a long time ago!!)
Al -- my warning to others was implied in my careful choice of words.

Like I say -- just ignore attempts to provoke you.

I've advised you to do that several times before !!

If they don't get you to rise to the bait they will soon lose interest.

Nota Bene:  If the tit-for-tat posts do not cease then the thread will be locked.

[mod] Take care folks. I can see exactly where this is heading... Step over the mark and there will be a consequence. Albalaha -- I suggest you IGNORE the transparent attempts to bait you. [/mod] 
Quote from: Bayes on August 29, 2013, 07:49:32 AM
The way I see it, email isn't like sending a letter, it's more like a postcard - it could be potentially read by the postman en route to your address.

That's good way of looking at it.  :thumbsup:

Hadn't thought of it like that before!
Sports Betting Forum / Re: My sports betting picks
August 28, 2013, 06:27:48 AM
Doing well!  :thumbsup:

Are you finding it easier to get an edge in sports betting than in, say, casino betting?