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Messages - esoito

Hmmm...   Give me three guesses about  the "somebody" and I'd probably be right each time.  The 'exclusive' was a pretty good indicator !!

Surely one would simply type in any name and birthdate under the circumstances.

After all, on this and other forums, who travels under their real name? 
Yes, it's a fine line. isn't it?

My point is that it's time to end the continual PUBLIC criticism -- it serves no useful purpose but detracts from the tone of the forum as a "happy, productive and gentle place."

Free speech has to be used responsibly. 

And some of the statements being made are dangerously close to LIBEL.

As a moderator, I'm trying to act responsibly by encouraging members to steer our energies into more productive outlets.

By the way, in so doing I'm not defending the indefensible.

But I am saying enough criticism is enough. Time to stop it and move on.
Private comments are one thing, but I really think PUBLIC slamming and criticising of other forums and their owner should now STOP.

Surely, enough is enough.

Let's just drop that particular topic and all move on to what this forum is really all about.

Bravo!!  Onwards and upwards.    :applause: :applause:

OK. So the forum has an albatross around its neck. Well, worse things have happened at sea.  The Ancient Mariner will tell you that....

Gambling Philosophy / Re: The 3 6 9 Phenomenon
November 21, 2012, 09:13:01 AM
...not that we're at all  eager to find out...

TIME TO W A K E  U P!!     :nod:
In the blue corner we have JohnLegend.

In the red corner we have Bayes.

Both offering opposite opinions.

This debate is far from over...

Therefore, I've unlocked the thread so others may contribute if they wish.

"The luck can/will come back."

Exactly so.

Wins and losses tend to come in clusters. 

Clumping is a common phenomenon found by those that bet on horse races.
Money Management / Re: "Boom!" positive progression
November 19, 2012, 06:01:06 AM
Certainly I know the difference -- thank you.

Victor used the word "Example" in his post.

That preceded what was obviously an illustration.

Meanwhile, life goes on.

Money Management / Re: "Boom!" positive progression
November 18, 2012, 11:56:22 PM
He HAS illustrated it clearly.  Even I can understand it!

Be more specific in identifying exactly what you're having trouble understanding.


Would playing in Hit'n'Run mode have helped keep Mr Random at arms length in this instance, d'you think?

And isn't there an element of contradiction there? (Avoid losing...can't keep gains...)
General Discussion / Re: One Rule To Rule Them All !!
November 18, 2012, 02:05:43 AM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 18, 2012, 12:54:07 AM
"Doctor, it hurts when I do this."
"Well, don't do that!"

Yep. Exactly!!

And people STILL smoke, still over-booze, still ignore speed limits despite the demonstrated risks and dangers...

Crazy people.

Stop the world. I want to get off.  (Some of you might recall that musical)
A relevant thread: 


I've learned to use this Rule often and thoughtfully...LOL
General Discussion / One Rule To Rule Them All !!
November 17, 2012, 11:41:28 PM
"The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." — Albert Einstein

As true as it ever was !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Players need a 'circuit breaker' (losing all their money is the default setting!!) that cuts in to:

  • make them stop what they are doing
  • so they can assess what they are doing
  • and also assess the level of greed that was involved in what they were doing

And if the sum of those introspective prognostications= my-method-kept-losing-but-I-kept-using-it-hoping-the-outcome-would-be-different then apply The Rule Of The Bleedin' Obvious:

Money Management / Re: "Boom!" positive progression
November 17, 2012, 11:31:51 PM
"The "boom" positive progression is intended to exploit the common happening of a location showing multiple times within a cycle."

A shame there's no non-fallacious guarantee that it WILL happen again...