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Messages - esoito

General Discussion / Re: A petition worth signing
April 10, 2013, 11:02:47 PM

The bas****s.  Pure, evil, unmitigated greed.

I've passed the link to all my contacts and urged them to sign and also pass on to theirs.
And caveat emptor should always be preceded by caveat lector.  Fine print and all...
General Discussion / Re: DO YOU BELIEVE THIS?
April 08, 2013, 10:47:28 PM
I have to say that when I wrote to him a while back, the question the author was most evasive and unhelpful about was concerning the number of losses versus wins, based on his experience of using the software.

He gave me no data about that.

(Perhaps I needed to rephrase the question.)

General Discussion / Re: WARNING TO ALL MEMBERS
April 07, 2013, 11:29:08 PM
Bally's silence thus far suggests to me any of several possibilities:

he's dead or in a coma or otherwise totally incapacitated  (that would perfectly explain his silence and absence)


he's temporarily somewhere in the world without an internet connection for the time being (possible if his job takes him away to isolated areas. Yes, I know. Satellite and all that exists.)


he's genuinely forgotten he owes RF the full product (maybe some sort of psychotic episode, advancing Alzheimers,  or ... ?)


he's deliberately staying silent because, as other moderators have noted, that's part of his previous modus operandi (a deliberate scammer in other words)

Whether he is or is not a scammer is one thing.

But this event has highlighted the need for us all to take proactive steps to make it difficult for scammers to operate on this forum. 

After all, online trust in someone can so easily be misplaced.  We rarely know who somebody really is because most of us sensibly conceal our identities for sound reasons to do with privacy and identity theft. And that can be a two-edged sword.

Rule 1:  If in the slightest doubt hang on to your money!

Rule 2:  If you get an email or PM from a forum member trying to get you to buy a product from them then please inform a moderator. And pay nothing until we've looked into the matter.

General Discussion / Re: DO YOU BELIEVE THIS?
April 07, 2013, 08:34:42 AM
"...no attention paid to the statistics or probability of actually making a long term profit."

Even so, $20k in 2 months -- IF (a big if)  it's true -- is long enough to stop at that point and come out nicely ahead.

But to what extent is that a truthful claim?

How easy would it be to rig a set of moving figures like that?

General Discussion / Re: DO YOU BELIEVE THIS?
April 07, 2013, 06:37:07 AM
OK. Thanks for that.

So you think the $20 000 claim is probably true? That the software he sells really can deliver profits more often than losses?

I know it only costs around $50 to find out for myself but, as the saying goes, "fools and their money are easily parted."

So I'd rather seek others' opinions.

Maybe it's a grail...maybe not...

" I can do even better. I never wanted to say this. Such statements create controversies."

That's pretty impressive, Al.

As a moderator I won't allow any controversy but if you could perhaps open another thread to explain that a bit more I, and others, will be interested.

[I'd rather keep this thread just for answers to my question.]
General Discussion / Re: DO YOU BELIEVE THIS?
April 07, 2013, 04:48:05 AM
''Can say nothing about anybody." doesn't quite fit the thread's question. I'm struggling to work out what you mean.

Please clarify, Al..


Because I value your opinion.

General Discussion / DO YOU BELIEVE THIS?
April 07, 2013, 12:40:11 AM
Hmmm...$20 000 in 2 months...

Betting on single numbers.


Nothing to stop you emailing him with questions.

The obvious one being "If it's so good why bother flogging it for around $50. In fact, why flog it at all?"

I'm sure you'll think of other questions.

Other privacy/security FireFox addons I run are:

Ghostery          (blocks trackers of which there are dozens snooping on your movements around the web)

TrackMeNot      (generates in the background random searches so nobody can pinpoint and analyse your real, live searches. In other words, it protects you from search-data-profiling)

Interclue           (lets you peep at a website without opening the page. That has security positives)

BeefTaco           (I use it to set permanent, opt-out cookies to stop behavioural advertising)

Their installation is quick, easy and painless. They all run smoothly and automatically.

As you can guess from the list I loathe snoopervision, spying, profiling and gross privacy intrusions that have come about because the internet has been hijacked by rabid, greedy marketers who are overeager to separate us from our hard earned money.

Roll on the day when we have an alternative web. A pure InformationNet where advrtisements are totally banned with hefty, trans-national penalties for violations.

Some excellent ideas there, Bryan.  :thumbsup:

But I'm wondering if http://hobbycode.cc/index.php might be a better place to set all this up. And for folk here to visit if they want to get to grips with coding.

It's better suited to 'all things programming' than this site.

Furthermore, it's a stable environment and not subject to vexatious and litigous outside influences -- if you get my drift.
General Discussion / Re: EASY WAY TO BLOCK ADS
April 05, 2013, 12:52:08 PM
The info is for any that might need it for any site -- not just for here.
1  Use either the FireFox or Pale Moon (a portable FireFox) browser.

2  Install the No Script add-on

3  Tell it to forbid the sites serving you the unwanted ads.

Fairly simple to use. And wickedly effective!!  >:D

Yes, there are other solutions but that does me fine.

Feel free to add your own solutions for others to pick'n'choose.


There are always teething problems with a revised installation.

Give the man a chance. He does have other demands on his time and energy. Family...work contracts...private time...
"By request I've been asked to bury the hatchet."

Good man.  :thumbsup:

Blessed is the peacemaker.

General Discussion / Grab This Casino Promotion
March 31, 2013, 11:07:01 PM
In a recent press release the Venezuelan-based PuntersParadise online casino has announced a limited promotion that should interest you.

Apparently, during any one hour of play during the 24 hours of  the first of April only, they will refund all losses to all male players in the morning and to all female players in the afternoon.

Here's an extract from the press release:

CEO Victoria Junior said "We've made so much money out of punters who think that roulette software is un-rigged that, as a matter of conscience, we'd like to give some back to them. Furthermore,  during our promotion each player will receive an e-book of failed roulette strategies that we have collected over the years by analysing players' methods."

Ms Junior said the challenge will then be for all the casino's players to come up with fresh, new strategies to try to beat the casino's software programmers.

"But they'll have to be very lucky," she said. "Our programmers continually update our in-house software to enhance our existing statistical edge."