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Messages - esoito

January 02, 2013, 11:06:42 PM
Quote from: Gizmotron on January 02, 2013, 04:12:21 PM

I would like it split off in my software section. That way finding it will be easy.


I had to provide a title for the splitting to work.

Let me know if you want it changed.

Sports Betting Forum / Re: Sportsbetting System
January 02, 2013, 10:45:37 PM
Thanks for that.

Some of the progressive outlays are pretty high!!

One example:  11-22-33-55-88-143-231-374

I nearly had a coronary when I saw that!! :o

Sports Betting Forum / Re: WHAT IS ARBITRAGE BETTING?
January 02, 2013, 10:41:02 PM
Yes. Good one.  :thumbsup:

Light-hearted or not, it gives some valuable insights that are part of the reason I gave up arbing quite a few years ago.

But, by crikey, it was good while it lasted.  ;)
January 02, 2013, 08:29:35 AM
TC -- you're right!

But I was reluctant to say anything whilst there was so much of interest being posted here.

And it's a good example to the newcomers of the quality posts available on the forum.

Eventually the thread will run out of steam (most do in the end!)  and then Victor or I can consider splitting it.
Hopefully, some of the "YES" voters in the poll will post a selection of methods here...

General Discussion / !! THERE EXISTS A SPELL CHECKER !!
January 02, 2013, 02:12:10 AM
Using the spell checker is a form of quality control that helps make this a quality forum.

The spell checker is one of the three buttons bottom right, under your posting screen.

Quote from: Gizmotron on January 01, 2013, 11:43:49 PM
Nothing more than absolute laziness. I know there can't be a negative result. I knew I needed a quick and easy result that had to be greater than 30. So I slapped the full quantity with the isolated group. So yes, I sloppied the equation. You should take notice that the full equation was understood. The communication process worked. The point was made. I expect syntax error in a development environment. SO GET OFF MY BACK!

There. That wasn't too hard, was it?

Thank you for this clear, understandable explanation.

You should have stated this in the first instance, instead of posting the first reply that I quite rightly asked you to clarify.

[I'M OFF IT....FOR NOW...]
Quote from: Gizmotron on December 30, 2012, 01:13:55 AM
For this stage of my equation I've commanded the computer to only use unsigned numbers. Its impossible to have a negative number of slots on the wheel. So I have effectively eliminated the negative. Don't believe it? Look up unsigned numbers.

Rather than one shrouded in mystery and obfuscation, the members are entitled to a clear, understandable explanation as to why  6 - 37 = 31 in your world, instead of -31.
Sports Betting Forum / Re: DUTCH BOOK BETTING
January 01, 2013, 06:47:32 AM
Thank you Victor.      <Curtsies and smiles modestly>

"But what if my dutch bets lose?" I hear you ask.

Well, you then have two choices:

Option 1:   Bear the loss -- and be more careful with you next few selections!!

Option 2:   Go for loss recovery

[Option 3:  Stop for the day, or even stop betting ever again]

Let's look at these more closely.

Option 1: 

A good tip is to pick the races where there are just 2 low priced favourites, with a nice big gap between, say, F2 and F3.

The market is telling you those 2 horses are expected to do well.

And to tighten up your chances even more, ensure you pick such a race with as few runners as possible. Common sense, hmmm?

Far better to bet your 2 horses in 6 or 7 runner race than one with 14 or 15.

Furthermore, by picking a relatively short distance race the jockeys are more likely to ensure a fast pace form the off because there won't be enough time for playing silly-b*ggers with stalling tactics.

Option 2:

Best done by dividing the loss by 2 or 3 and going for a staged, partial recovery over the new few bets.

Trying to recover it all in the next race is almost a guarantee that one will lose as well!!

By then your betting capital is looking decidedly iffy.

Sports Betting Forum / DUTCH BOOK BETTING
January 01, 2013, 05:10:18 AM
This is a common strategy. 

Basically you bet several horses to win the race. Bets are structured so that whichever one wins delivers your profit AND returns all the bets.

Generally 2 or 3 carefully selected horses are sufficient to keep outlays to a reasonable level.

Bets are complicated to do even on a calculator, let alone pencil and paper.

So most punters use dutching software that is either standalone, or that's included as part of a bot or trading software.

Legally FREE and accurate dutching software is here:   http://www.horseracingsoftware.net/   plus a couple of other very useful programs.

NB: You'll find it's best to use prices over 2.00 for dutching to avoid a negative bet. 

A detailed examination of dutch booking is here:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_book

Mr Fitzmaurice is a straight shooter who has a good reputation for looking after consumers' interests.

His team of reviewers provide detailed test results, over an extended period, of a wide range of racing products, and a few non-racing products.

They are VERY forthright in their assessments and pull no punches!! As, indeed, they should.


You'll find a few sheep (rated 4.0+ / 5.0) worth considering, and plenty of goats to avoid!

[NB:  Fisher Roulette proved to be a total dud, as you'll see.]

Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: A QUICK OVERVIEW
January 01, 2013, 12:15:31 AM
And your challenge is to remember it !! LOL

I'll be most interested to see his selection criteria. Look forward to your next post.
Just a thought:  I wonder if we're all working from a shared meaning of the word "consistent".

The whole poll hangs on that specific word, doesn't it?

Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / A QUICK OVERVIEW
December 31, 2012, 11:34:16 PM
In UK:           

  • 6 dogs to a race
  • each dog races from a trap

In Aus/USA: 

  • 8 dogs to a race
  • each dog races from a box


There are numerous bots available for backing/laying dog races.

NB: Users who leave them running unsupervised for extended periods have often returned to find their bank has been emptied by a bad run!!

Racing Systems:

Again, numerous products. Many are especially aimed at the UK races.

Caveat emptor !!!   A LOT of them are outright scams.  Or plagiarised from elsewhere and dressed up in a new set of clothes.

That opinion is based on several year's experience, and not made simply off the top of my head.

Sports Betting Forum / Re: PROFITING FROM FREE BETS
December 31, 2012, 08:03:29 AM
The above video is actually a clever -- and profitable -- way of benefiting from bonuses and free bets offered by bookmakers.

But it's not arbitrage. 

Arbitrage involves comparing prices and then betting on the same event with different bookmakers to exploit differences in their prices.

I've started a separate thread that clearly explains arbitrage.

[I've therefore changed the title of this thread.]