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Messages - esoito

Very glad you survived Sandy.

But have you survived her capricious friend, Mr Random?

Or did he maul you quite seriously?

You seem to have gone very quiet about GUT.

[Just my gut feeling...]

Or perhaps the thread has served your purpose and you've flown off to another flower?
The first line in my thread clearly showed I was aware of the conventional meaning of "contrarian" but perhaps that Wiki quote will help others.

I'm on about a bit of lateral thinking by looking at the spirit behind contrarian approaches to see if that spirit can be applied here, along the lines of:

  • running contrary to "normal" practice
  • going against the flow
  • being different
  • thinking "outside the box" etc etc etc
So, yes, that same spirit of enquiry can be applied to roulette (or just about anything else in life), to answer your question.

But this forum is not just for roulette.  Bet Selection has a wider application.

By starting the topic I'm simply trying to be a catalyst, an encourager, a facilitator for others to express alternative views, opinions and approaches.

I've just  prodded it one more time to see if it would get up on its own legs. But if it now dies through neglect, laziness or indifference then so be it. 

The world will still sail through space until either we destroy it, or the sun does -- whoever gets there first...
General Discussion / Re: FAREWELL FREE SPEECH...so sad...
November 16, 2012, 08:28:48 AM
Thanks for your support, dino246.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

It's your sort of mature understanding that will help this to become The Place To Be, and a shining exemplar to others as to how a forum should be run.
General Discussion / Re: FAREWELL FREE SPEECH...so sad...
November 15, 2012, 10:58:23 PM

Before this all goes too far:

Espousing free speech does NOT mean being free of responsibility for what you write.

Always bear in mind such things as LIBEL defined as:    a false and malicious publication printed for the purpose of defaming a living person.

So take care.

Follow my example -- when I started the thread I SPECIFICALLY AVOIDED USING NAMES. I deliberately kept it as a general statement.

Yes, I know some of you are angry and upset. But suck it in. Don't use this forum to vent your spleen.

Name-calling here stops right now.

It's totally unnecessary, dysfunctional and disruptive.

"It is also possible that a few of the members of the boards one day cease to post because they have found their holly (sic)  grail."

Now that's an interesting thought.   :thumbsup:

I wonder...
Even chance / Re: ***Pattern Breaker-Tarantino style***
November 15, 2012, 09:39:26 AM
Good for you, Tarantino.

Great thread!!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Well explained and nicely set out.

It's as good as most and better than some -- so take heart.

A VERY GOOD first effort...Keep posting.
General Discussion / FAREWELL FREE SPEECH...so sad...
November 15, 2012, 08:28:08 AM
Monsieur l'abbĂ©, I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write. 

[Voltaire, letter to M. le Riche, February 6, 1770]

Voltaire must be spinning in his grave over comments written by the owner of a gaming forum about a member simply because the owner of the forum does not agree with what the member writes, and the methods that member espouses.

May that NEVER happen here.

This forum should be the place where ideas can be freely expressed, tested and tweaked without ridicule, fear or favour.

If we read something we disagree with we have two choices:

1  Express our thoughts politely and tactfully with consideration of the other person's feelings

2  Change the channel -- switch to another thread entirely and ignore the one that we disagree with.

How often is somebody hurt because of the WAY an opposite opinion is expressed? More often than not I would think.

For this to continue to be a happy, gentle and productive place two things need to happen:

  • We all need to be sensitive and careful in how we write our opinions of others' ideas and thoughts. (Choose our words carefully as though we are the recipient)
  • And us Moderators need to be vigilant and make it possible for YOU to continue to write...
Here's an interesting claim:

"Gradually, I developed a very special progression for this type of inside betting and with the help of my co-admin friend Teos (Ophis), I got a tracker of my holy grail bet.

Now, after testing various sessions of 100 of thousands of spins, with success,  I can say, I have invented a holy grail finally."

Details:  http://albalaha.lefora.com/2011/11/14/making-of-a-holy-grail/

I might add it's NOT for sale and the claim is not being made in a public forum -- so no vested interest in making false claims just to stimulate sales.

It begs the question: 

A holy grail is one thing; the holy grail is a different kettle of fish. 

So which is more likely to occur?
General Discussion / Re: Welcoming Section
November 14, 2012, 11:17:54 PM
Victor -- it's too "hidden" where it is.

It's not getting used.  :(
As you can tell when he's not playing roulette he works as a diplomat!

We've learned to live with those sorts of sharp and terse comments he makes.

Basically we just ignore them.

Just treat it all like a squeaky gate -- irritating but not life threatening.

Life's too short to do otherwise!
Dozen/Column / Re: Second and Third Column
November 14, 2012, 12:54:33 PM
Very interesting method. Many will appreciate its simplicity I'm sure.

I love the disclaimer !    :thumbsup:

That should keep the lawyers at bay.

Pleased to note that the author is a recent member here:  Geometricsman2


It's very interesting to follow his current thinking in this blog:  http://crackingpi.com/blog.html

And, hopefully, he will share his thoughts here as well.
November 13, 2012, 08:59:49 AM
If you have a maths degree, or a solid maths background as part of a related discipline, then you'll be able to follow this.

If you don't then click away.

Saliu fully explains his formula:  http://saliu.tripod.com/Saliu2.htm

Fairbrother refutes it in considerable detail:  http://www.lottoposter.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=677&PID=1273#1273


That's your call...!!

General Discussion / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Victor
November 12, 2012, 10:39:18 PM
Judging by all the replies from your adoring public you seem to be having an awful  LOT of birthdays, Victor !!   :P
Multiple locations / Re: Delayed parachute
November 11, 2012, 08:47:21 AM
I was seriously thinking of giving this a try but then I saw WG's results.

Unless I've completely misread it spin after spin seems to lose and the bank runs down and down.

Where's the pleasure in all that?

And the 124/210 right at the end -- final profit? Or the player's blood pressure after all those losses?