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Messages - esoito

Community Software / Re: Montanosz free stuff
July 18, 2013, 11:53:01 PM
"IMO, we shouldn't automatically tar ALL system sellers with the same brush, but rather give them the opportunity to back up their claims (or let the members do it).
If they're not prepared to do that, that in itself speaks volumes.
I think this is a more productive strategy than simply dismissing them all as scammers, and yet at the same time hoping, wishing, or believing that winning methods are possible, which smacks of inconsistency to me."

Well put, Bayes.  :thumbsup: That about sums it up.

Hopefully a few more 'system sellers' will come forward and offer their product for independent testing.

Community Software / Re: Montanosz free stuff
July 15, 2013, 11:22:28 PM
"I have a suggestion, why don't you let one of the mods test your system and report the results here? I think it's only reasonable, given that you're getting free advertising."

I agree.  :thumbsup:

In fact, if you DON'T agree, then I don't see why your links should remain here.
General Discussion / CALLING JOHN LEGEND !!!!
July 11, 2013, 05:42:05 AM
Well, it's July.

And this is the month for which you made a certain undertaking about your Pattern Breaker and other stuff.

Time now to honour your words.

Let's hear from you.
Off-topic / Re: Signatures....
July 11, 2013, 05:37:34 AM
Chris has actually followed up this Kiva thing and has passed on his findings above. Well done, mate.

As he has rightly pointed out you all have an opportunity with my Kiva invitation to lend (not give) a small portion of money to provide a net for others to catch their own fish thereafter. (Visit and you'll soon discern what I mean by that.)

Sam & Marshal BB (and any others) take special note:

My invitation enables you to even lend $25 THAT DOES. NOT. COME. OUT. OF. YOUR. POCKET.

[An anonymous benefactor is making that possible]

Can't be easier than that.  [So any personal financial difficulties need not be an impediment.]

Thereafter the money is re-lent to someone else after it is paid back.

For goodness' sake folks, at least visit the site and see for yourself how it works.

You can even lend a measly $25 yourself later on if you wish to. No compulsion. No catches.  [It's just a bit less to pour into the pockets of the casino owners.]

About a year ago I set aside a portion of money that I have distributed as several $25 loans.

Click on my photo and you will see several loans have already been paid back in full. So I simply re-lent that money to others.

See? It keeps getting turned over, doing the maximum good.

This brilliant scheme is run from California by a group of wonderful people.

At least take a look...

General Discussion / Re: Signatures & giving
July 10, 2013, 11:07:54 PM
@ Vic and Chris

Well done!!  :thumbsup:

It's so refreshing to come across the occasional unselfish person such as your good selves.

What you've done WILL make a great difference to someone's impoverished life.

And the ripple effect so often reaches out far beyond...

Off-topic / Re: Signatures....
July 10, 2013, 07:02:08 AM
And my signature is a complete, utter and total failure because nobody seems at all interested in offering their help.

Not one person from here in all the weeks the signature has been there has taken up the invitation to offer their help.

Plenty of money to throw at the casinos, though.

What a sad indictment...
Off-topic / Re: Welcome to Sunny Manchester UK
July 08, 2013, 12:05:18 AM
29/84 is OK but I feel for you if it was accompanied by high humidity.

Where I live in Western Australia we had to endure 7 consecutive days of over 40C early January... It was pure hell.

Fortunately the humidity was low but the nights stayed hot at around 25-28 and THAT was the killer.

There was no respite. House bricks...furniture...gates...what ever you touched stayed hot to the touch.

Sleep was virtually impossible. Tempers were seriously frayed. Over 20 people were hospitalised because of the heat.

Cold shower?  Ha. No such thing. The cold water tap came through hot.

Air conditioning? Ha again. A joke, for two reasons:

1  the high cost of electricity here

2  power outages because of overload

And hanging over us during our long, hot summers is the ever-present threat of bushfires, some of which are deliberately lit.

So, any intending migrants, do your climate homework very carefully!

General Discussion / Signatures & giving
July 03, 2013, 01:03:43 AM
I was saddened that in all the months my signature has been on display not even one person has taken up this opportunity to help those who need to be given a net with which to catch their own fish, in a manner of speaking.

Instead of pouring all your money down the casinos' throats, please consider diverting a small amount of that money to this truly wonderful cause that makes a meaningful difference:

Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
July 02, 2013, 07:06:17 AM
XXVV plays professionally.

Study his section carefully -- very revealing, especially regarding hit'n'run.
General Discussion / Re: A TwoCat Ramble........
June 30, 2013, 11:37:27 PM
"...the murky world of online gaming."  [Turner]

That just about sums it up. Yet people still persist.  ::)
Even chance / Re: With regards to even chance
June 16, 2013, 11:16:48 PM
At first glance that seems a good idea, CB.

But these two jokers have been "at it" numerous times before and have been already counselled about it by moderators.

No more hand-feeding!!

It's time these two practised self-discipline and worked out a solution for themselves -- hopefully along the lines you have suggested.

Or, at the very least, they will finally learn to stop rising so readily to the bait the other one tosses out.

If not, I'll just keep muting them until Victor finally takes some firm action.

Even chance / Re: With regards to even chance
June 16, 2013, 05:00:57 AM
[mod]These two immature protagonists have now been muted -- again. Both seem to have trouble learning from experience. Each was informed the reason: The sooner you learn to stop posting disruptive material, and exercise more self-control, the better. Our forum expects better behaviour than this... [/mod]

You wrote:  "But not past roulette spins, why, they're stuff, you're an unintelligent if you look at them."

Stock market history plots the progress of fear and greed based on identifiable economic factors.

History repeats so it's worth looking back for that and for other obvious reasons. Obvious reasons include looking for -- and following -- trends, of course.

Roulette results are random. No fear/greed factors affect the ball's outcome.

But there are discernable patterns which experienced players look for and exploit.

No idiocy involved -- so watch your language and choice of words in future.

Calling people idiots if they do something you disagree with is NOT the way to behave on this forum.

Heed this Warning...