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Messages - esoito

You've changed the wording of the Poll for option 3. 

7 votes were recorded were for the previous option 3 that was originally to do with testing.

If you change wording during voting (shouldn't be done) then the results are inaccurate at best and invalid at worst.

"Keep testing before you make up your mind."

Two key questions arise from that option:   

1  How do you know when to stop?

2  How much testing is 'enough'?

Isn't the option, as worded, too open-ended and vague???

March 09, 2013, 12:14:52 AM
Interesting to note serious horse racing punters maintain that a method must first be profitable with flat betting before it can be taken seriously, or taken further.

Why would that  principle not apply to other betting arenas as well? 
General Discussion / Re: The JohnLegend challenge
March 05, 2013, 11:43:40 PM
The Comment (rather than a warning) is a timely reminder of what's expected here, and what's unacceptable. Hopefully it will also nip some buds before they burst into print.

General Discussion / Re: The JohnLegend challenge
March 05, 2013, 11:14:54 PM
[mod] At least JL had a try -- publicly. Takes courage to do that. And that's more than most of us do.So how about showing a bit more kindness? Some of the posts in this thread are verging on downright unkind, cruel and uncharitable. Those posters should be ashamed of themselves. A pack-animal mentality of tearing a fellow human to pieces because they lost some money for goodness' sake has no place on this forum. So what he was doing failed this time around. Big deal. We've all failed at something in our lives. Nobody is compelled to copy what he does. We should all wait until JL's promised announcement in July. Meanwhile, those that want to argue and continue go and take another look at the rules. Let's ALL try to work within the spirit that is behind them... [/mod]

Quote from: spike on March 05, 2013, 07:16:15 AM
You mean you sit at the table? LOL!!! Priceless. I've
never sat at a roulette table and played in my life,
true story. How does it feel? I would think you have
a connection to the other ploppies surrounding you.

You're amazing, Gizmo. Do you share stories with them,
talk between spins? I can't stand it, my sides hurt from
laughing, my dog is giving me funny looks..

[mod]SPIKE: You're at it again! Posting simply to attack another member. Keep doing it and you'll keep being muted -- until you're kicked off. [/mod]
A maxim amongst share and currency day traders is that "the trend is your friend."

This is indeed a valid point given that emotions of Greed and Fear underpin market movements. Each strives for dominance every second the market is open.

But ball movements are not driven by Fear and Greed. They are driven by Mr Random.

And yet, as Gizmotron has clearly demonstrated, those movements will form discernable and trackable trends (uninfluenced by Fear and Greed) and that are just as friendly to exploitation.

Yet how can this be?  What is it that underpins trends in this instance?  What is the X-Factor at work?

General Discussion / Re: The JohnLegend challenge
March 01, 2013, 10:39:24 PM
I can only repeat:  let's just wait until July. 

That's the date JL has set for Revelation.
General Discussion / Re: "Woulda,coulda,shoulda"
February 28, 2013, 04:39:11 AM
"I still have not found a way to pass on experience."

It's very difficult -- if not virtually impossible -- to do that face-to-face in a hands-on situation, let alone remotely via a form of distance education.

All credit to you for trying, though.

Mixed / Re: My query for all money management experts
February 26, 2013, 09:22:24 AM
It would be wonderful -- truly wonderful -- if you could describe it on this forum.

Perhaps in a dedicated thread?

Gizmotron / Re: The Global Effect, what is it?
February 25, 2013, 11:02:45 PM
"What is red doing also?"

I've pondered that.

The only realistic answer I can come up with is that it's diametrically opposite black's pattern, in the sense that concave is opposite to convex.

Sorry. Brain cells have had it at this point.

Gizmotron / Re: The Global Effect, what is it?
February 25, 2013, 10:44:15 PM
Weeelllll....assuming this is live play then the interesting patterns could be an expression of a possible 'dealer's signature'.

Is that not implicit in the patterns shown?

That's the only 'hidden' extrapolation I can come up with.

[See? You were right. I'm totally useless... ]
Why has this discussion morphed into bonuses??

The thread started with a proposal regarding affiliates.
Gizmotron / Re: The Global Effect, what is it?
February 24, 2013, 11:14:38 PM
Black seems to appear in clusters after a cluster of reds.

So, presumably BBB...  could be next. Maybe wait for a couple to appear before acting??

(Or have I oversimplified that? LOL)
Community Software / Re: Your operative system
February 24, 2013, 12:52:36 AM
In 4 months only 24 bothered to vote.  How disappointing...   :nope:

Probably because it's too hidden here, Victor. 

Maybe move it to General Discussion?