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Messages - from100

Gizmo, you posted after I turn off laptop in the evening and, in Europe, we are just waking up!

In your 3rd dozen I only see that chops are becoming rare?!

Few questions more, if that is all right:
If that are dozens, how come there 4 of them?
What are the numbers on the right.

Sorry if it is all known stuff, but for me it first time....


Waiting for triggers (virtual bets)?
Well you have it as 1-4-7 =  P PB P BB P BP
Thanks Gizmo, many of us lost souls in a roulette world...
Even chance / Re: Flat Bet for correction
July 16, 2016, 04:12:14 AM
Thanks Alberto!
How many spins needed for that?
Thanks for putting it all together, AD!
Multiple locations / Re: Romanosky Betting Charts
July 10, 2016, 06:53:11 AM
Here it was, this link was working before

Thanks Boss!
Bayes' Blog / Re: Runs & Gaps
June 10, 2016, 02:17:30 PM
Thanks!  :thumbsup:

One question:

In testing VdW on 8 th spin (or 6th or 7th)... have you waited 7 spins and then place a bet if there was opportunity? All other spins were just watching?

Roulette Forum / Re: Lw method links information
June 04, 2016, 06:03:13 PM
Thanks Nick, very appreciate!
Quote from: Big EZ on June 01, 2016, 11:37:29 AM
VDW applied to my 15 most recent baccarat shoes

Thanks Big!

You must do something very different from us, as how can you get so many wins in 9 spins?!
Or there is something that I don't get?
Can you post some examples of your play?
Thanks Nick!

I also noticed not much later wins.
Maybe you can sort out statistic of how many wins on 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th spins ....
Thanks Nick!

I tried VdW manual and it does not place bet on 9th spin at all...

And RNG also not placing bets in some obvious situations eg. RRBRBBBR, it should bet on B in 9th spin for 3-6-9 and BRBR i should bet for 1-3-5?