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Messages - esoito

I'm probably the only person here who understood only about one word in three, and for whom most of the specialised terminology flew right over my head.

After all, someone familiar with it all can so easily forget that, for many others, this sort of technology and arena is totally outside their experience.

They [and I]  need an interpreter!

I offer that feedback more as well-intended advice than as a criticism.

General Discussion / Re: BRAINSTORMING THREAD
September 21, 2017, 02:15:22 AM
This site might [or it might not!] help you make more sense of the above, difficult-to-follow exposition:

AsymBacGuy / Re: Roulette
September 19, 2017, 11:35:59 PM
To me, that is a brilliant post, that encapsulates what this forum is basically all about.

I congratulate you on your careful choice of words, and the care with which you constructed that post.

Very impressed... :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: BRAINSTORMING THREAD
September 18, 2017, 03:25:29 AM
Cracking Pi Cracking Random

Quote 1
"In 2004, the Statistical Laboratory at University California Santa Barbara tested him with 100 flips of a coin. He successfully predicted and found a precise .04166.... flat bet advantage. The Lab then repeated the experiment with 100 "coin flips" from a random number generator. Again he successfully predicted and found a precise .04166.... flat bet advantage."

Quote 2
"On March 14, 2006, the Buffalo Evening News published an article in which their reporter tested him with a random number generator. He successfully predicted the precise random outcomes of electronic card turnovers with a .16666 flat-bet advantage."

If those two quotes pique your interest then:   http://www.crackingpi.com/   Be sure to also click the About tab when you arrive there.

Action At A Distance seems to be an important concept...important enough for The Vatican to have once banned study of it.

They seem to be a bit more enlightened these days:  http://www.vofoundation.org/blog/spooky-action-distance-part-one/

Online Casinos / Re: One (1) cent Roulette
September 16, 2017, 10:49:14 PM
This post is for information only -- definitely not as a recommendation.


Good luck with finding details about them.  Shrouded in secrecy and mystery.

The jurisdiction might be Costa Rica but it's hard to tell for sure.

Furthermore, the RNG used is not one of the usual offerings. Goodness knows what rigged, anti-winning-code might have been written into it.

The site offers no statements about  fair play, random control and the like.

September 14, 2017, 06:13:46 AM
Gizmotron / Re: Overcome the Chimp
September 14, 2017, 05:52:43 AM
Thread locked.

It's become vexatious and dysfunctional, where one member seems to have returned simply to attack another.

I've seen kindergarten children behave better.

Quote from: ADulay on September 09, 2017, 02:07:06 PM
OK, this is enough.

Unless I hear differently I'll be putting ALL of these new registrations with glowing reports of Stephen's book on immediate moderation until they produce legitimate posts.

This assumes they come back after a few attempts to advertise.


And I shall do the same. 

That's because it's time a certain person changed his/her tablets, and stopped being a vexatious troll.
And now -- according to the almost dead forum -- you have to pay for it. Free no longer. What a surprise.

I wonder why no announcement was made about the charge in this thread, where the heading clearly uses the word FREE.

Apparently the word 'free' has undergone a change in meaning whilst I was asleep.
Quote from: ozon on August 25, 2017, 03:45:56 PM
The scamers that seles stuff

Are you accusing him of being a scammer?

If you are, then provide PROOF.  Without proof it's a libellous and defamatory personal attack,  and our rules do not allow that. 

General Discussion / JUST SO YOU ALL KNOW...
August 17, 2017, 04:12:47 AM
The wheels of moderation might seem a bit slow at times but we do try to be careful not to be unfair or biased -- despite what some might think.

I have now muted two entities:  greeneclipse and symon_lucky


1  they both posted an identical inflammatory, lengthy and needlessly argumentative message

2  the messages were posted only 7 minutes apart

3  they were from the same IP address

Without naming names, they are quite likely alternative personas of the forum's very own serial troll and stalker. 

General Discussion / Re: Enough with the spamming!
August 15, 2017, 05:32:13 AM
And the Good News is....tada.....Tabone is now officially removed from the forum.

After all, he kept saying he would leave the forum but without actually doing it, so Victor has simply helped him through the door.

Let's all move on and find something useful to spend our remaining lifespans on.

General Discussion / Re: Enough with the spamming!
August 14, 2017, 09:27:06 AM
@ Mike and Atlantis

I don't disagree with you.

However, I can't remove members -- only Admin can do that.

So I've sent him the link to this thread for his consideration.

That's more than enough free publicity for this character (and all the other similar characters).

For goodness sake someone find another book to write about.

This topic has had a thorough airing, so nobody jump up and down with mutterings about censorship and the like.

Enough is enough. More than enough!