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Messages - esoito


Could you clarify the thread's question?

I'm asking because it can mean any of several different things to different readers.

Sports Betting Forum / Re: Low Risk Match Betting
December 27, 2012, 12:09:50 AM
My pleasure, Victor.

The good thing about MB is that it's based on free bets given by bookmakers.

That means the punter is not risking his/her own money at any point.

And as long as the bookies balance their books per event with their 10-20% margin built in via the odds they offer they really don't care if you benefit in this way from their free bets.

So there's no chance of them suddenly stopping the free bets altogether.

Mind you, if you keep picking winners with your free bet from a particular bookie you might find your account suddenly closed!  Same old...same old.

But there are dozens more to take advantage of...

Sports Betting Forum / Low Risk Match Betting
December 26, 2012, 08:49:53 AM
A very low risk way to profit from sports betting is called Match Betting.  For skilled operators it virtually becomes no risk.

For an objective overview:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matched_betting

A good starting point:  http://www.learnmatchedbetting.co.uk/

And these to fill in any gaps: http://www.learnmatchedbetting.com/      http://www.matchedbetting.co.uk/
Ralph's Bot / Re: Some suggestions regarding Ralph's bot
December 21, 2012, 09:39:15 AM
Quote from: KingsRoulette on December 21, 2012, 09:02:06 AM
                      Apart from these shortcomings, the bot is one of the finest contributions of this forum.  I can't thank Ralph enough for this.

Hear, hear.   Nicely put KR!

Ralph certainly has been most kind and generous with his time and expertise.

Thanks Ralph.

Quote from: Bayes on December 21, 2012, 09:10:18 AM
No difference.  >:D

LOLOLOLOL......Mr D Advocate rides again!!
Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / LAYING TO LOSE
December 21, 2012, 06:02:14 AM
For those to whom laying is a new phenomenon:

Here's a link to explain how lay betting works on Betfair:


It gives a useful overview of what it's all about.

Laying the favourite is quite popular (after some suitable filtering, of course) and Jon Burgess has written a very popular, and widely-acclaimed  ebook about how to apply suitable filters:


Important Principle

The lower the price of the horse (or event)  you lay,  then the lower your liability if it wins.


Lay a horse for a fiver  at 2.4 and it wins.  The winner receives from Betfair your fiver PLUS his/her winnings which is deducted from your BF account.

Lay a horse for a fiver at 92.4... Well, you DON'T...EVER!! Imagine how much your account is debited if it wins. Too risky just to make a fiver from the other person who is the backer.

Alternative To Laying

For those blocked from Betfair or other betting exchanges then backing all runners except the favourite is an alternative method.

Dutching software makes the necessary calculations so that whichever horse succeeds the winnings recover the total stake AND delivers the profit you specify.

Of course, if the favourite wins you lose the lot!!  So pick a false favourite carefully.

Search online for free and pay-for dutching  software options.

But if anyone wants to write their own dutching software say so, and then I'll post the formulae in this thread, otherwise I won't clutter it with unwanted info.
Off-topic / Re: Hmmmm... And the next number is...
December 21, 2012, 05:44:38 AM
Ralph, the links I provided are a BRIEF look at research that goes far beyond what you've mentioned.

Take a look and you'll see that.
Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: @ Bayes and Esoito
December 21, 2012, 05:41:30 AM
Quote from: subby on December 20, 2012, 03:03:19 PM
I read that whole thread, lol. How do you bet for it NOT to win or come in/place? ???


Here's a link to explain how lay betting works on Betfair:


It gives a useful overview of what it's all about.

Laying the favourite is quite popular (after some suitable filtering, of course) and Job Burgess has written a very popular, and widely-acclaimed  ebook about how to apply suitable filters:


Quote from: Bally6354 on December 20, 2012, 05:23:31 PM
It's well into the 21st down under and they are still all there!  :(

Um...well, I'm not all there.  Or so my wife tells me from time to time!  :whistle:
Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: @ Bayes and Esoito
December 20, 2012, 08:58:10 AM
Regarding that last question, Bayes, one of Australia's leading jockeys, Damien Oliver, was recently in VERY hot water over a bet he placed on a competing horse in one of his races.

A definite no-no to that sort of behaviour because he would have made darned sure his horse didn't win. He was riding the second favourite.

Former Western Bulldogs footballer and now form analyst/punter Mark Hunter placed the bet of $10,000 on Oliver's behalf on Miss Octopussy with Queensland bookmaker Laurie Bricknell.
The $2.30 favourite, Miss Octopussy won while Oliver rode second favourite, who finished sixth. Stewards have no issue with the way Oliver rode his mount. There was no departure from the usual racing pattern or any other reason to call the ride into question.
Having incurred legal costs at the time, Oliver placed this one-off bet, receiving $11,000 in profit on the wager. Oliver said it was the only time he'd ever placed a bet on a rival horse.
[Source:  http://www.theaustralian.com.au/sport/damien-oliver-breaks-down-at-stewards-inquiry/story-e6frg7mf-1226520217239 ]

In horse racing, the conventional wisdom is that if a method doesn't make a profit flat (level) betting then it's NOT going to work with progressive/loss recovery-type betting.

Nothing I've experienced so far has prompted me to disagree with that wisdom.

Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: @ Bayes and Esoito
December 20, 2012, 08:33:48 AM
 "Everything that can go digital will..."

Yes, indeed.

I've tried feeding the wife by email.

Sadly, she's losing condition... but I'll get it right eventually.   :nod:
Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: @ Bayes and Esoito
December 19, 2012, 11:35:45 PM
Thanks for that.

As an aside -- Ladbrokes...not happy with them!

I've just been emailed that they are closing all Australian accounts next month as they will no longer operate in Australia!

No reason given. Just a bald statement.

I'm left wondering why and who'll be next...

It's the "winning bet selection" that's so often the sticking point for many.

And that's probably why they join forums such as this!

[Hope you enjoy your stay here.]

The employer has to pay the worker for a voluntary activity that went wrong, even though it was NOTHING to do with her job!

The law is indeed an behind at times -- like in this case.