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Messages - esoito

Math & Statistics / Re: Expected value in gambling
August 10, 2013, 12:32:55 AM
Welcome to the forum.

Nice site, by the way.  :thumbsup:
An excellent site, T.  A lot of hard work to put it together!

This forum is lucky to have you as a member.

Gambling Philosophy / Re: Is there a causeless effect?
August 10, 2013, 12:24:07 AM
"Sorry am asking too many questions..."

Priyanka: No you are not!!!

NEVER apologise for asking questions -- it's a major way of learning.

[As an aside, that's why teachers are forever asking questions. It helps clarify levels of students' understanding, and helps give the teacher (and astute students)  some thumbnail indication of progress being made.]

I'm fluttered flattered by your post. Thank you, Priyanka.

I'm great at giving advice even if I don't always follow it myself!! LOLOLOL

Bit bothered you thought I was encouraging folk to flap their wings -- more a case of the opposite, really!

I was basically highlighting the problem of forum butterflies, who flit from one to another, desperately searching for The Answer (and sadly, it's not 42)

Been there. Done that. For me, my answer is to avoid roulette altogether and to focus on sports betting, with particular emphasis on horse racing.

But given the recent scandals regarding doping (UK horses, Aussie football, cycling to name just a few of the prominent ones) even that is tainted and less reliable than it should be.

I guess if fun is the object then keep doing what you're doing.

If profit is the object then careful blue-chip investments might be better...but there's always a crash around the corner.

Must go now. Eeyore says I'm starting to sound a touch optimistic...

Gambling Philosophy / Re: Is there a causeless effect?
August 07, 2013, 11:15:49 PM
I've now locked this because:

1  It's served its purpose -- Sam's original thread has been restored and is active

2  This thread started to degenerate into kindergarten behaviour -- I removed some of the offending posts yesterday

General Discussion / Re: Roulette Bot Pro
August 02, 2013, 11:22:55 PM
Hopefully v4 will include correct spelling.

"Sneak peak..."  That's the trouble with spelling checkers -- they can never pick the correct homonym!
@ rouletteFan
Ou peut-être, spécialement pour toi  ;) :

Bonjour chers RF, il ne s'agit pas d'un seul logiciel, mais sur la méthodologie de développement parrainé où tous les membres qui souhaitent ressources en commun pour commander pour tout le monde dans la communauté.

  Si vous voulez le voir comme cela, sponsors achètent le "lead" ou le droit de dire ce qui va être codé ici: http://betselection.cc/sponsor-requests/

  Il s'agit d'un "sujet résolu" conseil qui signifie chaque demande de parrainage est marqué lorsque assisté.

  De cette façon, il ya un dossier où chaque demande est assisté.

  C'est une bonne motion.

  Les membres sont encouragés à parrainer car il contribue également à couvrir nos frais mensuels d'hébergement, il assure le bon maintien de notre communauté trop

(Désolé si j'ai fait quelques erreurs dans ce texte-- naturellement!!)
Off-topic / Re: Any Entrepreneurs in the Forum?
July 27, 2013, 11:23:08 PM
Don't be bashful -- full exposure could be interesting!

And a bit more exposure of your idea (as well...LOL)is definitely needed for the sort of response(s) you're hoping for.

And just to remind you, here are  RELEVANT EXTRACTS from many undertakings YOU made in your own posts (and the spelling errors are yours as well)

Its my method, and its down to me to show it works solidly. I still have time to make good. I set July 19th as the date. After that time If I haven't at least quadruppled the Bankroll I have nothing more to say.

Theyll know by July next year Shogun. All the methods I now play will be proofed over the long run. Every critic and I mean everyone of them will be shown im for real.

I have what I consider a virtual H.A.R grail. It for me validates and will be substantiated as such in July that H.A.R played on certain methods produces grail like winning ability.

And why I will absolutely succeed. And shut alot of people up in July next year.

Its ongoing. July is the point most people realize I am for real.

Youll get your answer on July 19th. don't be shy then will you. Remember you can dispute sim results till your blue in the face. Cold hard cash has a sobering effect.

RANDOM HAS VIRTUAL LIMITS. Find them and the game is yours. More people will take me seriously come July.

So while everyone and the kitchen sink thinks im mad. The numbers starting with the first milestone in July. Will tell the truth.

There's more but the point is made -- honour your undertakings or lose credibility altogether.

[For those that want to search themselves do this once you click Search:

Search for:  July 

By User:  JonLegend

Options:   tick the option Show Results As Messages

You'll see he was VERY strong on promises and undertakings!!

"Sadly though different members got told to back different horses in the same race"

Ha. As soon as I read that I recalled a beautiful telephone scam here in Oz a few years back.
[I'm going slightly off topic here but all in a good cause!  ;) ]

It worked like this:

Out of the blue you'd receive a phone call from a bloke who said he knew you were interested in horse racing and would you like a dead cert today?

Of course, you say yes. [The greed hot button has been firmly pressed by now!]

"It WILL win!" he earnestly says, with mind-blowing confidence, "so go in heavily. And when it does I'd like you to sign up to our tipping service at a special low, never-to-be-repeated price..."

[Can you see where this is going yet?]

Yeah, right. 

So thinking he's got some valuable inside-the-stable information you bung on $100...

...and the nag is still running.

It lost. The lying hound.

But wait. Let's think about this.  It was a 10-runner race.  So if he cold-calls 10 people off his rented list then, of course, one of them WILL win (maybe even 2 if there's a dead heat)

And the winning, starry-eyed punter signs up to the tipping service, of course!  [Sales people would walk over hot coals for a cold-call 10%  strike rate.]

So ,with cash cascading from every orifice, our enterprising cold-caller simply rinses and repeats for each race on the card that day.

And the next day...and the next...ad infinitum...

Getting back to Bookie Beater...

If you ignore the 17 quid offer you're taken to a download page to install a free??? bot.

Apparently you set a profit target and the bot merrily places bets according to the advertiser's unstated selection criteria. (I doubt that his name is genuine.)

Not a good idea at all.

If something is going to tap into my Betfair account I like to know the reasoning behind its actions and quite a bit about the person behind the venture!!

Furthermore, when you download and install the bot what else is being downloaded and installed without your knowledge?

I mean, there must be some sort of agenda at work.  No such thing as a free lunch...

My advice is to steer well clear.
The name alone should be a red flag. 

Interesting that he/she didn't come up with a less dodgy name.

That's because the choice of name -- TipsterThief -- is all to do with his/her mindset.
These sorts of things infest the horse racing arena like ticks on a roo -- as do racing systems and other products, the majority of which are outright fraudulent,  or scams backfitted from historical information.

And that's likely to continue into the forseeable future as the whole racing-products-arena is totally unregulated.

Many fingers have been burned; many wallets made lighter; many tears shed...

Sound advice from S and R's posts above.

And if anyone is deadset on handing money to a tipster service then at least make sure it's being proofed.

This is one of the better known services:  http://www.racing-index.com/tipsters/

Mind you, at the end of the day, we don't know how independent they are, who they are and if their pronouncements are to be believed or taken with a pinch of salt !!

You'll find those sorts of details are shrouded in mystery and unaddressed on the site...never a good sign in this sort of arena.

Here's the best formula for racing products: 

caveat lector + caveat emptor + if in doubt hang on to your wallet = minimised risk of being taken for a ride   :thumbsup:

Off-topic / Re: Happy Children's Day!
July 21, 2013, 11:21:50 PM
Bally, you're kidding, of course!