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Messages - esoito

Is it because the Indian casinos pay such a lot in State taxes that their influence over legislators is so successful?

Or are there some other reasons as well in the mix?  If yes, what are some?
Taking up ADulay's points - yes, I've noticed that, too.

I wonder if the situation here might improve once there is a clearly defined and prominently displayed mission statement, so prospective members can discern the advantages of membership.

Which leads me to speculate that now guests can see just about everything, then what advantage is there to joining?

There's got to be a notion of "adding value" somewhere along the line.

Does that happen here? If not, then what (and how) could it be introduced? (Maybe explore that in a separate thread?)
...or keep trying until you're broke...  LOL

Jokes aside, in which ways should (or could) this forum be different to others?

[They all tend to blend into each other after a while, don't they?  Same old; same old.]

So what can we be doing that's DIFFERENT?  That sets it apart?

What will this forum offer that others don't?  [Software is one thing that quickly comes to mind. Coding services is another. More besides?]
I see that's available on Saliu's site.

In a massive show of breathtaking hypocrisy Saliu is passing on Neubauer's copyrighted document -- yet he is the first to take action when his own copyright is violated.

What a piece of work he is...

You present  a good case for such a statement.  :thumbsup:

Dozen/Column / Re: something from another forum
April 18, 2013, 11:51:14 AM
Good man!  :thumbsup:
Dozen/Column / Re: something from another forum
April 17, 2013, 10:48:28 PM
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Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.
A somewhat sweeping and dismissive statement about Loothog.

It offers much more than that, once you click on a few of the links.

For example, take a look at the settings available under Dozen Tester.

This is really one for Bayes, when he has a moment.

Three requests:

1  Please could you explain LR in relatively simple terms so even the maths-challenged amongst us can have an understandable overview?  (None of the sites I looked at understand the word 'simple'.)

2  Please could you show how it may (or may not) be useful for trend analysis?  (With application to random numbers...perhaps...?? )

3  Please could you suggest any relevant software suitable for members here?
Great questions.  :thumbsup:

The answers -- if any -- could be interesting!

Sports Betting Forum / Re: Tips
April 12, 2013, 07:49:46 AM
As the wins are so frequent this program will probably be of interest to you:

General Discussion / Re: OUR BEST WISHES TO BALLY
April 11, 2013, 11:02:35 PM
"It's hard to find what's not going to poison you."

Bally, try ambrosia. 

[And let me know when you've found it!...LOL]

Hope your recovery is on track, and the cause remains a one-off. 
Gizmotron / Re: liveCode goes Open Source
April 10, 2013, 11:11:06 PM
Thanks for that info.

For those that prefer a PDF guide to give them an overview here it is:  http://downloads.runrev.com/userguide/userguide.pdf