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Messages - esoito

March 31, 2013, 09:16:10 AM
Just so we're all clear about terminology:

A row = 5 5 5 5 5

A column =

General Discussion / Re: The Van Keelen Test
March 31, 2013, 03:45:27 AM
At least you tried. Well done for that.  :thumbsup:

I often wonder how much curve fitting goes on elsewhere on the forum because the testers are unaware they are doing it. Just thinking aloud...
Good idea. I'll second that.

I've previously got a bit lost trying to locate all those random bits'n'pieces.

You could look at Weebly as a possible free host.

Wannawin:  is there a separate PDF for the European wheel?

Just what are the distinguishing characteristics of a HG?

Until that's clarified posters will all have different concepts of what we're supposed to be publishing! (Or not publishing.)

Victor has offered some suggestions and a robust debate has ensued.

I suggest you take a look if you haven't already:  http://betselection.cc/general-discussion/the-%27holy-grail%27-should-be-realistic/
March 28, 2013, 11:48:44 PM
[mod] A general request: On this forum (and this thread in particular) please could we all use a decimal point rather than a comma? Thus: 5.678 and not 5,678 which English speakers read as five thousand six hundred and seventy eight -- a big difference!! (I'm trying to help avoid confusion resulting from different numbering conventions. ;) ) Thanks. [/mod]
Quote from: AMK on March 23, 2013, 09:33:22 PM
What does this all mean?

Forgive my terse reply but it's so obvious:  Use a translation!!!! Plenty of free ones online...

[Hint:  I use Firefox with FoxLingo for page translations.]
Community Software / Re: My second program...
March 21, 2013, 11:51:34 PM
Well done!!!   :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

It's not easy to do what you have done...
"I've been working on my AI, intelligent machine, that will be my validation of concept. It will place a bet for every spin. I will also publish a complete explanation of method with the software."

Sounds very interesting. I've often wondered why AI doesn't feature more in gambling software. [Probably because many coders don't have those sorts of programming skills??]

Anyway, when might you release some info about this?

No pressure...Just asking!  ;)
This topic has been moved to Methods' results at TwoCat's request.

Yes, one of the strong points of The Tool in its previous incarnation was flat betting only.

And it sure was profitable!
[mod] That's enough comments aimed at whoever The Crow is or isn't. He/she has done nothing wrong, or ignored forum rules. He/she now knows to tread carefully and that there are some very astute members of the forum. Sufficient unto the day --- move on. [/mod]
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Roulette Thinking
March 10, 2013, 06:34:41 AM
I hope Spike accepts The Crow's challenge.

He's been asked several times on  this forum to substantiate some of his claims. Not to give away his secrets, mind. Simply to provide proof.

After all, words are cheap and easy to drop on the table.

He wriggles every time, and cites some spurious reason for failing to do so. [His reply #30 above to Gizmotron's request  is a classic example.]

Now's his chance to prove just how good, how professional  he really is...

That seems like a pretty good summary.  :thumbsup: