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Messages - esoito

General Discussion / Re: Certainty and control
November 05, 2012, 05:47:35 AM
"  G. U. T. may look great to some of the members here but as any other systems, it fails to produce anything in long run."

Maybe...maybe not.

But 2CS  seems to be doing very nicely in the short term.

Perhaps that's the way to use this sort of system?

Top bookmakers in a huge list of countries:  http://www.top100bookmakers.com/countries/

International Trifecta/Tricast/Tierce Betting:  http://www.internationaltrifectabetting.com/

Lots of countries and regions covered:  http://www.worldcasinodirectory.com/

Betting on financial markets:  https://www.betonmarkets.com/d/c_Start.cgi?l=GB&skin=PORTAL

Betting in India:  http://www.indiabet.com/betting-information

Betting in New Zealand:  http://www.nzracing.co.nz/Goracing/BettingGuide.aspx

Free bets in Australia:  http://www.freebetsfree.com.au/

Australian sports betting:  http://www.aussportsbetting.com/

A contrarian investor is one who deliberately decides to go against the prevailing wisdom of other investors.

Let's use this thread for exploring bets that go against ' conventional wisdom '.

Brainstorming will be a useful approach. It's a group problem-solving technique in which members spontaneously share ideas.

NB:  When brainstorming there are no "right" and no "wrong" ideas. 

Hopefully this thread will soon contain contrarian approaches proposed by others that can be tested, debated and refined.

Filtering and refining takes place during testing, of course.


AND THE POSTER WILL QUITE LIKELY BE SHOWN THE DOOR. (No room for that sort of person here.

So come on, folks, let's post our ideas without fear or favour. 

(If we get enough interest I'll make it a sticky, and open up a sister thread for posting test results of contrarian ideas)

General Discussion / Re: Certainty and control
November 03, 2012, 11:44:05 PM
Quote from: NoBody on November 03, 2012, 04:35:10 PM

It fascinates me, but annoys me because I am nowhere near a bet/system yet.


NoBody ^.^

A Suggestion: 

Take a look at the GUT thread.

But before you watch the video(s) dip into the GUT Resources sticky to gain an overall understanding. (Otherwise you won't understand the videos)

Then watch the video(s)

Maybe there's something there for you...maybe not.  Your decision, of course!
General Discussion / Re: Why "Bet Selection"?
November 03, 2012, 12:04:30 AM
A very thoughtful response.  :thumbsup:

Looking forward to specifics and the proposed thread.
OK, Al.

You've explained and clarified your position very well.

Quote from: albalaha on October 31, 2012, 05:13:29 AM
Most of the so-called systems simply lack any logic. Testings are always done upon small pieces of data. It leads to wrong conclusions regarding playability of any system, in long run.

Judging from your recent and several negative posts it sounds as though this forum is not going to suit you, no matter what people say or try.

The door is over there...

Straight-up / Re: WINKEL'S G.U.T: Some Resources Listed
October 31, 2012, 10:45:20 PM
Quote from: albalaha on October 31, 2012, 07:32:55 AM
It doesn't matter whether you bet dynamic set of numbers or static ones. Success lies in intelligent money management and a bit of luck.

It would be useful if you started a thread on money management.

Then we can all learn from your wisdom on the topic.
Quote from: albalaha on October 31, 2012, 03:57:50 AM

Lots of writings, Nothing worth learning.

There's always something worth learning -- even if it's learning what NOT to do.

Quote from: topcat888 on October 30, 2012, 06:55:03 AM

Would it be possible to automate it in anyway to avoid the mistakes etc..?

YES. It a CLICKER will do this.

A clicker automatically places chips according to instructions it receives either directly from the player, or from its own internal code.

That's why I've already mentioned the need several times in this thread.

Victor is aware and has added it to his to-do list for once his current contract work has ended.

Quote from: TwoCatSam on October 29, 2012, 08:37:06 PM

I have to work very hard to not make mistakes.  Mistakes are my undoing.  Even in my office I get very confused and bet wrong.  Sometimes I catch it; sometimes not.


A clicker really would help enormously. It would give you more time to analyse what to do, thereby reduce the chances of missing an opportunity.

General Discussion / Re: What's this site about?
October 28, 2012, 07:19:12 AM
A BIG welcome, X X V V !!!!

Great to see you here. 

You can be sure your thoughtful and insightful posts will be extremely well received indeed.

You've made my day.  :thumbsup:
Sam...just a couple of thoughts...


What about you put your tutorials and videos into a separate, locked thread that only you access?

And keep this one for questions and discussion.

Otherwise the "meaty bits" will be buried and lost amongst all the "noise".

Makes sense, hmmm?


There's a very strong case for commissioning a GUT clicker (as part of a GUT tracker) that would automatically place the chips.

I watched Video #2 (the edited one) and one thing was clear: 

when there were 2 sets of chips to be placed 


the timer-countdown...

... it was so easy to become confused, inaccurate and muddled.

That IS NOT a criticism -- it's simply an observation based on what was happening in the video and that would DEFINITELY APPLY TO ME AS WELL.  I don't function at all well under pressure!

So if I'm going to use GUT I would definitely be wanting semi-automation of chip placement.

Victor is pretty busy at the moment,  but once he's more available....

Quote from: TwoCatSam on October 27, 2012, 06:18:35 PM

But look at this!

Anyone interested?


Well done.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Your patience is rewarded. And -- oh mate -- you sure have to be patient with GUT!

Nice one, Sam.  Drinks are on you tomorrow!

It's really good to see something like this working so well.