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Messages - esoito

That seems too easy...!!  :thumbsup:

There has to be a catch. I'll bet "they" have probably thought of that and already taken steps to prevent it.

On the other hand, it would be worth a try.

"I guess I am saying it is difficult to judge."

And perhaps we shouldn't judge, but keep our noses right out!

After all, the issue seems to be a private issue that should have been resolved privately -- not made public.

Both have offered explanations of their viewpoints and the matter appears to be resolved.

Creativity Adventures / Re: The Purpose of this Area
February 16, 2013, 11:33:55 PM
A nice raison d'etre, Victor.  :thumbsup:

I sure hope this section works, then.
That was basically the underlying aim of the Pipe Dream but, after the initial flurry of enthusisam, it quickly fell in a hole. As such things so often do!  ::)

Anyway, let's see how this goes.  Hopefully more than just a pipe dream... LOL
"All we are are interested in is the dogs position at the first bend. This is a crucial bit of information because you would be surprised how many dogs win who get the early lead and avoid any trouble in running which happens frequently."

And that is exactly what underpins the very successful WOFS approach in the US.


I can say from personal experience that it is successful as I own the system.
"Or smart enough to know your luck will change."

JL would probably agree with that !   

Isn't that partly what hit'n'run is about? Getting out before the luck changes?

Which further begs the questions:

Does luck flow in cycles?


Is luck nothing at all to do with the way numbers are randomly distributed?

(Sorry, 2CS. Not the answers you're seeking, probably. It's just that your good questions raised more questions for me!)
Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: A QUICK OVERVIEW
February 13, 2013, 10:30:09 PM
Quote from: Bally6354 on January 01, 2013, 12:29:35 AM
I will get it next week and write it up on here.

What I liked about it was that there was nearly always a selection which was a clear pick over the rest of the traps. This in an individual race would normally mean a skinny price however the prices for the trap challenge normally start around the 7/2 mark. I have had a few nice 5/1 and 11/2 winners with it!

Tempus fugit....

  • Have you forgotten to "...write it up on here" ?
  • Or changed your mind?
  • Or couldn't get hold of it?
[Or all of those? LOL]
General Discussion / Re: Regarding Forum Re-install
February 12, 2013, 01:03:37 AM
"In short: I get home beaten and don't want to touch a computer anymore for the day"

Very understandable. We can all relate to that, I'm sure.  :nod:

Your health is more important.  Don't push yourself too hard.

Doesn't matter if the reinstall is a week or two behind where you originally planned.

Your health is more important.

Oh, and in case I forget: Your health is more important!
General Discussion / Re: wheelmov tracker
February 11, 2013, 12:04:47 AM

You might find  Square Roulette of interest.  All the chapters are here:


General Discussion / Re: Last ten days report!!
February 06, 2013, 04:36:45 AM
Well done indeed!!  :thumbsup:

Perhaps you could email us all a drink.
Hmmmm..... perhaps flat betting the inside numbers looks to be more the way to go, given the changes.

A good reason for developing the appropriate thread in the Pipe Dream section!
General Discussion / Re: User Warning System enabled
February 06, 2013, 02:01:55 AM
Quote from: Bally6354 on February 06, 2013, 12:01:11 AM
My personal view is that it's a ridiculous idea!

My personal view from a moderator's perspective is that it is long overdue!

However it is a shame that people just can't get on with one another or at least try and avoid confrontation with people who they don't get along with.

Yes, it is a shame.  The reality is certain members persistently do exactly that.

We are all adults here and I really don't see the need for this idea.

Fortunately, Bally, most here do indeed behave as adults.

But for the few that act like maladjusted adolescents, and taint the forum with their often acidic or outright nasty posts, this new system is exactly what's needed.

General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 04, 2013, 11:12:11 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on February 04, 2013, 10:48:57 PM
True Esoito, I will take it off. Although do you not think there should be a rule about people talking about what they do all the time. Without actually showing it to the forum?

Personally, if somebody talks about what they do all the time without explaining or demonstrating it then I simply ignore their claims -- especially where money is involved.

I would expect common sense to prevail and guide others in a similar way.

It all boils down to provable substantiation of claims, proper documentation and auditing by an independent third party.

I can't ever see that happening on a gambling forum!!

But where I live, the finance industry, for example, is VERY closely regulated and heaven any company that makes false claims without providing proper proof. 

A very active statutory watchdog jumps onto them and they end up in court PDQ!!!

A shame the gambling industry isn't as assiduously regulated.

General Discussion / Re: Trigger This
February 04, 2013, 10:46:25 PM
Settle down, JL.  Life is too short!!  ;)

If you let adverse comments get to you you'll end up stepping over the line. You came close...

Let it be water off a duck's back.

It's the perfect warranty for anything to do with roulette!!  :thumbsup:

[Or any other form of gambling, come to that.  It's not called 'gambling' for no reason...]

In fact, it is likely to increase sales if they were selling something. ( Reverse psychology does often work.  >:D )

But I see they are not selling anything. How refreshing.  :thumbsup:

General Discussion / Re: Not rare at all!
February 01, 2013, 09:16:39 AM
A thank you would have been nice, for taking the trouble to try to help you.   Just one of life's basic courtesies.

Anyway, lesson learned.