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Messages - esoito

My patience has ended. 

And I've had enough of all the  playground behaviour from supposedly mature adults. Frankly, I've seen kindergarten children who were better behaved.

ST produced a product.  NOBODY was compelled to buy it. 

ST and his family of clones that popped up under different names have had more than enough free publicity.

As Garfield very neatly put it on another thread: "The more you comment, the more he gets the chance to promote."

Quite so.

Thread locked....move on.

Quote from: Mido on August 08, 2017, 10:25:41 PM
I am aware of this author for a bit. But I am intelligent enough not to read every thing here.

I am writing now because I am amazed how silly people can be by taking him seriously. SCAM.


Hmmmm....  Have you heard of LIBEL and DEFAMATION?

You must provide EVIDENCE that it is a scam.  Yes, proof...evidence...

I'm not saying your opinion is necessarily wrong, but I am saying you must back it up with evidence, otherwise you are breaking laws relating to libel and defamation.

Kindly provide irrefutable evidence by this coming weekend so we can all see the reasons for your opinion.

It's great to see someone actually using REAL MONEY and making good profits with your software.  (Unlike the scammers who always operate in demo mode in their videos.)

I see you use real money in all your other videos as well.

After all your hard work, you certainly deserve the impressive profit results you are getting.

I recently noted the recent huge withdrawal -- 4000 euros -- you have made.

It was all the more impressive because it comes from RNG roulette only.

Well done!  :thumbsup:

General Discussion / Re: BRAINSTORMING THREAD
August 04, 2017, 11:19:21 PM
A very interesting post on Random Numbers is here:

August 04, 2017, 11:14:52 PM
Oh dear...that sounds like a very frustrating process and situation to be in.  Still, I guess you must think it's going to be worth all the aggravation.

May I make a suggestion?

In your T&C's where you have the list of exclusions add some wording to briefly explain why they are being excluded.

At the moment there are no reasons given, and readers could forgiven for thinking you are being unreasonably discriminatatory!

You could add a positive spin by suggesting they check back regularly to see if their country is off the list.

Meanwhile, good luck with your application(s).
August 03, 2017, 10:56:46 PM
Yes, you've answered the question. Thank you.  :thumbsup:

Now for two more questions  ;)

You write "We are working towards getting our EU license..."

Why does it take so long?

What is involved in the process?
July 31, 2017, 04:33:37 AM
I see you have just withdrawn 4000 euros clear profit from your RNG casino account.  Well done, Petr !  Very well done. :applause:

That is an amazing achievement against RNG, especially as you started with just 400e.

Your software clearly shows the value of statistics as a betting guide, when used by an expert such as yourself.

Now that you've reset your bank to 1000 I'll be interested to see if the RNG software turns against you, as so often happens.  Perhaps if the number of maximum drawdowns starts to increase that could be an indicator.

Meanwhile, here's to your next withdrawal...Prost!  :beer:

General Discussion / Re: @Stephen Tabone
July 27, 2017, 08:26:28 AM
Quote from: Mike on July 27, 2017, 07:41:20 AM
So has Stephen left? I assume that when you are no longer a sponsor you give up the right to advertise your wares on the forum. Is that correct?

Quote from: greenguy on July 26, 2017, 10:43:39 AM
Quote from: esoito on July 25, 2017, 11:58:21 PM

Whatever happened to Common Sense? Whatever happened to ignoring attempts to wind people up?

Whatever happened to me being taken off post moderation?

You're actually on the Watch list. 

Make the right choices in your posts and you won't end up back on post moderation or worse.

It's entirely up to you.

July 26, 2017, 04:13:52 AM
I note these exclusions in the T&Cs:

not to be a resident of Afganistan, Antigua & Barbuda, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Libya, Macau, Mynamar, Netherlands, N. Korea, Philippenes, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Spain, Sudan,, Syria, Turkey, UK, USA (please be aware of particular country exclusions for Casino – Games – Live Casino, Poker and Bingo)

Not good advertising to see many major nations from Europe, the Americas and the Antipodes being excluded!

Quote from: alrelax on July 26, 2017, 02:17:24 AM
I only have one question.,,, did you invent a pricing strategy yet for your forthcoming book???  And how many parts???  And will you strategize it so you have to buy the future books to actually figure anything out?  Oops 3 questions,

My Golden Stream marketing strategy will  answer all those excellent questions.  :thumbsup:

They buy Version 1 Basic but soon find alternate pages are blank apart from a message telling them Version 2 contains the missing information. 

The strategy repeats for each of the following versions.

Version 10 is the last one in the Basic editions, but we have plans for Intermediate and Advanced editions, each of which will have 20 versions.

But wait -- it gets better.  In our unique pricing strategy (to answer that question) Version 1 starts off at $10.  Each version thereafter increments by $10. So, for example, version 8 costs $80, of course. 

Income also flows from the other versions and editions. The justification for the price increases is that you're learning more and more of great value.

I expect by now you can see why I call it the Golden Stream.  :nod:

Version 10 Basic summarises the two things buyers will have learned by then. These are:

1  there's one born every minute

2  fools and their money are easily parted

And for having bought all 10 Basic versions they will receive in the mail a free, pointed hat wear to with pride.

It's the eye-dee-ten-tea hat.   And it looks like this:  ID10T

[Caveat emptor....caveat lector!]

Who needs a TV when there's massive entertainment right here on your friendly forum?

We're currently overdosing on libel...slander...solicitors...lawsuits...threats...he said this...she said that...no I didn't...lawyers...torts (I love jam torts)...and other demonstrations of childish playground behaviour.

Yep. All that and more on a gambling forum that in the wider scheme of things is basically no more than a pimple on the bum of life.

Whatever happened to Common Sense? Whatever happened to ignoring attempts to wind people up?

I commend this to you all: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2017/02/what_ever_happened_to_common_sense.html

And -- guess what?  You can even buy his book on Amazon. Wow. Fancy that.

That is, of course, if you've got any money left after buying book after book after book -- ad nauseum -- on playing baccarat. (Caveat Emptor...Caveat Lector.)

Now I haven't told you before about all my degrees, have I? I'm currently working on my PhD thesis which is loosely titled The Sociology of Forums And The Role Of Common Sense.

After reading the latest chapter my supervisor reckons she hasn't laughed so much in a long while.

I mention all that so you know I write with authority (lolol) and please do keep an eye out for my latest book. It will be called The Stupidity Of Humanity.  Might even be available on Amazon as well. (Caveat Emptor...Caveat Lector.)

Me taking sides in this pathetic saga?  Nope.  The only side I'm on is The Side of Common Sense.  ;) Well...sort of...
It's both interesting and very frustrating -- several items have censored written across them.

That's fine.  But how exactly can we make them uncensored?  (Assuming that's possible, of course.)

Are we supposed to register with the forum and then -- hey presto -- all is revealed?


Just to clarify...When I noted "Those who think flat betting is a no-no really should keep an open mind."  that was for inside numbers -- definitely not EC !!

That was why I went on mention the 2 successful members who flat bet groups of inside numbers only.

Quote from: Chimp on July 18, 2017, 04:35:13 AM
So who are the winners?  Did they demonstrate this or just self proclaiming?   

Good questions. 

1  They'll reveal themselves if they wish to. Not for me to do that.

2  Definitely demonstrated -- and not self-proclaimed -- on inside numbers only.